autos, drones


pour Tituli Editions.
Delattre Pierre Vincent
Seousse, revue de Poésie. Bonduelle Chrisstine
Le mache lourin, revue d'éditions de poésie. Bonduelle/Bodaert



Qui suis-je ? se dit Pierre ce matin là. Au fond. Le miror de la B lui ronge son image habiuelle. Propre. Bien aux normes avec ses lentilles de contact Google, sa mâchoire orthodontée,s on menton rasé de rais, le le jeu de capeurs lui confirment qu'il ne devient que marginalement de ses habitudes de vie. 138, 60 88.
N'était-il qu'un homme aux normes, par 7G rien d'autre ? Non pourtant, puisqu'il avait été immédiatement reconnu, donc dans sa singularité. Normal, lui avait dit un ami informaticien : les dispositfs santaderd mesurent presque en permanence une centaine de paramètres avec une précision du centième. soit 100**100 valeurs.

Mas plus, sa culure. Cent fois trop.
Et, plus profond, tout son passé, tout ce qu'il sait de lui-meme, et bien sûr tout ce que le S a enregistré sur lui depuis sa naissant.. pardon, depuis le projet d'enfant qu'avait conçu sa famille, ce travail artistieque et d'ingéniere aui avait semblé idéal à cde moent. Non pas le banal "numéro", comme on disait au 19e siècle, le matricule de la chair à canon, mais la combinaisont des désirs de tous pour eux-mêmes, pour le bien et les besoins de la société, avec l'aide et l'encouragemet du système mondial de reproduction de l'humanité et toutes ses décinaisons universelles et plus locales.

Aujourdhui, moi, tel qu'un aucuatnre.
Et tel que je me suis construit, erreur de plus en plus volontariste avec la montée de la matiruté.
Que veux-je ? Que puis-je ? Que me demande le monde ? Ce matin, pas de constaintes urgentes. Sinon j'aurais été alerté dès mon réveil, voire réveillé en cours de nuit si nécessaire.

Eh oui, il n'y en a pas deux comme moi sur toute la planète. Et c'est bien pour cela que je devarfis me prparer mon pettit déjeuner, car on m'attend à une réuion dont depénet de ... Dépend? Comme la tem^pête aux US dépend du papillon japonais.

AVE tranquil. A small harmonic arrangemnet on the street oise, the pace( steps) of the neighbors, and ma heart break.

I go to the news. little high pitc lets think hat acceleration is above normal. The glbal HC index score on competitivty sacle has lost a 0.001 up yesterday, with the annoucemnets by Arnagon that htey can suppress the pickers and checkers (*) by more clever industrial robot. No change on the high part of the scale. And a very good news on my speciality, HMI artis, since irregularities have been found in a transportation system; then bug checkers and problem solvers are more in demand. It's due, alas, also partly to human deficiencies to use the control surfaces of these devices, then the apparition of non adapted behavior by the controller. More difficult to diagnose. Or course, the good trend applies also to psychologis and HR clash solvers.

I see Adges, the oldest of us, now 110 and still valued on the market, since he has an excellent, practical and intuivite, memory of a lot of things tha happened long ago. Of course we have files and videos about them, but not the kind of feeling that he can have. And sometimes not with the ad hoc parameters we need, and that he is sometimes able to reconsruct from his memory.

On the H/H conflicts scene... East European countries are once again in conflict. Nothhing very dangerous up to now. And certainly nothing to connect to the train crash ot two days ago. Al Jazerrah is silent on this wquestion. Take note, nevertheless, that 13 American drones have been lost in a drone/drone dogfight avove Ukraine.

Hence there is a sort of contradition: human deficiencies call for humans to cure them with complex effects of the HC index, and possibly brutal changes when deficient humans can be replaceb by machines. The morning commentator talks a little about that. Then some automated texts about weather and global enviroment, Stock Exchanges indes, etc. And not bad commercials to pepper the whole.

The family around


Le transport

D'ailleurs, j'entends déjà s'approcher le véhicule de la société qui est bvenu se garer devant la grille du jardin. Elle a profité du crénea enter les pointes de 7h45 et 8h20 por se glisser dans le réseau souvent encombre de la résidence. La voiture roule dans un grand tube de plasitque, qui récupère la chaleur en hiver.

La réunion porte sur le développement d'un nouvel appareil auto-reproducteur, le S veut mon avis, mon expérience, et mon regard direct sur le processus. Sinon il ne m'aurait pas demandé de me déplacer. S'ils m'envoient chercher, c'est que je ne peux faire le travail à distance.

Dans la voiture, S me propose de prépqaere la réunion, affich su tableau des enjeux et des posiions du groupe. Au passage, je note qu'Henri a changé de poste hier, et que la puissance du système domotique de l'entrperise a été doublée.

Au passage, la voiture s'arrete et embarque un autre membre de la compagnie. Covoiture écologique indispensable. Puis l'on rjoint une des grandes artères, et la voiture accélère pour s'insérer dans un peloton.

Je met tout de suie ma petite laine... pas question de chauffer à plus de 18 degrés dans un emaison particulière. Et, meme avec l'habitude, le pyjama ne suffit pas.

Petit déjeuner classique, mais pas d'emballage. La livraison a été faite par un automate sous containers personnalisés.

La voiture est petite, cabine pour deux, ceinture de sécurité. Economique, aérodynamique. Tiens ce matin, ils m'ont envoyé le dernier modèle.
Optimisation de la charge, électrique bien sûr doucement ronronnant (si on prend la peine de l'écouter)
Qu'est-ce qu'ils vont encore avoir inventé ?
J'arrive à la réunion, salle est décorée. Le deisgner est passé par là. Pas d'acrans partout, petit. Quelques LED.

Il fait froid quand même.


Our child, Amy, has worked well on his tablet leart what had to be learned, and went to school for practice. Social practice today. They are to build a log cabin and organize the life around. They will also tend the school garden and animals.

Amy goes to scholl alone. Child abuse is to day impossible, since children (as anybody but with specially enforced conditions. More precisely, all the GAVs of a family are connected, and presented with several aspects of community.

When the children reach the school, a synthesis of their body and mind states is presented to the coach.


Al is dissatisfied with the present companion, and tries to change their life conditions. He is not a computer geek, and then imagines a calamit to foster his avancement as mechanical engineer.
These bad feelings have been recorded and perceived by GS. But, up to now, there is no problem.

Then, one day, he finds a fault in a system where he could do real damage.



La procréation


L'amour sans préservatif, car les parcours de partenaires et le suivi constant permet de connaitre les malaies. Encore que les microbes évoluant si vite, on ne sait plus tres bien quand même. Quand à la procréation, le strilet que la femme pourrait porter. Mais cela ferait prolème, on ne fait plus d'enfants comme cela. Régulation au niveau de l'ovulaion même et spermatozoides munis de chips.

Tante Françise, c'est elle qui ma porté dans la phase centrale de la grossesse, entre l'emrbyon et ce qu préparait l'accouchetn? Alors Thquoi, il était resté près d'elle. Tante Françoise est en fin de vie, à 125 ans, elle perdu beaucoup de ses facultés et les anti-douleurs ne font pous firn. Elle ne tient plus à la vie, et devient une lourde charge pour tout le monde. Son maintien en vie serait très coûteux en ressourcdes rares (produtis, compétences spécialisé).

During the pregnancy, Hshea has had an extra chif loaded inside the vagina bottom, to monitor specific data about the embryo.

Menace miliantire, un drone inconnu a survolé la ville. Il a été capturé par un chasseur de drones.

The meeting

On s'approche du siège, le président me fait un petit signe, content de me voir, bien que inquitétues.
Enfin nous sommes ensemble, six autour de la table, en position de débat.

I must fight to show ma competence, my uniqueness. The richness of my proprietary bases. I feel that the boss it nos so happy with all that, feels pressure on himself to crush the budgets. By itself the cost of this physical reunion.

The chat goes on, then the boss makes a gesture, that machines as well as participants interpret as an invitation to enter in the formal agenda. The AVE augments its level with some more DB and slower bass drum. Then it senses that we are now sat and ready to listen to the boss, and it decreases its level to a nearby slence, letting ghe boss a nearly silence envirement, with minimal greeneries mobing and turning to low key abstract moving shapes.

After a moment, the boss says



During the meeting.
Message from the S. We have found new elements about the case. Look on the left of the object, probably a trace of dioxine... *

At 10.47, there is a flash on the wall at left of the boss, the classical place for general external events. The flash is green and not highlghted, so it means that the news is not critical and does not demand immediate answer.


After a momnet, the Boss says: "Now we have to work under super-confidential conditions. As usual in this case, let all your things here, go to the dressing cabin and to the Faradized rom.b Please let here all material you have, and get in a dressing cabin.

We are now all dressed only with anti-radiation T-shirts, bermudas and tongs. To make it clear, the Faraday coppere grid has been let visible over the panels of acoustic moss.
The secretary alone has a paper notepad and pain pencil.
On a table lays a broken bold, with some other parts around. These nuts and bolts have been found on the casualty site. Note in particular this one, broken,and probably the main cause of the accident.
All our technical exams tend to prove that the break was natural, without human mischief. But I wanted to have your direct visual and tactile impressions (you can handle it, any finger prints or traces have been taken and removed already, and I want all your tactile feeling).

Joan, the metals expert : I don't remark anything.
Phil, the psychologist: "Welle, the break line has a too much regular look, and is too nicely cut into the middle of the bold. It's "too much normal", too welle done. See what I mean ? The perfect spy has always a perfectly normal look.
- I nod, and add: "Even a artists would considered that a little too regular".
- But we found no material irregularity
- Have you traced the fab process all along ?
- Yes.. but I must say that we have a... very short ... gap between sites Acc and Dect. Its is not totally impossible
somebody had interfered at this moment.
- Very improbable, smirks Arthur, who refrains a visible urge to call somebody, but has no means, of course.
- Humm..
- OK, Phil, you mark a point. Other comments?
- Jack : How then anything could have been done without letting any trace?
- Strong efforts or vibrations begin some kind of crich, but that does not let trace if there is not a sufficient delay for dust or grease come into before the casualty time.
- OK. Enough. We can go back to normal meeting.

Everybody gets back its clothes and finds his things on the meeting romme.

Coming back to the meeting room, everybody and takes his march, .. around what has been saie,

The gloval AV enviroment adapt, a little soothing to calm the stress created by Phil's quesions. I feel that mysel. I cound not say anything from my artist point. Bht there is some spice emerging around

- Now, I wil just put shis question anonymousmly into the enquiry system.

They leave the room and go for a well deserved lunch in a nearby restaurant, walking along tree lines. The dining room has no windows, it is low lihgted and sound cut from the external, but they perceive the sophisticated light and sound enviroment, integrated, and progressively adjusting to their presence.

The restaurant servicinng S has taken some studes as soon as the resevration has been made : quality of (corporate) customers, number of people, past in this restaurant, what can be foreseen of their desires from publicly available data, plus the comments made with the reservation.

As soon as they are seated...

Molecular cooking. Semi vegetarian. Creative presentations. Sort of 3D printing of meals. Texture.


Back at home

At last I come back at home. For several days. Just walking of bike.

End of life

Agex feels weak. GE feels it, but, knowing Agex, does not recacts more than with a sort of friendly wink.

The Agex PE is working hard to help him now. And, probably, because it knows that he is dying, begins to call for family and friends. It knows that MedS cannot do more, now, than palliative cures.
Agex, aides with his PE, has made all the posible to make things easy for the FamS.

The FamS cooperates with PE to send moral warmth and help him pass the last step. They know administrative issues are correctly prepared. Anyway, GS does also its work. They make sure that all relevant data is correctly stored (part of it resolutely destroyed). The fate of his private archives was discussed in due time.

In fact, there has been some disputes about several of my assets. The family house near Instea (Italy) has a non negligible value, morally as well as economicalle. Agex hopes that everything is settled, but you an never know. One of his heirs, or why not some Administrator, man or S, could waked up above his grave and question the wole arrangement.




I. An artist designer, digitally oriented
The Boss

Agex. An old (distant) parent
Al. A friend of me.
Amy, child of I and Fam
Fam, my family, with core : Hshea, my present companion, and Amy, our child
Phil. A psychologist.



- Metals, even aluminum and steel, are considered expensive. The major part of objects is done with biological processes. And thas has consequences upon the shapes of objects and the way they behave and are used.

- Nanotech.

- Transportation of persons. : voitures/cabines automatisées, se mettant en peloton sur les axes de grande circulation. Ils sont électriques et circulent souvent dans des tunnels pour récupérer les calories, empêcher le bruti. Aménagement intérieur libre.
- Transportation of goods. Automated vans logisgtics. Drones. Platoons, swarms.
- Les biens des personnes sont essentiellement immatériels. Quelques objets fortement symboliques. Propriété privée : son propre corps. Environnement physique ? Possibilité de capitalisation ?

- Voyou machines, viruses

- Matter : textures, distances.
- Bugs : cognifive dissonance. The

- Evolution technologique générale très rapide.
- Everybody speaks English in public life. Local or specific langauges are used in closes circles, family. Automated translation relaxes this constraint, but for cases of rapide and important interaction.

- Reproduction humaine, processus de design par un "conseil familial" assisté d'expert, notament d'un artiste. Genetics, embryology education and self-mastering are considered a continuous process, all involving not only the individual but also the society, escorted by machines. Designers, some specialized, contribute to the different processes.
- Genre: choix personnel tenant compte du génétique.

- Euthanasia. Like birth, a collective decisional process. With the concerned person, the family around, friends, and pubic authorities. Takes in account peoples nees and desires, but also global satisfaction.
Keeping aged, crippled and ill people in life has direct consequences on resources available for the others. At death, recording and sealin of data. The peersonal website is adapted.

- Brain to computer interfaces have been prohibited, since incompatible with normal and sound human life. They are licit only for some serious handicapped cases.

- Beyond the "standard" human design, special conditiosn are allowed for experience. The risks must be consciously accepted by the person, and go along with re-inforcec monitoring by the community, or must be practiced in protected places (deserts, other planets, or confined environments).

- The World is globally controlled by a democratic system, and humans only have the right to vote. But the power of machines is de facto much more important, and human votes cannot really beat them That is due to the mere nature of machines, anyway.

- A vast majority of humans is unemployed, in the traditional sense. Some have real responsibilities in the operations. The others are "amateurs", of "family operators".

- There are no jail. Dangerous persons are rendered harmless by restriction of their access to activities and if necessary by sedation. Crimes and offenses are punished by reduction of economic and civil power.

- There is not properly a distinction between "sound" and "ill" persons. Life is considered a permanently risky mode of existence, and aided by PS and ES.

- All machines are connected, at various rates and intenity according to their functions. Humans are connected mainly through medias, which are technological communication processes, be they material ("medium", such as oil painting or video) or structural (TV chain, websites).
- School. Mainly social groups to make exercises on competencies. Knowledge properly speaking is got from machines.

- Machines know everything abouth machines. The ad infinitum process, recursion.

- Robots are humanoid only as far as it helps for communication with humans. A humanoid shape, particularly a face, is a sort of HMI. Among robots, more efficient communication ways are used. They don't need the complex communication systems of humans.

- Animals. Pets. The traditional biological pets have been forbidden for long, since they are excessively costly in terms of feeding, cleanliness, etc.

- The bio-artists foresee what a genetic process will do : code-programming, ADN-epigenetics

- Authorization, trek, beyod normal conditions and practices. With drugs, enhancments etc. Risk accepted. Socially monitored.

- Crime. Diffile de faire des crimes physiquement, du fait de la surveillance constante
The cheaters hackers. They constantly attempt/try to ga around the S security, create works of art, glithc.
The generative/creative.
Once a person is qualified cheater (or other criminal, or trekkist), the S has different behaviours
- reduce his rights (possibly augment certain reignts), including rights to privacy
-augment its surveilalnce/monitorign
- accept/propose a kind of "partnership"

- Organization of society in general. Democracy.

- Rights of machine.
protection, privacy
sanctions for ill use, right to kill
It's forbidden to make them suffer.

The machine/animals convergence
robot animas
experimentatino less restricted

- Property.
. material assets
. knowledge, proces assets

The risk takers.
Adult, hyperadult.
Special exams, control and monitoring. Also rewards.

- Robot ethics. See Asimov.
As machines become more clever and more bio, the law must evolve in order to /
- regulate/control machines (Asimos spirit, but he proves that finally you cannot succed
- regulate human attitudes and behaviors in respecdt to robot.

There is no reason to postulate equality between machines, as well as between animal species.
Races, brans.

Machines have a kind of fraternity. R

No "papers", no cards.

Inter-machines strucures and organizations
- multicore, GPU
- cells, metazoabs
- neurojal nets
shapes : blades, farms, nets, rhizomes, society, vote (the first Shuttle bug)

Standards, communication standards, formats, protocols

HMI : graft, implant, nano machines, blood, robots as HMI. KB, WII/Kinect, motion capture, expression analysis

HMC. Human machine competitivity.
obesity becomes a real problèm. In that time, made more difficult by aliments,, consts

Machines strucdtures.
Montesquieu. Séparation des pouvoirs.

My PS communicates with other persons' PS more rapidly than I with them.


How are structures built, or build themselves.



Privacy issue.
The machines know everything, globallyu. Then the key issue is to congrol the communication between macines, leaks, penalties if abuse.

Machines know everything about me : tastes, limits, past (genetics, education, health), my present status, and the potential (abilisites, risks, addictions), previsible future.
Present : you are here (GPS, cell phone) , doing such sort of things, in company of such and such persons.
temperament, bank account, legal status, family linds.
They have some idea of what would be good for me (health), my family, society.

Cure/enhancemnet, chirugy, drugs.

Book. Paper documents;.

They behave accordinglu /
propose/afford/prevent/punish, let do
alert, advise, help, aid/assist.

I behave accodingly. Machine as a miror. Am I the most beautiful of all.

What can I hide? What can I decide freely? (What is freedom in general).
How far can I do things differents of what machines think I am and will do.
Je me pose en m'opposant. And that is which is interesgint.

Know the "dead angle"

- Surveillance permaente et approfondie de toutes les personnes (et machines). A high number of sensors makes avoidance practically impossible. A disparition would be immediately detected. This surveillance has not only police and toll uses, but is used for constantly adjusted environments (temperature, soud, wind current, projections when not too expensive).

- My global external image. Patrimony, fame etc. Who accesses. My personal copy of it.

- Long term analysis and projective functions are constantly used, parlty in real time, to contribute in any decision.
. The Larsen/abime effects of environmenta adjustment. Have to learn it, the S also.
- There is a full continuum between "real reality" and "virtual reality", though many levels and structures of augmented reality.
- Robots : les machines sont omni-présentes, mais elles ne prennent des formes humanoides que quan cela est utile aux relations avec les humains.
- Relation directe à partir du cerveau. Interdite comme incompatible avec le fonctionnemnet humain. Autorisé seulement pour certains handicaps.
- Tout emplacdement a un environnement audiovisuel intégré constamment adapté aux personnes qui s'y trouvent, à leurs activités et à leurs goût
- Décision: les humains sont essentiellement des décideurs. Mais qu'y a-t-il à décider.
- Cooking. Ecologic and sound. No high animal meat. Milk and eggs are obtained by soft ways, respectful of animal life.
- Constant regulation, with alimentation and drugs on a continuum.

To deal with : physical evolution of humans?
Evolution of diseases?



FamS. The Family and its information system
GAV(E) General audio-visual enviroment
GE. General environment
MedS. The medical system
PAV(E). Personal audiovisual environment. Filtering and completing the local GAV, wit goggles (or lenses) and earplugs.
PE. Personal environment

Pickers and checkers: workers in a semi-automated warehouse and logistics site.


