1. Introduction
2. The bricks and subparts/multiples
Shape, orientation, connecting mode.
Historical evolution
Upward orientation. Houses. Trains/cars
3. Complex bricks, generally with meaning, or special functionalities
Paintings and stitches
4. Mobile parts. Wheels, shafts, etc.
Evolution with time. Miniaturization
5. Technical Lego
6. Motors, electricity, lights, Mindstorms
The 2 versions. 1st one more "engineering", 2d one more game, and huùanoid
1st version with a divided plastic container. 2d version only bags.
7. Lego software
1st Version. Details, Windows
2d Version. Just say...
Without real link.
Does it subsist
8. Complement Lego with custom developments
Planes (to reduce the number of bricks
- Switches
- Electrical feed
- Care cams
9. Meaning analysis
Thematics. Mindsotrm II, more humanoid and fantasy. Less construction machines.
10. Art
Pleasant colors
How to make the story longer
- simple longer reduction, one more couple of gears/pulleys
- sequence of different moves
- introduction of sensors
- diversify the outputs. Lignts, sounds. LEDS, my small system. é
Implies having a way of presenting the various effectors. A larger surface. Or smaller presentations.
Then I can choose solutions for the different "effects"
- in space: disposition on the plane, the stage
-in time, succession of phases, or "loop"
- recursion in mechanical objects
Have a real time clock external
My pendulum clock.
-pilote the whole from a computer through Arduino boards
I cannot use only Lego. Too limited in Electronics.
Costly for large parts. Not resistant enough (plates).
Use other component, other materials. Glue.
Cut into Lego parts
Levels of compatitility/assembly
Electrical. Pb with voltage. Make a feed at 12V, then a major part on 9V for Lego parts.
Adjust with resistors to protect low voltage deveices (LED's)
Lego clubs
The number of parts : form + color. And impossible to buy the parts you need. Only some parts are in PAB, a sale gimmick more than an engineering approach
Electricity: nothing progressive
Construction kits
Cheap ersatezs
Molds to cast characters. Clay, then lead.
3D software
Electronic assembly games.
3D software in general
Camera from the "box" to systems around monolens reflexes.
Simplification with time.
Jon Lazar. Arduino and Lego Projects. Cool Custom Lego Projects. On the web. weak.
Playmobil. Expo au musée des arts déco http://www.lesartsdecoratifs.fr/francais/arts-decoratifs/expositions-23/archives-25/il-etait-une-fois-playmobil/ 2009/2010
a generative grammar for Lego.
Pb curves
not isotropic
Afol. Adults fan of Lego.
Each component has (not all) levels of connectivity
And art must bring coherence.
The different kinds of Lego are not much thought to for combination. Techic, girls, fantasy, mindstorms...
A lot of very specific parts in Mindstorms.
Rounded and composite beams. Very little brick/hole connection?
Faire un manuel de montage
Bricks. The basic 8. Subsets. Assembly
Axes/wheels, gers
Beams. Former Technic, different with Mindstorms