Futur en Seine 2014
At Paris Gare du Nord, Control No Control, by Daniel Iregui
In Enghien
1- In the Station. Heart*Full Kabuda Ishida. An optimistic vision. Pump and make the stars dance.
2. Capture and
Persstigraf & Dyskograf.
Faces, by Catherine Ikam and Louis Fleri
World sound mix.
The Nemesis machine. Stanza
5- Paris Enghien pub. A 3D stereo bichromic screen. Keiichi Matsuda
6. Espace Pinaud. sensors in the sand, vocal messages. Green reception, red, emission + video about Bains 2014 . Sandbox Etmoiegmoietmoi
7. Ikam/Fleri Oscar 2005 (identity).
8. Villa du lac. Screens under bubble with parasols FOG. Voice-landscape project. . FOG, Formule organique gazéifiée.
9. V ideos by Ran Slavin
10. Mediatheque. Hillaire photos. Photomobiles, with a smarthone.
11. Videos by Ran Slavin11. MC2 (cinema). Ecan, Ran Slavin 2010
12. FLoating stage
13. Pergola nova. Pas vu
14. Auditorium des thermes
15. Bauer. Le cercle
16. Domestic Robocop, Keichi Matsuda
17. History of stereo. No contemporary work.
18. Videos by students
Shows and performances.
Sophie Lavaud : http://www.sophielavaud.org/?cat=8
Cube http:
Festi from 12 to 22
Digital Aesthetics http://www.futur-en-seine.fr/fens2014/en/projet/esthetiques-numeriques-digital-aesthetics/
Innovation village from 12 to 15
Ircam http://www.ircam.fr/calendrier.html?event=1368
Tomorrow, art will be free and generous
"Tomorrow, art will be free and generous" was the title of a "manifesto session"
"Creators have difficulty to conceive that there are no limits now". The Parisians are more lockes than provincial creators.
The first thing we do is paroddy/
How to widen the field ?
Jon Satrom. Transh.
Gomaritz. everything done by hand, not by algorithms.
To open the debate wider, "polemical annotation" was offered via Twitter.
Innovation Village
A happy mixture, as always, the 2013 venue of Futur en Seine let come to air a lot of products and projects, from the most practical digital tools to fundamental research. The stand holders may be as well comercial corporations as humanitarist NGOs or research labs of any size. All that under the cover of Paris City, ANR (Agence nationale de la recherche, National research agency) or Cap Digital (a networking structure for the Ile-de-France region). Art is not central, but is at ease as a neighbour of games for kids.
Networking and social lines blurring are, we think, the most interesting aspect of such a show. Here, in crowded narrow passages between stands, kids can meet scientists and philosophers may ask questions to salesmen. The whole thing makes palpable the digital dynamics of Paris and Ile-de-France region.
Just to make it palpable by our readers, let's tive some typical examples, more or less art oriented.
Cigm a somehow original response. It may be used interactively. The project is developed notably by Judith Guez at H2H (human to human) laboratory, a partnership of Paris 8 University and several business corporations.
Outilnum is an extension of the virtual camera of Rémy Quittard. Design to make easier the integration of filmed scenes into a virtual universe, it is now able to integrate real time operators, usine a Kinect sensor.
Critical, by Anabela Costa detects the presence of spectators faces of spectators, and generate artistic effects (representation of physical phase changes) responding to their distance and attitudes. It uses the Artifract language developed by Inria.
Cocktail is a performance played in 2013 at Centre Pompidou (center of Paris), where the museum as well as the works are progressiveley made liquid, leading to a final drowning of the whole building. It could be transformed in a downloadable individual game. But its use in public requires the solution to image property rights with the museum and the authors of the exposed works of art.
ADN, Digital double agency, creates high definition 3D models of actors, which afterwards can be animated by motion capture.
Cac 40 game, by Florent Deloison, is not more, at first look, than a rather simplistic video game : press the good key on the good time to meet a succession of color spots. But the artistic project gooes deeper, The music, generated from the values of the Cac 40 (the main stock exchange index in France) and is mixed with the inputs from the player. So it can be seen as a way to awaken conscience of the financial constant flow of values and the capacity to respond.
Wifeel stirs emotional dialogue with a simple tool : a palette of some 50 expressions, presented on the screen of a smartphone as emoticons. Combined with geolocalization, it may be used for "emotional trackin" (for instance, generating an map of emotions at a given moment. Or it can be used by somebody to memorize its emotions in different circumstances and afterwards to make a self examination.
Automated car models are presented by Inria. This institute, a major set of research centers in France, has worked on car automated driving for decades (see our interview of Michel Parent in Asti Hebdo no 107. The present applications aim to public services.
Synesthésie, an art center in Saint-Denis present some of the works developed or exposed in this suburban city, notably the works of Pascal Bauer.
Or, just a design gimmick, but cool : wooden keyboards by Orée
At the Centquatre, Futur en Seine, june 14 2013.
Our reflections about transmedia.
If you still use this vintage media called "book"...
... you will appreciate three recently published titles (full references pushed down after) (sorry, many titles are available in French only (exception culurelle obliges ?)):
- Spreadable media extends the seminal book of Henry Jenkins. Written the American way, it is long and not easy to be followed, but densely rich of data
- Digital magma, by Jean-Yves Leloup is a marvelous short and compelling book about the musical mash-up
- L'image recyclée shows that remix and mash-up have not waited the digital era.
And if you are still hungry of reading (think about the long, hot and dry summer monthes...), you will finc complementary data in less recent texts :
- Convergence Culture, "The Jenkins", who gave "transmedia" its present meaning, is the best to remodel your traditional medias oriented mind (it worked for me, why not for you ?)
- L'art selon André Malraux explains for example that "documentation about patrimony becomes another patrimony". But you could also go directly to Le musée imaginaire by Malraux himself, and find biographical comments in Malraux à Boulogne .
Farther in the past :
- Ingres collages shows how the greatest realist painter used (discreetly) remix techniques,
- The art and science
of digital compositing reminds that photographers, as early as 1857, used sophisticated collage techniques
- Le Titien, questions d’iconographie , by the classical Erwin Panofsky shows the iconographic remix by this major painter.
From thursday may 13 to sunday 23
Archipel des projets. 13-16 juin. Expo in the main Cenquatre nave
Digital photography. 13/6... 23/6. Orange Labs (ex Cnet)
Thomas Schumacher. La machine du Moulin Rouge. 23h30
Cabaret des savoirs. 13/6 Casa Poblano, 15 rue Lavoisier, Montreuil
Art Logo Contest. 13-16 Centquatre
Nouvelle Frabrique 13-16 Centquatre
Cinema 3D 15 de 16 à 19h
Smart city. Pb de la ville
Terra dynamica.
European street design
Stimulations urbaines. Parcours d'oeuvers de Terra Dynamica
PDF. Personal democracy forum. 13/6
Education. Rencontres culture numérique. 13-14
Social networks in strategy
Business convention 13-14/6
Kisskissbank. 13-16 au Centquatre **
LMQTP Saint-Denis
du 13 au 16 http://www.enjmin.fr/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=444&Itemid=30 Le promeneur écoutant
14/6 après midi, Enghien débat sur la réception des villes. Voir mail.
Vendredi au 104. Dizain, usages collectifs;
Venez nous voir à Futur en Seine du Jeudi 13 au Dimanche 16, au 104. Nous présentons le projet CIGALE (capture et interaction de gestes artistiques, langagiers et expressifs) : algo génétique pour la création de gestes et l’émergence de nouvelles interactions : http://www.futur-en-seine.fr/fens2013/projet/cigale/

Paris ACM Siggraph, the French chapter of ACM Siggraph, worldwide non-profit organization of computer graphics.

Les Algoristes, an association of artists using their own algorithms in their work.