Tommaso Tozzi.

Described by himself :

(get more on his website ).

My name is Tommaso Tozzi, I am an artist and i live in Florence (Italy) where I work as professor at Fine Art Academy (Net Art - Mass Media Theory).

- In 1987 I started the 419695 project that used the phone answering machine to receive and trasmit art messages from users. His documentation is archivied from 1987 at the Museum of Modern Art of New York.

- In 1989 I start to use the term Hacker Art to define some of my art works. In the same year I realized a digital art virus named Rebel! Virus that infected PC with a subliminal word Rebel! or other similar messages.!_Virus_(1989)

- In 1990 I start the BBS Hacker Art and in 1991 I exposed it (with also Rebel! Virus) as art work at the Modern Art Gallery in Bologne (Italy).

- In summer of 1995 I was one of the artists invited to partecipated at the Venice (Italy) three days meeting where was defined the start of Nettime mailing list. In the same year I ideated and after I realized (with Strano Network group) the first world Netstrike as art work.

- In 2004 I realized Wikiartpedia, now EduEDA - The Educational Enciclopedy of Digital Arts (Honorary Mention Prix Ars Electronica 2009 - Digital Communities)

You can find my curriculum at this address
but If you want I should be happy to give you other more specific informations and documentations about my art works.