
At the same time, individuation, and hyperconnectivity
Diversity of spaces. Continuity in displacement of the audio-visuel environment. Constantly augmented
Nearly no tansport other than local, on foot or bike

Otherwise, it is immediately global, bur for very rapid exchandes (stock exchange, war).
En ville, les hommes sont des systèmes. A la campagne, les systèmes sont des hommes.

Powerful computing tools, memory and network, with low energy dissipation. No large screen
Commercial ads change the values.
Conso-actors. 3D printing

1 Global

Machines evolve rapidly: demography, complexity, bio-mechanics merging, memory size and capture/expression bandpass.
Human beings evolve slowly if at all, and stongly reluctant to "eugenist" as well as "cyborg" progress. Only in New Zealand are transhumanist experiences allowed, at the price of a severe confinement.
Consequently, the HMC (Human vs. Machines competitivy index) decreases regularly
Human beings are deeply immersed in a world of machinew who know each of them better than themselves. Machines also, though officially controlled by humans, de facto control nearly everything, letting only to human narrowing niches, and not necessarily the most pleaant ones.
Some artist struggle to create a new and valuable future for humans (as well as for animals... and machines themselves).

1. Basic techologies

- Metals, even aluminum and steel, are considered expensive. The major part of objects is done with biological processes. And thas has consequences upon the shapes of objects and the way they behave and are used.
- Life and Machine are converging, With new beings such as cybanimals and OGM. But these developments are strictly limited, but in New-Zealand.
- Digitization is everywhere galopping, with its differents aspects: fragmentation/composition, dematerialization, complexification, autonomous beings hyperconnected. Examples: autonomous cars, drones.
- In particular, personal assets are mostly immaterial, and there are no longer identification papers, credit cards, security passes, etc.

2. Transportation

- All the vehicles are simple prostheses (bikes) or autonomous beings: cars, vans ships and planes.
- Vehicles, like any objects, are hyperconnected. This is used for optimization of logistics, platoon grouping on roads, swarm grouping in see and air.
- There are local and general monitoring and controlling systems to optimise not only the movements of the vehicles, but the human beings and objects moves in general. Incluking short and long term planning. For instance, the choice of a meeting date could will take into account the advices of the transportation system.
- Transportation rights and fares are an important aspect of social regulation. A reduction in civil rights entails generally a reduction in transportation rights.

3. Nature, animals and vegetals

Human sensibility to life protection, animal (if not vegetal) suffering are high. Hence food is vegetarian, but may use milk, honey or eggs if proper procedures are applied to get them without perturbing animals (and if possible, to enter in a friendly, win-win cooperation with them. In such conditions, there is no neat difference between wild and domesticated life, if not for reciprocal protection.

Animal genetics (race enhancement) , sport using animals (horse riding) and of course hunting, are stricly limited and oriented toward the perennalization of the traditional species and life modes.

Pets are allowed, but stricly limited, since they are excessively costly in terms of feeding, cleanliness, etc.

Cyborgs, in particular highly sophisticated OGM plants and cybanimals are rather freely developed in New-Zealand.

4. Mankind

Human Life


Conception and birth

- Reproduction humaine, processus de design par un "conseil familial" assisté d'expert, notament d'un artiste. Genetics, embryology education and self-mastering are considered a continuous process, all involving not only the individual but also the society, escorted by machines. Designers, some specialized, contribute to the different processes.
- Genre: choix personnel tenant compte du génétique.


- School. Mainly social groups to make exercises on competencies. Knowledge properly speaking is got from machines.

Socialization and H/H communication


- Everybody speaks English in public life. Local or specific langauges are used in closes circles, family. Automated translation relaxes this constraint, but for cases of rapide and important interaction.



- A vast majority of humans is unemployed, in the traditional sense. Some have real responsibilities in the operations. The others are "amateurs", of "family operators".
- Entertainment is a major activity.
HMC. Human machine competitivity.
obesity becomes a real problèm. In that time, made more difficult by aliments,, consts


Health and fitness, pleasure

- There is not properly a distinction between "sound" and "ill" persons. Life is considered a permanently risky mode of existence, and aided by PS and ES.
- Evolving diseases.
- Diseases due to biotech.
- Cooking. Ecologic and sound. No high animal meat. Milk and eggs are obtained by soft ways, respectful of animal life.
- Constant regulation, with alimentation and drugs on a continuum.

Cure/enhancemnet, chirugy, drugs.

End of life

- Euthanasia. Like birth, a collective decisional process. With the concerned person, the family around, friends, and pubic authorities. Takes in account peoples nees and desires, but also global satisfaction.
Keeping aged, crippled and ill people in life has direct consequences on resources available for the others. At death, recording and sealin of data. The peersonal website is adapted.

Global evolution of human species

To deal with : physical evolution of humans?


5. Law

Law by itself

Law is a kind of machine, integrated in machines. Orgware.

- Rights of machine. The rights depend on the machine level.
protection, privacy
sanctions for ill use, right to kill
It's forbidden to make them suffer.
Machines mus include description of their generation processes. Traceability. The most advanced AI machines must have access to relevant part of this documentation.

- Property.
. material assets
. knowledge, proces assets

- Robot ethics. See Asimov.
As machines become more clever and more bio, the law must evolve in order to /
- regulate/control machines (Asimos spirit, but he proves that finally you cannot succed
- regulate human attitudes and behaviors in respecdt to robot.

There is no reason to postulate equality between machines, as well as between animal species.
Races, brans.

Machines have a kind of fraternity.

A machine is proprietary of its parts and of some necessary services and external assets (feeding slots)

- At the differents stages of its development, a human has the right to know how it has been designed and build.

- Les biens des personnes sont essentiellement immatériels. Quelques objets fortement symboliques. Propriété privée : son propre corps. Environnement physique ? Possibilité de capitalisation ?


Causes, motivation, limits

What can I hide? What can I decide freely? (What is freedom in general).
How far can I do things differents of what machines think I am and will do.
Je me pose en m'opposant. And that is which is interesgint.

Know the "dead angle"
Race. Local cultures

Deviant, positive

- Beyond the "standard" human design, special conditiosn are allowed for experience. The risks must be consciously accepted by the person, and go along with re-inforcec monitoring by the community, or must be practiced in protected places (deserts, other planets, or confined environments).

The risk takers.
Adult, hyperadult.
Special exams, control and monitoring. Also rewards.

- The bio-artists foresee what a genetic process will do : code-programming, ADN-epigenetics

- Authorization, trek, beyod normal conditions and practices. With drugs, enhancments etc. Risk accepted. Socially monitored.

Deviant, negative

- Voyou machines, viruses
- Bugs : cognifive dissonance. The
- There are no jail. Dangerous persons are rendered harmless by restriction of their access to activities and if necessary by sedation. Crimes and offenses are punished by reduction of economic and civil power.

- Crime. Diffile de faire des crimes physiquement, du fait de la surveillance constante
The cheaters hackers. They constantly attempt/try to ga around the S security, create works of art, glithc.
The generative/creative.
Once a person is qualified cheater (or other criminal, or trekkist), the S has different behaviours
- reduce his rights (possibly augment certain reignts), including rights to privacy
-augment its surveilalnce/monitorign
- accept/propose a kind of "partnership"



Machine Life

Bathtub curve
Self destruction

Global evolution of machines



Human/Machine interactions

- Brain to computer interfaces have been prohibited, since incompatible with normal and sound human life. They are licit only for some serious handicapped case

- Relation directe à partir du cerveau. Interdite comme incompatible avec le fonctionnemnet humain. Autorisé seulement pour certains handicaps.

Machine body side

- Robots are humanoid only as far as it helps for communication with humans. A humanoid shape, particularly a face, is a sort of HMI. Among robots, more efficient communication ways are used. They don't need the complex communication systems of humans.3D, relief

- Robots : les machines sont omni-présentes, mais elles ne prennent des formes humanoides que quan cela est utile aux relations avec les humains.
3D models ²

Human/Animal body side

Prostheses, implants
graft, implant, nano machines, blood, robots as HMI. KB, WII/Kinect, motion capture, expression analysis
Education, learning
Transfer of competences, memory, etc.



How are structures built, or build themselves.
The meme problem.
Digitization. Fragmentation/composition

Physical, network structures

- All machines are connected, at various rates and intenity according to their functions. Humans are connected mainly through medias, which are technological communication processes, be they material ("medium", such as oil painting or video) or structural (TV chain, websites).

Inter-machines strucures and organizations
- multicore, GPU
- cells, metazoabs
- neurojal nets
shapes : blades, farms, nets, rhizomes, society, vote (the first Shuttle bug)

Knowledge structures

- Surveillance permaente et approfondie de toutes les personnes (et machines). A high number of sensors makes avoidance practically impossible. A disparition would be immediately detected. This surveillance has not only police and toll uses, but is used for constantly adjusted environments (temperature, soud, wind current, projections when not too expensive).

- My global external image. Patrimony, fame etc. Who accesses. My personal copy of it.

- Tout emplacdement a un environnement audiovisuel intégré constamment adapté aux personnes qui s'y trouvent, à leurs activités et à leurs goût

- Long term analysis and projective functions are constantly used, parlty in real time, to contribute in any decision.
. The Larsen/abime effects of environmenta adjustment. Have to learn it, the S also.
- There is a full continuum between "real reality" and "virtual reality", though many levels and structures of augmented reality.

- Machines know everything abouth machines. The ad infinitum process, recursion.
- Knowledge of oneself by any being. With the abyss problem
Standards, communication standards, formats, protocols
Machines strucdtures.
Montesquieu. Séparation des pouvoirs.

Book. Paper documents;.

Privacy issue.
The machines know everything, globallyu. Then the key issue is to congrol the communication between macines, leaks, penalties if abuse.

Machines know everything about me : tastes, limits, past (genetics, education, health), my present status, and the potential (abilisites, risks, addictions), previsible future.
Present : you are here (GPS, cell phone) , doing such sort of things, in company of such and such persons.
temperament, bank account, legal status, family linds.
They have some idea of what would be good for me (health), my family, society.

My PS communicates with other persons' PS more rapidly than I with them.


Decision structures

- Décision: les humains sont essentiellement des décideurs. Mais qu'y a-t-il à décider.
- Machines make also a lot of decisions

- The World of humans. is globally controlled by a democratic system, and humans only have the right to vote. But the power of machines is de facto much more important, and human votes cannot really beat them That is due to the mere nature of machines, anyway.
- Machines also have a kind of fraternity.

- The world of machines? How decide?

They behave accordinglu /
propose/afford/prevent/punish, let do
alert, advise, help, aid/assist.

I behave accodingly. Machine as a miror. Am I the most beautiful of all.


The bio-artists foresee what a genetic process will do: code-programming, ADN-Epignetics.


pour Tituli Editions. http://www.tituli.fr/editionstituli
Delattre Pierre Vincent
Seousse, revue de Poésie. Bonduelle Chrisstine
Le mache lourin, revue d'éditions de poésie. Bonduelle/Bodae