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William Latham in Brussels

Last year, Brussels offered us a bring spring sesssion (see our post). The present year does much less. No digital art (or well hidden) inArt Brussels, no Slick, and nothing digital in Villa Empain (even though it shows an appreciated exposition "Entre deux chaises, un livre").

But some digital art is shown at Aeroplastics gallery, from April 3rd to May 17th, where the Full House exposition hosts Hehe.

And Imal, an art center in Brussels, is presenting Mutator 1 + 2, the first major exhibiltion of William Latham, a major generative artist, after his show in 2013 in Brighton (UD). The show includes his early hand-drawn work, large computer generated Cibachrome prints, video art and his most recent interactive projected imagery that explores and embodies evolutionary processes, physical and virtual space. William will also execute some large scale hand drawings in the iMAL space.

William and his assistant S.Todd will give 2 workshps: Evolutionary Hand Drawing on Sunday 27 April and Live Coding workshop on Saturday 24 May. Register on the online form!

William will give a lecture in Imal's Arts/Sciences series on May 22, 20:30.

More info In collaboration with Art Brussels. (where we expect nothing digital this year).






Paris ACM Siggraph, the French chapter of ACM Siggraph, worldwide non-profit organization of computer graphics.




Galerie Charlot An important supporter of digital art.