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Page composed by Roxame on 28/01/2017

The Last Posts

2017/04/28 | 2017/06/03 Paris > Archeonauts... Kac in Space!  . Post 105368
2017/03/14 | 2017/04/22 Paris > Zaven Paré at Charlot's
 . Post 105367
------------- | 2017/02/14 Paris > Digital Passion in Theater
 . Post 101537
2017/03/27 | 2017/03/28 Paris > Mediation and Digital Art Theobalt
 . Post 101536
2017/01/27 | 2017/03/18 Paris > Group Show at Mordoch's Chevalier, Le_Parc...
 . Post 101535


Images of ongoing or future events

Ongoing or to come

- Calendar of events to come

- Analysis of blog content (work on progress)

- Prospective of Digital Art

- Artistic expression of the future by Roxame (work on progress)


Images of the past

Done, said or past

- Past events and blog posts

- Analysis of content (work on progress)

- History of Digital Art

- Geography of Digital Art


I feel the Bit beating in my heart
No meaning but power.
I see the Cloud whirling high overhead
Calling us for an answer.
I share the Life, this growing spread.
The World we build together.

Oct. 10 2013





PAS Algoristes

Creative Commons License


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.