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Index by country

of the artists quoted in diccan

The country chosen may be either the original country or the residence country.

Our figures are certainly biased : France is over-reprsented, be it due only to the information means we dispose of and our own location in Paris.

Taken as they are, we can observe that : - the USA, considered as a one country, and France dominate the landscape with strength.
To which country does an artist belong ? There are two dificulties to tell it : - some artists have several nationalites, or keep strong links with their native country while living elsewhere. - it is not always possible to get the correct information, specially for English and French speaking ones.

Beware : the sort uses the Processing alphabetical order, where uppercase come before lowercase, and before accented lowercase ; that may result in differentces with the standard alphabetical o
After the artist name and first name, are given :
- the main speciality,
- the specialty ,
- the first decade of a digital production by this artist,
- a celebrity index,
- a generativity index,
- the gender (M male, F woman, T team or no data).

Last update on 5/3/2020


Belhocine Lyès Multimedia 2010 * G M
Bouras Ammar Video 2010 * G M


Ginsburg Carlos Painting 1970 ** GG M
Grassi Miguel Robotics 2000 ** G M
Györi Ladislao_Pablo Writing 1990 * GG M
Kosice Gyula Light 1940 * G M
Macentyre Eduardo Painting 1950 *** GGG M
Marino Ivan Multimedia 2000 * G M
Najle Ciro Objects 2000 ** G M
Nuñez Leo Multimedia 2010 ** G M
Rossi Horacio-Garcia Painting 1960 * G M
Sobrino Francisco Painting 1960 * G M
Solaas Leonardo Multimedia 2000 * GGG M
Vaggione Horacio Music 1980 * G M
Vardanega Gregorio Light 1950 * GG M
Yeregui Manuela Multimedia 2000 ** G F
Zaramella Juan-Pablo Cinema 2010 * G M
15 artists.


Galstyan Karine Sculpture 2010 * G F
Ghukasyan Vahagn Sculpture 2010 * GG M
Hartenyan Tatev Sculpture 2010 * GG F
Harutyunyan Tatev Sculpture 2010 * GG M
Mikaelyan Ashot Sculpture 2010 * GG M
Mikaelyan Mamikon Sculpture 2010 * GG M
6 artists.


Abela Lucas Music 2010 * G M
Barratt Virginia Web 1990 * G F
Beckwith Megan Dance 2010 * GG M
Ben-Ary Guy Bio-Art 2000 * GGG M
Bruyn Dirk_de Cinema 1970 * GG M
Candy Michael Sculpture 2010 * GG M
Cantrill Arthur Cinema 1960 * G M
Cantrill Corinne Cinema 1960 * GG F
Catts Oron Bio-Art 2000 * GGGG T
Company_in_Space - Theater 2000 ** G T
Cox Philip Architecture 2010 ** G M
De_Garis Hugo Philosophy 1990 ** G M
Dement Linda Multimedia 1990 * G F
Dorin Alan Cinema 1990 * G M
Durante Tommaso Painting 2000 * G M
Gaffney Nick Cinema 2000 *** G M
George Philip Cinema 2000 * G M
Gladwell Shaun Video 2010 * G M
Haig Ian Multimedia 1990 * GG M
Hamilton Joe Video 2010 * G M
Holleley Douglas Painting 1990 * G M
Howlett Chris Video 2010 * G M
Hudgon Kirsten Bio-Art 2000 * GGG F
Innocent Troy Photography 2000 *** GGG M
Knowles Chris Cinema 1970 ** GG M
Mauro_Flude Nancy Multimedia 2000 ** G F
McCabe Jonathan Painting 2000 * GGGG M
McCormack Jon Painting 1990 * GGG M
McCormick John Multimedia 2000 * GGG M
Miles Adrian Web 2000 * G M
Moore Gina Cinema 2000 * G F
Neidlich Warren Painting 2000 * G M
Oliver Julian Web 2000 ** G M
Piccini Patricia Photography 2000 * G F
Pierce Julianne Web 1990 * G F
Redl Erwin Sculpture 2000 * G M
Richards Kate Interaction 2000 * GG F
Rimini Francesca Web 1990 * G F
Schultze Paul Music 2000 * G M
Shaw Jeffrey Multimedia 1980 ** G M
Span Architects Architecture 2000 * GGG T
Starrs Josephine Web 1990 * G F
Stelarc - Performance 1970 *** G M
Townsend Mark Painting 2000 * GG M
Turnbull Katie Multimedia 2000 * G F
Zervos Komninos Writing 1990 * G M
Zurr Ionat Bio-Art 2000 * GGG M
47 artists.


Adrian Marc Painting 1970 * G M
Beckman Otto Painting 1960 ** G M
Berg Alan Music 1920 **** G M
Bidner Reinhold Video 2010 * G M
Coop_Himmelb(lau) - Architecture 1960 ** GG T
Eckermann Sylvia Games 2000 ** GG F
Essl Karlheinz Music 1990 ** GGG M
Gerrard John Architecture 2000 ** G M
Hentschlager Kurt Multimedia 2000 * G M
Huber Dieter Photography 2000 * GG M
Huffman Kathy_Rae Web 1990 * G F
Kogler Peter Painting 1990 ** GG M
Koller Andreas Painting 2000 * G M
Langheinrich Ulf Multimedia 1990 *** G M
Leitner Berhnard Music 1960 * G M
Lia Marie_Johnson Web 2000 * G F
Ligeti Gyorgy Music 1960 ***** GG M
Maryhofer Verena Interaction 2010 * G F
Mozart Wolfgang-Amadeus Music 1700 ***** G M
Muller-Pohle Andreas Writing 2010 * G M
Nickl Niki Bio-Art 1990 ** GGG F
Obermaier Klaus Dance 2000 ** GG M
Praxmarer Robert Video 2010 * G M
Savicic Gordan Multimedia 2000 * GG M
Schoenberg Arnold Music 1890 **** G M
Sengmümuller Gehrard Multimedia 1990 * G M
Steinweber Philipp Painting 2000 * G M
Stocker Gerfried Web 1990 * GG M
Wohlgemuth Eva Web 1990 * G F
29 artists.


Abendroth Manuel Architecture 1990 ** G M
Aernoudt Jacobs Music 2000 * G M
Art-Zoïd - Multimedia 1970 *** G M
Barret Pascale Multimedia 2000 * GG F
Bernard Yves Multimedia 1980 * G M
Beyls Peter Painting 1980 ** G M
Boeck Christoph_de Music 2000 * G M
Bury Paul Sculpture 1950 *** G M
Clauss Julien Multimedia 2000 * G M
Cleempoel Michel Cinema 2000 * G M
Coqart Roger Painting 1960 * G M
Corin Florence Dance 2000 * G F
De_Boeck Christophe Music 2000 * G M
Decock Jérôme Architecture 1990 ** G M
Demeyer Thom Cinema 1990 * G M
Deswaef Julien Web 2010 * GG M
Geilfus Simon Interaction 2000 * GGG M
Grisard Fabien Music 2010 * GGG M
Harvey Auriea Games 2000 * G F
Heyrman Hugo Web 1990 * G M
Israel Thomas Sculpture 2000 * G M
Jacquet Yannick Sculpture 2010 * G M
Janssens Ann_Veronica Light 2010 ** GG F
Joris Erik Performance 2000 ** G M
Keeene Peter Sculpture 1990 ** GG M
Keyaerts Gauthier Music 2010 * GG M
Le-Guay Yann Music 2010 * G M
Malevé Nicolas Multimedia 1990 ** GG M
Malstaf Lawrence Interaction 2000 * G M
Mertens An Writing 2010 ** GGGG F
Mey Thierry_de Cinema 2000 * G M
Neural_Semantics - Painting 2000 * G M
Oertli Stéphane Performance 2010 * G M
Penelle Fred Sculpture 2010 * G M
Pousseur Henri Music 1950 * G M
Punk Jim Web 2010 ** GGG M
Rigole Jasper Multimedia 2000 * GGG M
Risch Damaris Interaction 2000 * GG F
Samyn Michaîl Web 1990 * G M
Smedt Tom_de Painting 2000 * G M
Sterckx Filip Video 2010 ** G M
Strasser Reiner Web 2000 * G M
T.r.a.n.s.i.t.s.c.a.p.e - Dance 2000 * G T
Undo Katerina Multimedia 2010 * GG F
Uyttendaele Jeroen Music 2010 * G M
Van_Eetvelde Catharina Painting 2010 * GG F
Van-Tongerloo - Painting 1930 *** GG M
Van_Wynsberghe Wendy Multimedia 2000 ** G F
Vandesande Jeroen Music 2000 * G M
Vanmechelen Koen Bio-Art 1990 *** G M
Verbeeke Anton Painting 2010 ** G M
Vermang Els Architecture 1990 ** G M
Vermeulen Valery Music 2000 * GG M
Westenberg Peter Video 2000 ** GG M
Zajega François Painting 2010 * GGG M
55 artists.


Domnitch Evelina Multimedia 2000 * GG F


Abad Antoni Web 2000 ** G M


Beiguelman Giselle Web 2000 * G F
Bighetti Vera-Silva Painting 2000 * GG M
Boal Augusto Performance 1970 ** G M
Brunet Carla Multimedia 2000 * G F
Cantoni Rejane Multimedia 2000 * G F
Cordeiro Analivia Painting 1960 * G F
Cordeiro Waldemar Painting 1960 * G M
Crescenti Leonardo Cinema 2000 * G M
Dias-Pino Wlademir Writing 1960 * G M
Faria_Vilas_Boas Matteus_de Painting 2010 * G M
Franco Anaisia Multimedia 2000 * GG F
Gabriel Martha-Carrer Web 2000 *** GG F
Jakobsen Luiza Web 2000 * G F
Kac Eduardo Bio-Art 1990 ***** GG M
Kogan Raquel Multimedia 1990 ** GGG F
Lima Leandro Multimedia 2000 ** G M
Menezes Philadelpho Writing 1990 * G M
Motta Gisela Multimedia 2000 ** G F
O'Nascimento Ricardo Fabrics 2000 ** GG M
Prado Gilberto Multimedia 1990 * G M
Renno Rosangela Cinema 2000 * GG F
Tobin Amon Music 2000 ** GG M
Tosin Giuliano Writing 2010 * G M
Wagner Garcia Architecture 2010 ** G F
24 artists.


Dourmana Petko Multimedia 2000 * G M
Mihaleva Galina Fabrics 2010 ** GG F


Eyongakpa Em'Kal Sculpture 2010 * G M


Adrian Robert Interaction 1980 * G M
Andreyev Julie Multimedia 2000 ** GG F
Audry Sofian Multimedia 2000 * G M
Bailey Jeremy Performance 2010 * G M
Basanta Adam Web 2010 ** G M
Base San Cinema 2000 **** GGG M
Baudot Jean-A Writing 1960 * G M
Bédar Crystelle Painting 2010 * G F
Beesley Philip Sculpture 2000 * G M
Belisle Marie Writing 1990 * G F
Bernier Nicolas Performance 2000 * G M
Black Doug Web 1980 * G M
Bleau Myriam Interaction 2010 * G F
Boillot Nicolas Web 2010 * G M
Breuleux Yan Video 2000 * G M
Brown Adam Painting 2000 * G M
Brown Paul Painting 1990 * GGG M
Bulloch Angela Interaction 1990 ** GG F
Carassou-Magnan Marion Performance 2010 * GGG F
Carpenter J_C Writing 2000 * GGGG M
Castonguay Alexandre Interaction 2000 * G M
Collin Jacques Theater 1980 ** G M
Czegledy Nina Interaction 1990 * GG F
Daines Michael Web 2000 * G M
Davidson Andrea Dance 2000 * G F
Davies Char Interaction 1990 *** GGG F
Davis Rae Performance 1990 ** G T
Dean Max Robotics 1980 ** GG M
Demers Louis-Philippe Robotics 1990 ** GG M
Dionne Boris Multimedia 2000 * G M
Du_Bois Michel Writing 1990 * G M
Dubois Jean Multimedia 1990 * G M
Dyens Georges Light 1980 ** G M
Eaton Ed Sculpture 2000 * G M
El-Khoury Rodolphe Architecture 2000 * G M
Fong Steven Architecture 2000 * G M
Four-Wheel-Drift - Interaction 2000 * G F
Gao Ying Fabrics 2010 ** GG F
Gehry Frank Architecture 1980 * G M
Ghent Emmanuel Music 1970 ** G M
Grenier Etienne Multimedia 2010 * G M
Guberman Jonathan_M Multimedia 2010 * G M
Heimbecker Steve Web 2000 * G M
Hughes Lynn Theater 2010 * G F
Knowles Rachel_Viadel Multimedia 1990 ** G F
Kolgen Herman Sculpture 2000 ** G M
Kozel Susan Performance 2000 * GG F
Lachambre Benoçit Dance 2000 * G M
Lachapelle Pierre Cinema 1980 * G M
Laroche Simon Multimedia 2000 * G M
Layne Barbara Fabrics 2000 * G M
Leblanc Suzanne Multimedia 2000 * G F
Lefevre Joseph Multimedia 1990 * G M
Legrady George Multimedia 2000 * G M
Leuk Michel Cinema 1980 ** G M
Lorrain Denis Music 1980 * G M
Lovell Robb Cinema 2000 ** G M
Madan Emmanuel Music 2000 * G M
McIntosh Thomas Architecture 2000 * G M
McLaren Norman Cinema 1950 * G M
Melançon Katherine Photography 2010 * G F
Mezei Leslie Painting 1970 * G M
Moody Robin Multimedia 2000 * G M
Morin Emile Multimedia 2000 * G M
Nabian Nashid Architecture 2010 * G T
Palumbo Jacques Painting 1970 * GG M
Paterson Nancy Cinema 2000 * G F
Piché Jean Multimedia 2000 * G M
Pocock Philip Photography 1990 *** G M
Poremba Cindy Games 2000 * G F
Reeves Nicolas Multimedia 1990 ** G M
Robidou Pierre Cinema 1980 * G M
Rokeby David Interaction 1980 *** G M
Roussel Natacha Multimedia 2000 * GG F
Salter Chris Multimedia 2000 * G M
Savard André Writing 1990 * G F
Sirois Dominique Multimedia 2000 * G F
Smith Graham Interaction 1990 * GG M
Snow Michael Cinema 1960 ** GG M
Soetens Thomas Multimedia 2000 * G M
Stam Jon Interaction 2010 * G M
Thibault Alain Music 2000 * G M
Thirion Pierre Video 2000 * G M
VJ P-MA VJ 2010 * GG T
Van_den_Bulcke Kora Multimedia 2000 * G F
Vetere Diane Painting 2000 * GG F
Vilder Roger Video 1970 * GGG M
Villeneuve Jonathan Sculpture 2000 * G M
Vorn Bill Robotics 1990 * G M
Wall Jeff Interaction 1990 * G M
M Robert-Adrian Web 1980 * G M
91 artists.


Andaur Sebastian Painting 2010 * G M
Matta Roberto Painting 1980 ** G M
Oyarzun Christian Music 2010 ** G M


Cao Yuxi_James Multimedia 2010 ** GGGG M
Cheang Shu-Lea Performance 2000 ** G F
Ding Shao Multimedia 2000 * G M
Fei Cao Video 2000 ** G M
Gun Kailu Fabrics 2010 ** G F
Juehui Wu Multimedia 2000 ** G M
Mengho Feng Multimedia 1990 ** G M
Ren Liu Photography 2000 * G F
Song Yinan Web 2010 * GG F
Super Nature Interaction 2010 * G M
Weiwei Ai Multimedia 2000 *** G M
Wu Naomi Fabrics 2010 * G F
Xiachun Miao Photography 2000 ** G M
Xun Sun Cinema 2000 ** G M
Yi Yang Photography 2010 * G M
FonglianG Fang Photography 2000 *** G M
Zhou Jing Painting 2000 ** GGG F
Zhou Yi Video 2000 ** G F
18 artists.


Apostol Alexander Painting 2000 *** G M
Arias Fredy Video 1990 * G M
Cruz Indira-Tatiana Interaction 2000 * GG F
Fruchtnis Klaus Multimedia 2000 ** G M
Mestizo Hamilton Interaction 2010 ** G M
Segrera Fito Interaction 2010 * GG M
Sierrra Vladimir Painting 2000 * GG M
7 artists.


Adigard Erik Web 2000 * G M


Bonacic Vladimir Light 1960 * G M


Peraza Rodolfo Web 2010 ** G M


Biothing - Architecture 2000 ** GGGG F
Büchler Pavel Music 2000 * G M
Pajkrt Vaclav Painting 2000 * GG M
Rypakova Kristina Architecture 2010 ** GG F
Sykora Zdenec Painting 1960 * G M
Vasulka Steina Cinema 1970 * G F
6 artists.


Muller Tomas Video 2010 ** GG M


Ignac Macin Painting 2010 * GG M
Johansen Paul-Frithiof Light 1980 * G M
Sonne Kasper Writing 2000 ** G M


Arambilet-Alvarez Angel-Luis Writing 1970 * G M


Contreras Paul_Rosero Moves 2010 ** G M


Hafez Khaled Multimedia 2000 * G M
Mostafa Magdi Music 2010 * GG M
Nawar Haytham Video 2000 * G M
Osman Kareem Multimedia 2010 * G M
Rashid Hani Architecture 2000 ** G M
5 artists.


Kelomees Raivo Writing 2000 * G M
Pärt Arvo Music 1950 **** G M


ALA Architects Architecture 2010 ** GG M
Gröhn Lauri Music 2000 * GGGG F
Kalliala Martti Architecture 2000 * GG M
Kyttanen Janne Light 2000 * GG M
Ruskep�� Esa Architecture 2000 * GG M
Sandison Charles Cinema 1990 * G M
6 artists.


01010101 - Multimedia 2010 * G M
Abad Donald Interaction 2010 * G M
Abdelaziz Talbi Painting 2010 * GGG M
Abrahams Annie Multimedia 1990 * G F
Abrigeon Julien_d' Writing 2000 * G M
Adam Fred Multimedia 2000 * G M
Cie-AdrienM - Dance 2000 * G T
Alary Olivier Music 2000 ** G M
Alemany Frédéric Dance 2010 * G M
Allante Claire Video 2010 * GGG F
Allary Stephane Multimedia 2010 * G M
Allouche Mija Painting 2000 ** G T
Almiron Miguel Video 1990 * GGG M
Alter_Essio _ Dance 2010 * G T
Amoudruz Pierre Video 2010 * GG M
Anglade Jean-Claude Web 1980 * G M
AntiVJ - VJ 2000 ** G M
Antoine-Loeff Barthélémy Cinema 2000 ** G M
Aperghis Georges Music 2010 *** G M
Apertet Jean-Jacques Painting 2000 * G M
Appadoo Owen_K Cinema 2000 * GG M
Arcaan - Multimedia 2010 * GG T
Arcier Hugo Painting 2010 * G M
Arcis Thibault Cinema 2000 * G M
Armanetti Gilles Writing 1990 * G M
Ascidiacea - Music 2010 ** G T
A.Strid - Multimedia 1990 * G F
Atsara - Multimedia 2000 ** G T
Auber Olivier Cinema 2000 ** G M
Audebert Julien Cinema 2010 * G M
Audoire Louis Photography 1980 ** G M
Auxietre Balthazar Multimedia 2010 * G M
Auzet Roland Performance 2010 ** G M
Avoka - Interaction 2010 * GG T
Ayats Charle Interaction 2010 * GG M
Azam Alice Performance 2010 * G F
Aziosmanoff Florent Robotics 2010 ***** GGG M
Azzaro Gilles Sculpture 2000 ** GG M
BMPT - Sculpture 1960 *** G M
Babiole Cécile Music 2000 ** GG F
Baboni-Schillingi Jacopo Music 2000 * G M
Bachini Gwendaline Dance 2000 * GGG F
Balac Marion Painting 2010 * G F
Baloste Igor Music 2000 * G M
Balpe Jean-Pierre Writing 1980 ***** GGG M
Bambagioni Aurélien Web 2000 * G M
Baratelli Jérôme Interaction 2000 * GG M
Barbanneau Yorick Multimedia 2000 * G M
Barbaud Pierre Music 1960 **** GG M
Barbottin Marie Dance 2010 * GG F
Bardou-Jacquet Antoine Calligraphy 1990 * G M
Baron Ren�-Louis Music 2000 * GG M
Barret Lionel Multimedia 2010 * GG M
Barron Stéphan Multimedia 1990 *** G M
Bartoli Kevin Web 2000 * GG M
Bastit Tristan Cinema 2000 * G M
Batlle Michel Painting 2000 ** G M
Battier Marc Writing 1990 * G M
Bauer Pascal Sculpture 2000 * G M
Bauffe Nicolas Music 2000 * GG M
Bayle Julien Multimedia 2010 * GGG M
Beau Cécile Sculpture 2000 * G F
Bébié-Valérian Gaspard Multimedia 2010 * G M
Bébié-Valérian Sandra Multimedia 2010 * G F
Bec Louis Painting 1990 *** G M
Bechetoille Romain Cinema 2000 ** G M
Béland Véronique Multimedia 2000 ** GGG F
Belin Valerie Photography 1990 * GG F
Bellabas François Photography 2010 * GG M
Ben_Khelifa Karim Photography 2000C ** G M
Benayoun Maurice Multimedia 2000 ***** GGG M
Berger Pierre Art 2000 *** GGG M
Bergeron Philippe Cinema 1980 * G M
Berkani Karim Painting 2010 * G M
Berloquin Pierre Music 2010 ** G M
Bernardot Etienne Multimedia 1980 * GG M
Berriet Emmnuel-Mâa Interaction 1980 ** G M
Berry Benoit Sculpture 1980 ** G M
Bertinet Guillaume Interaction 2010 * G M
Bertolo Diane Interaction 1990 * G F
Besson Luc Cinema 2000 ***** G M
Bianchini Samuel Multimedia 2010 * G M
Bigot Jacques Multimedia 2000 * G M
Bijon Thomas Painting 2000 * G M
Billion Philippe Cinema 1980 * G M
Bilous Serge Interaction 1990 * G M
Birgé Jean-Jacques Music 1970 ** G M
Bissières Stéphane Music 2010 * G M
Bittler Alain Painting 2010 ** G M
Blondeau François Cinema 2000 * G M
Bohnk� Benoit Video 2010 * G M
Boillot Nicolas Web 2000 * GGG M
Boissarie Xavier Interaction 2010 * G M
Boisset Stéphanie Web 2000 * G F
Boissier Jean-Louis Interaction 1980 **** G M
Bolognini Laurent Sculpture 1990 * GG M
Boltana François Calligraphy 1980 * G M
Bonardi Alain Music 1990 * G M
Bonhomme Olivier Painting 2010 * G M
Bonte Isabelle Interaction 2000 * G F
Bootz Philip Writing 1970 * GGG M
Borenstein Daniel Cinema 1980 *** G M
Boronali - Painting 1900 *** GG T
Bouchon Didier Music 2000 * G M
Bouchohcha Fouad Music 2010 * G M
Bouillé Pierre Painting 2010 * G M
Boulez Pierre Music 1980 ***** G M
Boullay Boris_du Writing 2000 * G M
Boulogne Daniel Art 1970 ** G M
Bourcier Philippe Multimedia 2010 * G M
Bourgeois Marie-Julie Web 2000 * G F
Boursier-Mougenot Céleste Multimedia 2000 ** GG F
Bourzeix Romain Cinema 2000 * G M
Boutiny Lucie_de Writing 1990 * G F
Boutruch Samuel Cinema 2000 * G M
Bouvier Alexandre Music 2000 * GG M
Boyer Jean-Marie Web 2000 * G M
Braun Pierre Painting 1980 * GGG M
Braun Carol-Ann Painting 1980 * GG F
Bressan Yannick Theater 2000 * GG T
Bret Michel Cinema 2000 ***** GGG M
Breton André Writing 1930 ***** G M
Briand Jeanne Interaction 2010 * GG F
Briand Mathieu Interaction 2000 * G M
Brochier Daniel Light 2010 ** GG M
Broquaire Vincent Painting 2010 * G M
Brouaye Jeanne Theater 2010 * G F
Brout Emilie Photography 2000 ** GGG F
Brument François Light 2000 * GG M
Brun Estelle Interaction 2010 * G F
Brun Rémi Light 2010 * G M
Brunet Thibault Painting 2010 * G M
Bruno Christophe Web 2000 ** G M
Bruyère Jean-Michel Sculpture 2010 * G M
Buellet Stéphane Interaction 2010 * GG M
Buguet Anne Dance 2010 * GG F
Bureau_d'Etudes - Web 2000 * G T
Buren Daniel Sculpture 1980 *** G M
Burgaud Patrick Writing 2000 * G M
Burkardt Sam Cinema 1990 * G M
Cadet France Robotics 2010 ** GGG F
Cahen Robert Writing 2000 * G M
Cahen Roland Performance 2000 * G M
Caiman Production Cinema 2000 * G T
De-Cambiaire Christian Painting 1970 * GG M
Camburet Lionel Multimedia 2000 * G M
Cante Nicolas Music 2000 * G M
Canto Siegfried Multimedia 2010 * GG M
Caravella Elisabeth Multimedia 2000 * G F
Carmignac Charles Music 2010 ** GGG M
Carniaux Pierre Cinema 2010 * GG M
Caro Marc Cinema 1980 * G M
Castel Louis-Bertrand Light 1700 ** G M
Castellin Philippe Performance 1980 * G M
Castet Julien Interaction 2000 * GGG M
Cayla Emmanuel Objects 2000 ** G M
Cazin Claire Performance 2010 * G F
Chabaneau Ivan Interaction 1990 * G M
Chabert Jacques-Elie Interaction 1980 * GG M
Chabot Clyde Performance 1990 * G F
Chalon Fabien Sculpture 2010 ** G M
Chamagne Mathieu Interaction 2000 ** G M
Chambefort Françoise Painting 2010 ** G F
Champion Dominique Photography 2000 * G T
Chan Paul Multimedia 2000 * G M
Chanel David Painting 2010 * G M
Chanhthaboutdy Somphout Video 2010 ** G M
Chanhthaboutdy Somphout Video 2010 ** G M
Chapon Léa Writing 2010 * G F
Chapoulie Jean-Marc Web 2010 * G M
Charles Bertrand Web 2000 * G M
Charrier Sophie Painting 1990 * G F
Chatonsky Grégory Multimedia 2000 ***** GG M
Chaurand Philippe Multimedia 2000 * G M
Chen Chu-Yin Cinema 1990 ** GG F
Chevalier Miguel Cinema 2000 ***** GG M
Cheveu - Music 2010 ** GG T
Chiffot Jacky Writing 1990 * G M
Cholain Camille Writing 2000 * G M
Chomienne Estelle Painting 2010 * G M
Clair-Obscur (Le) Dance 2010 ** GG F
Clauss Nicolas Multimedia 2000 * G M
Clergeaud Damien Performance 2010 * G M
Cliquet Etienne Objects 2000 * G M
Closky Claude Web 2000 ** G M
Cochard Catherine Interaction 2000 * GG F
Cochet Zita Video 2010 * G F
Cohen Léonard Cinema 2010 * G M
Cohl Emile Cinema 1900 *** G M
Colbie Tom Video 2010 ** G M
Colbie Tom Video 2010 ** G M
Collectif_Anonyme - Multimedia 2010 * G T
Colonna Jean-François Painting 1970 ** G M
Contant Benjamin Painting 2010 * G M
Coppey Caroline Interaction 2000 * GGG F
Corrine Legalize Cinema 2000 * G F
Corsino N+N Dance 1990 * GG T
Corte Ferdinand Web 2000 * G M
Cosnefroid Florence Interaction 2010 * GG F
Côté_noir/côté_blanc - Performance 2000 * G T
Couchot Edmond Painting 1960 ***** GG M
Coudsi Paul Cinema 1980 * G M
Coulon François Writing 1990 * G M
Courchesne Luc Multimedia 1990 ** G M
Courdy Keiko Multimedia 2000 * G F
Couvelaire Natacha Painting 2010 * G F
Couzinet-Jacques Sylvain Photography 2010 * G M
Cristofol Jean Writing 2000 * GGG M
Croizé Fabrice Multimedia 2000 * G M
Cros Michael Interaction 2000 * GG M
Cunin Dominique Interaction 2010 * GG M
Curien Frédéric Music 2000 * GG M
DNA-11 - Painting 2000 * GG T
Daft-Punk - Music 2000 **** G M
Dailleau Laurent Music 2000 ** G M
Dall'Allarmellina Luc Writing 2010 * G M
Dallet Jean-Marie Interaction 1990 * G M
Dallio Patricia Music 1990 * GG F
Damecour Maxime Sculpture 2010 * GG M
Daniaux Magali Multimedia 2010 * G F
Darmont Judith Painting 1990 *** G F
Darrot Nicolas Robotics 2000 ** GG M
Daumann Thibault Painting 2010 * G M
Davis Harley Painting 2000 * GGG T
Delappe Joseph Games 2000 * G M
de_Kerckhove Derrick Art 1990 *** G M
De_Laubier Serge Music 1990 ** G M
Decatoire Olivier Robotics 2000 ** G M
Degoutin Stéphane Performance 2000 * GG M
Delafontaine Laetitia Sculpture 2000 * G F
Delangle Fred Painting 2010 * G M
Delatouche Isabelle Writing 2010 * GG F
Delaume Chloé Writing 2000 * GGGG F
Delécluse Christian Dance 2000 * GGG M
Delesvaux Antoine Cinema 2010 * G M
Delieutraz Caroline Multimedia 2000 * GG F
Delporte Olivier Interaction 2010 * GG M
Delsaux Jean Multimedia 2000 * GG M
Demarco Hugo Sculpture 1980 * G M
Demiaux Bernard Interaction 1970 * G M
Denisart Christian Robotics 2000 * GG M
Denise Léon Video 2010 ** GGGG M
Denize Antoine Writing 1990 * G M
Denjean Marc Web 1980 * G M
Denki Maywa Objects 1990 * G M
Dermineur Marika Web 2000 * G F
Desaubliaux Alix Painting 2010 * G M
Desbazeille Magali Interaction 2000 ** GG F
Deschamps Igor Interaction 2000 * G M
Deschamps Judith Performance 2010 * GG M
Deschaud Alexandre Cinema 2010 * G M
Deslieu Paul Sculpture 2010 * G M
Desmoulains Jefferson Theater 2010 * G M
Dessens David Painting 2000 * G M
Destieu Quentin Robotics 2010 * GGG M
Deswarte Lola Cinema 2010 * GG F
Deumier Sandrine Writing 2010 * G F
Devautour Paul Interaction 1990 * G M
Develay Frédéric Writing 1990 * G M
Di_Meglio Côme Sculpture 2010 * G M
Diabi Moulla Performance 2010 * G M
Diagne Cyril Multimedia 2010 * GG M
Dissaux Annie Multimedia 2010 ** GGG F
Djeff - Multimedia 2000 ** G M
Dombis Pascal Painting 1990 * GG M
Dominguez Diana Interaction 1990 * GGG F
Doutriaux Cédric Writing 1990 * G M
Drouhin Reynald Web 1990 * G M
Druais Stéphane Cinema 1980 * G M
Du Zhenjun Multimedia 2000 * GG T
Dubois Kitsou Dance 2010 ** G F
Duchamp Marcel Objects 1920 ***** G M
Duckrick Lackaal Performance 1990 * G T
Ducornet Mytil Writing 2010 * G T
Ducrocq Albert Writing 1950 * GGG M
Dufau Pierre Architecture 1950 ** GG M
Dufaux Pascal Photography 2000 * GG M
Dufour Frank Writing 1990 * G M
Dumas Chloé Theater 2010 * GG F
Dumetz Cédric Interaction 2000 * G M
Dupouy Marcel Video 2010 * G M
Dupuis Robin Video 1990 * G M
Durif Valentin Music 2000 * G M
Dury Rémi Music 2010 * G M
Dutey J. Interaction 1980 * G T
Duval Renaud Interaction 2010 * GG M
Edelstein-Gomez Majda Video 2010 * GGG F
Electronic-Shadow - Multimedia 2010 ** GG T
Elgheryeni Amine Bio-Art 2010 * GGGG M
Em Marc Music 2000 * G M
Emard Justine Video 2010 * GGG F
Eon Franck Cinema 2010 * G M
eRikm - Multimedia 2000 * G M
Escalle Alain Cinema 2000 * G M
d'Estienne_d'Orves Félicie Multimedia 2000 * G F
Eveillard _ Painting 2010 * GG F
Ez3kiel - Web 1990 * G T
Fabre Xavier Architecture 1990 ** GG M
Fabrique_Nomade - Music 2010 * G T
Farrell Malachi Objects 2000 * G M
Fauchere Camille Writing 2010 * G M
Faure Arnaud Photography 2010 * G M
Faure Claude Writing 1990 * GG M
Favand Jean-Paul Multimedia 2000 ** G M
Favard Laetitia Interaction 2010 * GG F
Fischer Hervé Art 2010 * G M
Flachot Bertrand Photography 2010 * G M
Fléri Louis Interaction 2000 ** G F
Floc'h Nicolas Sculpture 2000 * G M
Fonséranes - Sculpture 1990 * G M
Forest Fred Web 1970 ***** G M
Foresta Don Web 1970 *** G M
Fouquart Florine Video 2010 * GG F
Foures Henry Music 2010 * GG M
Fourneau Antonin Interaction 2010 * G M
Fournier Thierry Interaction 2000 * G M
Fournier Vincent Photography 2010 * G M
Fourny Pierre Writing 1980 * GG M
Fradet Patrick Music 2010 * GG M
Frémiot Marcel Music 2000 * GG M
Fréring Elisabeth Painting 2010 * G F
Frespech Nicolas Web 1990 * G M
Frey Leopold Music 2000 * G M
Fumeron Alexandre Cinema 2000 * G M
Fur - Music 2000 * G T
Gabriel Peter Music 1990 *** G M
Gagneré Georges Performance 2000 * G M
Gallis Fabrice Writing 2000 * GGG M
Gambert Chloé Music 2010 * GG F
Gantelet Stéphane Sculpture 2000 * G M
Garbit Patrick Objects 2010 * G M
Garcia-Rossi - Light 1970 * G M
Garnavault Sylvain Performance 2000 * G M
Garnier François Cinema 1990 * G M
Gaudion Lucien Music 2010 * G M
Gaulon Benjamin Multimedia 2010 * G M
Gaulon Olivier Interaction 2010 * G M
Gautier Pascal Robotics 2000 * GG M
Genevois Hugues Music 1990 * GGG M
Le_Gentil_Garçon - Cinema 2010 * G M
Geoffre-Roulan Martial Sculpture 2010 * GG M
Geridan Jean-Michel Painting 2000 * G M
Gervais Emilie Web 2000 *** G F
Gherban Alexandre Painting 2000 ** G M
Gherbi Nicholas Multimedia 2010 * G M
Ghomi Emilien Music 2000 * GG M
Gibello Emmanuelle Music 2010 * GG F
Gibson Gerod Calligraphy 2010 * G M
Giner Pierre Multimedia 2000 * G M
Giovanelli Jean-Pierre Multimedia 1990 * G M
Girardot Thomas Interaction 2010 * G M
Giraud Fabien Sculpture 2000 ** G M
Giriat Christian Interaction 2010 * G M
Giscloux Derrick Music 2000 * GG M
Goddyn Hélène Painting 2010 * G F
Golon Laurent Sculpture 2000 * G M
Gorgé Francis Music 1970 * G M
Gortais Bernard Multimedia 1990 * G M
Gouchet Xavier Painting 2010 * G M
Gouisset Raphael Performance 2010 * G M
Goulet Olivier Web 1990 * G M
Gourfink Myriam Dance 2000 ** G F
Grach Alain Cinema 1980 * G M
Grancher Valéry Multimedia 1990 * G M
Grangier Emmanuelle Interaction 2000 * GGG F
Grasso Laurent Sculpture 2000 * G M
Gratius Jean-Yves Music 2010 * GG M
Graumnitz Michael Cinema 1980 ** G M
Grillo Victor Painting 1980 * GGG M
Grimon Gilles Painting 2000 * G M
Grof Ferenc Web 2000 * G M
Gromer Gaetan Music 2010 * G M
Guénin Jean-Michel Painting 2000 * G M
Guermont Milène Interaction 2010 * GG F
Guerra David Music 2010 * G M
Guess Jeff Photography 2010 * G M
Guez David Web 2010 * G M
Guez Emmanuel Interaction 2010 * G M
Guez Judith Multimedia 2010 * G F
Gufflet Pierre Music 2000 * GG M
Guibert Thierry Painting 2000 * G M
Guichard Nicolas Interaction 2010 * GG M
Guillermet Christoph Multimedia 2010 * G M
Guillou Jannick Cinema 2010 * GG F
Guiol Etienne Video 2010 * G M
Halet Pierre Music 1960 * G M
Hallinan Nate Painting 2000 * G M
Hammadouche Lyes Sculpture 2010 * GG M
Hamot Hubert Painting 2000 * G M
Haudressy Pascal Video 2010 * G M
Haussmann Raoul Light 1920 * G M
Haute Lucile Web 2010 * G M
Hebey Evelyne Multimedia 1990 * GG F
Henry Cyrille Performance 2000 * G M
Henry Damien Performance 2000 * G M
Henry Pierre Music 1960 *** G M
Herbaut Guillaume Photography 2000 ** G M
Herbin Auguste Painting 1960 ** G M
Hertz Jimmy Interaction 2010 * G M
Heudin Jean-Claude Bio-Art 1990 ** GGG M
Hotrique Jules Music 2010 * GGG M
Hourbette Gérard Music 2000 * G M
Hubert Jean Video 2010 * G M
Huet Cécile Web 2000 ** GG F
Huet Evelyne Painting 2010 * G F
Huguet Sylvain Robotics 2010 * GGG M
Huitric Hervé Cinema 1980 *** G M
Hutzler Guillaume Multimedia 2000 * GG M
Huyghe Pierre Architecture 1990 * G M
I-maginer - Painting 1990 ** GG T
ILK - Painting 2010 * G T
Ikam Catherine Interaction 2000 *** G F
Inavouable - Performance 2000 * G T
Isdant Raphael Interaction 2000 * GG M
Itey Sophie Interaction 2010 * GG F
Izam Cyril Painting 2010 * G M
Jacobs Anne-Laure Web 2010 * GGG F
Jacobs Bénédicte Web 2010 * GGG F
Jacquart - Objects 1800 *** G M
Jacquemin Christian Dance 2000 * GG M
Jaffray Alex Multimedia 2010 ** G M
Jaffrenou Michel Multimedia 1980 *** G M
Jankenpopp _ Multimedia 2000 * GG M
Jaouen Joseph Music 2010 * G M
Jarolim Tomek Performance 1980 * G M
Jarre Jean-Michel Music 1980 ***** G M
Jean Patrick Cinema 2010 * G M
Jeantet Philippe Painting 1980 * G M
Jodlowski Pierre Music 2000 * G M
Jolivet André: Music 1920 ** G M
Jolly Francis Photography 2000 * G M
Joy Jérôme Music 2000 ** G M
Jugue Loïc Video 2000 * GG M
K.Danse - Dance 2000 * GG T
KRN - Web 2000 * G F
Ka Wolf Multimedia 1990 *** GG M
Kaalam - Calligraphy 2000 * G M
Kabarelectronik - Multimedia 2000 * G T
Kayat Guy Theater 1960 * GG M
Kerebel Marie-Agnès Painting 2010 * G F
Kersalé Yann Light 1980 *** G M
Kessler Roland Cinema 1980 * G M
Klein Yves Painting 1950 **** G M
Klein Yves-Amu Robotics 1990 ** G M
Klonowski Carine Painting 2010 * G F
Knotter - Painting 1980 * G M
Kraus Florence Music 2010 * GG F
Kr�e Nathalie Sculpture 2000 * GG F
Kueny Pierre Painting 2000 ** G M
Kuntzel Thierry Cinema 1990 * G M
LWO _ Painting 1980 * GG M
Labaeye Cora Writing 2010 * GG F
Lacalmontie Jean-François Painting 1980 * GG M
Lachaise Marion Video 2010 * G F
Lachignot Ladislas Painting 2010 * GG M
Lacroix Georges Cinema 1980 ** G M
Lafaille J.M. Writing 1990 * G M
Laffont Patrick Video 2000 ** G M
Lagny Fabien Interaction 1990 * G M
Lallemand Ianis Multimedia 2010 * GG M
Lambert-Wild Jean Performance 2000 ** G M
Langlade Catherine Dance 1990 * G F
Laric Oliver Sculpture 2010 * G M
Laroze Frank Writing 2000 * G M
Larralde Joseph Music 2010 * GG M
Lartigue Béatrice Multimedia 2010 * GG F
Lasnier Jeremie Multimedia 2010 * GG M
Laugier Sonia Light 2000 * GG F
Laval-Jeantet Marion Bio-Art 1990 * GGGG F
Lavaud Sophie Cinema 2000 ** G F
Lavigne Christian Sculpture 2000 ** GG M
Le_Boucher Alain Sculpture 1980 * G M
Le_Berre Claude Multimedia 2000 * G T
Le_Chevallier Martin Games 2000 * G M
Le-Corbusier - Architecture 1930 ***** G M
Le-Meur Anne-Sarah Interaction 2000 *** GG F
Le_Parc Juan Multimedia 2010 * GGG M
Le-Parc Julio Multimedia 1950 **** G M
Le_Prado Cécile Music 1990 * GG F
Leaustic Fabien Video 2010 * G M
Lebel Jean-Jacques Writing 1970 * G M
Léger Fernand Painting 1920 ***** G M
Legros Sébastien Multimedia 2000 * G M
Leguay Yann Music 2010 * G M
Lejault François Video 2010 * GG M
Lelouche Marie Interaction 2010 ** GGG F
Lemercier Joanie Interaction 2010 * G T
Lempereur S´bastien Architecture 2000 * G M
Leon Santiago_Ferrero Interaction 2010 * G M
Lepage Robert Performance 1990 * G M
Lepart Selma Interaction 2010 * GGG F
Leroux Claire Interaction 2000 ** GGG F
Lesbros Vincent Music 1980 * G M
Letellier David Multimedia 2010 * G M
Leton Xavier Web 2000 * GGG M
Levesque Julien Painting 2000 ** G M
Lévy Vincent Cinema 2000 * G M
Li Blanca Dance 2010 *** G F
Lioret Alain Cinema 2000 **** GGG M
Longavesne Jean-Paul Painting 1990 ** G M
Longuet Alain Painting 1990 *** GG M
Losa Diego Music 2000 * G M
Louise Frank_II Music 2010 * G M
Lucas Jesse Multimedia 2000 * G M
Lucchesi Xavier Photography 2000 ** G M
Lussan Edouard Writing 1990 * G M
Luxereau Christophe Cinema 2000 * G M
Mâa Berrriet Interaction 2010 **** GG M
Mabel_Octobre - Performance 2000 ** G T
Machac Gil Multimedia 1990 * G M
Magné Bernard Writing 1990 * GG M
Maguet Stéphane Music 2000 ** G M
Maigret Nicolas Multimedia 2010 * G M
Mailender Thomas Multimedia 2010 * G M
Maillard Claude Writing 1980 * G M
Maillet Emilie_Anna Theater 2010 * GG F
Maillet Eric Writing 2000 * GG M
Malbert Alexis Music 2010 * GG M
Malbreil Xavier Interaction 2000 * GG M
Malichier Guillaume Multimedia 2010 * GG M
Malrieux Claire Video 2010 ** GGGG F
Mamou-Mani Arthur Architecture 2010 ** G M
Mandron Jérôme Sculpture 2010 * GG M
Mangin Benoiît Bio-Art 1990 * GGG M
Mannelli Laura Architecture 2010 * G F
Manoury Philippe Music 1970 ** G M
Manuel Bertrand Robotics 2010 * GG M
Marchal Damien Painting 2000 * GGG M
Marchand Sylvie Multimedia 2000 * G F
Marcos Adrien Multimedia 2010 * GG M
Margnac Jean-Paul Photography 2000 * G M
Marion Maxime Multimedia 2000 * G M
Marker Chris Cinema 1960 **** G M
Marko-93 - Light 2000 * G M
Marmin Guillaume Light 2010 * G M
Marolleau Frédéric Music 2010 * G M
Marquette Jean-Claude Painting 1960 * G M
Martig François Music 2010 * G M
Martin André Cinema 1980 * G M
Martinache François. Painting 2010 * G M
Martinengo Alice Multimedia 2010 * GG F
Martinez Xano Interaction 2010 * GG M
Mate Claudia Web 2010 * GG F
Matos Jean-Marc Dance 2000 ** G M
Maubert Alexandre Cinema 2000 * G M
Menicacci Armando Dance 2000 * G M
Mercier Mathieu Objects 2000 * G M
Merlet-Briand Mathieu Painting 2010 ** G M
Merzouki Mourad Dance 2010 ** GG M
Meschinot Jean Writing 1400 * GG M
Messiaen Olivier Music 1940 ***** G M
Messier Martin Performance 2010 * G M
Mestaoui Naziha Multimedia 2000 * G F
Meunier Albertine Web 2000 * GG F
Meynard Jean-Claude Painting 1990 * G M
Mézenc Juliette Writing 2000 * G F
Michel Pierre Cinema 2000 * G M
Mignonneau Christian Multimedia 1990 ***** GGG M
Milhaud Darius Music 1930 **** G M
Minh Yann Multimedia 2010 * G M
Mixage_Fou _ Interaction 2010 * GG T
Molnar Vera Painting 1960 **** GG F
Monmarch� Nicolas Cinema 2000 * GG M
Monney Michael Photography 2010 * G M
Monnier Mathilde Dance 2010 * G F
Monnier Richard Sculpture 1980 * G M
Monteil Pascal Painting 1990 * G M
Monteiro Stephane Music 2000 * GG M
Montgermont Nicolas Multimedia 2010 * G M
Moreau Benjamin Cinema 2000 * G M
Moreda Miguel Cinema 2000 * G M
Morel Julie Multimedia 2000 * G F
Morellet François Light 1980 *** G M
Morellet Rachel Painting 2010 * G M
Morelli Patrick Web 2000 ** G M
Moretti Pierre Theater 2000 * G M
Moricet Bertrand Music 2010 * G M
Morvan Olivier Painting 2010 * G M
Moullet Patrick Music 1980 * G M
Moya Patrick Web 2010 * GG M
Murail Tristan Music 1970 * G M
Murie Fred Multimedia 2000 * G M
Music M2eye Music 2000 * G T
Muthesius Thomas Interaction 2010 * GG M
Nagorny Frédéric Cinema 1990 * G M
Nahas Monique Cinema 1980 ** GG F
Naudy Jean-Baptiste Web 2000 * G M
Nechvatal Joseph Cinema 2000 *** GGG M
Niark-1 - Painting 2010 * G T
Niel Grégory Sculpture 2000 * G M
Noetlinger Jérôme Music 2000 * GG M
Nonotak_Studio - Multimedia 2010 ** GGG T
Nouveau Fred Multimedia 1990 * GG M
Nyeki Catherine Video 2000 *** GGG F
O'Rourke Karen Web 2000 * G F
Ocelot Michel Cinema 2010 ** G M
Okura Mayumi Interaction 2010 * GG F
Olislaeger François Painting 2010 * G M
Olory Paul Performance 2000 * G M
Open-zone - Interaction 2000 * G T
Orfesccu Chris Painting 2010 * G M
Orkestronika _ Music 2010 * GG M
Orlan - Performance 1980 ** G F
Ortiz Diego Performance 2010 * G M
Ory Solveig_de Interaction 1970 * GG F
Oswald Olivier Objects 2000 * G M
Othoniel Jean-Michel Writing 1990 * G M
Oulipo - Writing 1930 **** GGGG T
Oupeinpo - Painting 1950 ** GGGG T
Ouramdane Rachid Dance 1990 * G M
Outrapo - Performance 1990 ** GGGG T
Ozeray Michel Theater 2000 * G M
Pachoud Thomas Multimedia 2010 * GGG M
Palun Lionel Video 2000 * GG M
Paouri Arghyro Cinema 1990 * GG F
Papp Tibor Painting 1980 * G M
Paquet Eliott Painting 2010 * G M
Paré Zaven Robotics 1990 * GGG M
Paris Guillaume Photography 2000 * G M
Parreno Philippe Cinema 2000 * G M
Paskine Max Performance 2010 * G M
Pasquet Olivier Performance 2010 * G M
Passedout Mafloh� Dance 2000 * GG F
Paysant Michel Painting 2010 * G M
Pelloquin Jean-Marie Writing 1990 * G M
Perales Veronica Multimedia 2000 * G F
Perconte Jacques Cinema 1990 * GG M
Perec Georges Theater 1970 * GG M
Perez Laetitia Multimedia 2010 * G M
Péin Jérémie Cinema 2010 * G M
Perraud Stéfane Multimedia 2010 ** G M
Petchanatz Christophe Writing 1990 * G M
Petigenet Philippe Music 2000 * G M
Peyret Jean-François Theater 2010 * GG M
Peyronnet Patrice Painting 2010 * G M
Philippe Jean-Marc Multimedia 1990 ** G M
Piacenza Philippe Multimedia 1990 * G M
PiBee _ Video 2010 * G M
Picard Marion Writing 2010 ** G F
Pigment_Pixel _ Interaction 2010 * GG T
Pigot Cédric Music 2000 ** G M
Piokaz - Cinema 2010 * G T
Planes Bertrand Sculpture 2010 * G M
Pleix - Multimedia 2000 * G T
Poirée-Ville Jean-Philippe Architecture 1990 *** G M
Polieri Jacques Theater 1980 * G M
Pondruel Denis Sculpture 1990 * GG M
Portier Cécile Writing 2010 * G M
Pottier Arnaud Web 2010 * G M
Poulain Benoit Music 2010 * GG M
Pourchet Bernard Painting 2010 * G M
Prieur Thierry Architecture 1990 * G M
Prigent Jean-Fran�ois Performance 1980 * G M
Pschetz Nicole Dance 2010 * GG F
Quéau Philippe Cinema 1980 *** G M
Quéloz Emmanuelle Interaction 2000 * G F
Quemener Irwin Architecture 2000 * GG M
Quevillon François Interaction 2010 * G M
Quistrebert Florian&Michael Video 2010 ** GGG T
RYBN _ Multimedia 2000 * GG M
Rabichon Baptiste Photography 2010 * G M
Radigue Eliane Music 1970 ** GG F
Raguenes Erwan Multimedia 2010 * G M
Rahime Nazura Writing 2000 * G T
Rain Aude Video 2010 * G F
Ramboz Eve Cinema 1990 ** GG F
Rannou Catherine Multimedia 2000 * G F
Rasti Olivier Light 2000 * GG F
Ratté Sabrina Video 2010 * G F
Ravalec Vincent Cinema 2010 * G M
Ray Man Photography 1920 **** G M
Rebotini Arnaud Music 2010 * G M
Redolfi Michel Multimedia 1980 ** G M
Regottaz Djeff Games 2010 * G M
Rémy S´bastien Multimedia 2000 * G M
Renato - Cinema 1980 ** G M
Rey Etienne Interaction 2000 * G M
Rezo Cali Painting 2000 * G F
Ribotti Cassandra Multimedia 2010 * G F
Ricko _ Painting 2010 * G M
Riewer Eric Cinema 2000 *** G M
Risset Jean-Claude Music 1970 ** G M
Riviere Arnaud Music 2010 * G M
Rodet Xavier Music 1990 * G M
Ronsiaux François Multimedia 2000 * G M
Roques Marc Multimedia 1990 * G M
Rose Aude Performance 2000 * G F
Rosier Bruno Interaction 2000 * G M
Rossi Aldo Architecture 1990 ** GG M
Roszkowa Maria Design 2010 * G F
Rousseau Anthony Interaction 2010 * GG M
Rousseau Samuel Video 1990 * G M
Rovère Pierre Cinema 1970 * G M
Saguez Olivier Architecture 1990 ** G M
Saint-Amant Etienne Painting 2010 * GGG M
Saint-Aubin Samuel Sculpture 2010 * GG M
Saint-Clair - Multimedia 1990 ** GG M
Sassoon Nicolas Sculpture 2010 * G M
Sautour Stéphane Robotics 2000 * G M
Sauvage Ludovic Video 2000 * GG M
Savarin Jean-Luc Cinema 1980 * G M
Savelli Anne Writing 2000 * G F
Scénocosme - Multimedia 2000 ** GG T
Schaeffer Pierre Music 1960 **** G M
Schmitt Antoine Cinema 2000 *** GGG M
Schoeffer Nicolas Sculpture 1970 *** G M
Schweitzer Adelin Interaction 2000 * GG F
Scriabine - Music 1900 *** G M
Sédano Jean-Robert Interaction 1970 * G M
Seillier Bruno Light 2000 ** G M
Sellam Michael Robotics 2000 * G M
Sémeniako Michel Photography 1990 * G M
Sens Olivier Music 1990 * G M
Sérandour Eric Interaction 2000 * G M
Servovalve - Cinema 2000 * G M
Seurat - Painting 1920 ***** G M
Sfar Joann Cinema 2010 *** G M
Shonen (Compagnie) Dance 2000 * G T
Shu-Min Lin Cinema 2000 * G M
Si_et_seulement_si - Theater 2010 * G T
Siboni Raphaël Objects 2000 ** G M
Silhol Didier Dance 2000 * G M
Sinclair Peter Music 2000 ** G M
Sinier Raoul Music 2000 * G M
Sismo_Objectsers - Objects 2010 * G T
Sistach Claire Interaction 2010 ** GG F
Sliders_Lab - Interaction 2000 * GG T
Socquin-Brillan Philippe Painting 2010 * G M
Sommerer Chista Multimedia 1990 ***** GGGG F
Sorin Pierrick Theater 2000 * G M
Soulhiol Géraud Painting 2010 * G M
Spatial_Media - Multimedia 2000 ** G T
Spatial_Media - Multimedia 2000 ** G T
Stein Joël Painting 1970 * G M
Sufrin Edouard Cinema 2000 * G M
Survage Leopold Cinema 1920 ** G M
Sulplugas Jeanne Light 2000 * G F
Systaime - Multimedia 2010 * G M
Tampon-Lajarriette Marion Photography 2000 * G F
Tekno-mind - Robotics 1980 ** G M
Teles_de_Castro Isadora Video 2010 ** G F
Terracol Pascal Cinema 1980 ** G M
Terrier Grégoire Music 2010 * GG M
Teste Cyril Multimedia 2000 ** G M
Thery Flavien Multimedia 2000 * G M
Thévin Olivier Painting 2010 * G M
Thibault Raphaë Video 2010 * G M
This Hervé Cooking 1980 * GG M
Toma Yann Light 1990 * G M
Torregrosa Jean Performance 1980 * G M
Torres Santiago Video 2010 * G M
Trafik - Multimedia 2000 * G T
Tramus Marie-Hélène Interaction 1980 ** G F
Trois-Carrés Stéphane Painting 2010 *** G M
Tudoux Thomas Painting 2010 * G M
Un-drame-musical-instantané - Music 1970 ** G M
Ungauer Sylvie Multimedia 2000 * G F
Urso Maria_Donata_d' Dance 2000 * G F
Valensi Henry Music 1930 * G M
Valla Clément Photography 2010 * G M
Varese Edgar Music 1950 **** G M
Vasarely - Painting 1950 ***** G M
Vaucanson - Robotics 1700 ***** G M
Veihan Xavier Sculpture 2000 ** G M
Benet Bernard Bio-Art 2000 * G M
Venturelli Suzette Web 2000 * G F
Verbrugghe Bruno Music 2010 * GGG M
Verdière François_de Painting 2000 * G M
Verjux Michel Light 1980 * G M
Verlinde Hugo Sculpture 2000 *** G M
Vernhes Eric Multimedia 2000 * G M
Vernhes-Lermusiaux Aurélien Interaction 2010 * GG M
Verreault Jean-François Writing 1990 * G M
Veyrat Marc Video 2010 * GGG M
Viennot Eric Games 1980 ** G M
Vieux Anne Multimedia 2010 ** G F
Villard de_Honnecourt Architecture 1200 * G M
Visonneau Antoine Cinema 2000 * G M
Visual Systems Multimedia 2010 * G T
Vitet Bernard Music 1970 * G M
Vitkine Alexandre Sculpture 1970 * G M
Vives Luc Painting 2010 * G M
Voillaume Thomas Interaction 2010 * G M
Voisin Fred Music 1980 * G M
Vul� _ Photography 2010 * G M
Wagon Gwenola Cinema 2010 ** GG F
Wall'Ich - Cinema 2000 ** GG M
Weber Pascale Multimedia 1990 * GGG F
Webster Christine Music 2000 * GG F
Wendling Wilfried Music 2000 * G M
Wenger Eric Painting 1990 *** G M
Willeme François Sculpture 1800 * GG M
Windows 93 Web 2010 ** GG T
Xenakis Iannis Music 1960 ***** GG M
Yalter Nil Cinema 1980 * G M
Yro - Multimedia 2010 * G T
YroYto - Multimedia 2010 ** G T
Yvans Claude Multimedia 2000 * GG M
Yvaral Jean-Pierre Multimedia 1980 *** GG M
Yvon-Paliot Sylvain Painting 2010 * GGG M
Zanesi Christian Music 1970 ** G M
Zhenjun Du Performance 2000 *** G M
Zocco Fabien Interaction 2010 * G F
803 artists.


Albers Joseph Painting 1930 **** G M
Allner Walter_Heinz Painting 1960 * G M
Ammer Ralph Painting 2000 * G M
Art+Com - Painting 1990 * G M
Aselmeier Barbara Web 1990 * G F
Asendorf Kim Multimedia 2000 * GG M
Baecker Ralf Interaction 2000 * GG M
Baier Viola Cinema 2010 * G F
Banzbowinkel _ Painting 2010 * GG T
Bartholl Aram Sculpture 2000 * G M
Bartnig Horst Painting 1970 * GG M
Basset Klaus Painting 1970 * G M
Baumann Kurt Painting 2000 * G M
Baumer Wolfgang Painting 1960 * G M
Bayrle Thomas Painting 1960 * G M
Bense Max Writing 1950 *** GG M
Bergstrom Carl Painting 2000 * G M
Berkenheger Susan Writing 1990 * GG F
Bernstein Jan Sculpture 2000 * GG M
Beyer Robert Music 1960 * G M
Bismarck Julius_von Photography 2000 * G M
Blank Joachim Web 1990 * G M
Borgman Tim Sculpture 2000 * G M
Bosse Chris Architecture 2000 * GGG T
Böttager Frank Painting 1970 * G M
Büaut;bert - Bio-Art 1980 ** GGG T
Charnock Nigel Performance 2000 ** G M
Claus Jurgen Sculpture 1980 * G M
Congaz - Multimedia 2000 * G T
Corredor Eliana Interaction 2000 * G F
Cumbrowski Carsten Painting 1990 * G M
Damm Ursula Bio-Art 1990 * GG F
Dehlinger Hans Painting 2000 *** GG M
Diefenbach Anja Theater 2000 ** G F
Dörnbaum Daniel Painting 1990 * G M
Dragan Anja Fabrics 2010 ** G F
Dürer Abrecht Painting 1400 **** GG M
Ebener Christoph Bio-Art 1990 ** GGG M
Eimer Herbert Music 1960 * G M
Enkel Fritz Music 1950 * G M
Epsenschied Dragan Writing 1990 * G M
Fach Ole Web 2010 * GG F
Falsnaes Christian Interaction 2010 ** GGG M
Farocki Harun Video 2000 ** G M
Fietzek Frank Interaction 1990 * GG M
Fleisch Thorsten Cinema 2000 * GG M
Fleischmann Monika Cinema 1980 * GGG F
Franke Daniel Music 2000 * G M
Freude Alvar Writing 1990 * G M
Friedrich Verena Bio-Art 1990 * GG F
Fuchs Mathias Games 2000 ** GG M
Gabriel Ulrike Interaction 1990 ** GGGG F
Generative_Typographie - Calligraphy 2000 * G M
Gommel Matthias Robotics 2000 ** G M
Graef Jurgen Interaction 2000 * G M
Gremmier Thomas Robotics 2000 * GG M
Groebel Matthias Painting 2000 * G M
Grubinger Eva Web 1990 * G F
Gunther Ingo Painting 1990 * G M
Gursky Andreas Photography 1990 * G M
Haacke Hans Writing 1950 * GG M
Haase Armin Web 1990 * G M
Haitz Martina Robotics 2000 * G F
Hansen Heiko Light 2000 ** G M
Hardiker Amendent Writing 1980 * G M
Heide Axel Cinema 2000 * G M
Hendricks Jochem Painting 1990 * G M
Henke Robert Music 1990 ** GG M
Henze Eno Painting 2000 * G M
Hirschfeld-Mack Ludwig Light 1930 * G M
Höller Carsten Interaction 1990 * G M
Hopf Judith Cinema 2010 * G F
Howell Brendan Interaction 2000 * GG M
Huebler Christian Web 1990 * G M
Huebner Arne Video 2010 * G F
Ingenhoven Christoph Architecture 2000 * G M
Jeron Karl_Heinz Web 1990 * G M
Johannsen Kirsten Multimedia 1990 * G F
Kauselmann Oliver Cinema 2000 * G M
Kickinger Max Music 2000 * G M
Kiefer Cedric Painting 2000 * G M
Kloepfer Thorsten Cinema 2000 * G M
Knowbotic Research Multimedia 1990 * G T
Kriesche Richard Interaction 1990 * G M
Kupresanin Andrew Photography 2010 * GG M
Lichtfront - Multimedia 2000 * GG T
Lintermann Berndt Cinema 1990 * G M
Lissel Edgar Bio-Art 1990 ** GGG M
Luetgart Sebastian Web 2000 * G M
Mack Heinz Sculpture 1950 ** GG M
Maire Julien Performance 2000 * GG M
Mantz Gehrard Painting 1980 * G M
Maurer Ingo Light 1980 ** G M
Meek Objects Calligraphy 2000 * GG T
Minimalclub - Bio-Art 1980 ** GGG T
Mohr Manfred Painting 1960 **** GG M
Morawe Voker Multimedia 2000 * GG M
M�ller Boris Painting 2000 * G M
Muller Mark Calligraphy 2000 * G M
Nake Frieder Painting 1960 ** G M
Naleppa Götz Music 1980 * G M
Nees Georg Painting 1960 ** G M
Neitsch Sebastian Robotics 2000 * G M
Nicolai Carsten Multimedia 1990 * G M
Onformative - Multimedia 2000 * GGG T
Osterhoff Johannes_P Multimedia 2000 * GG M
Palindrome_Inter-media_Performance P_Group Dance 2000 * GGG T
Pfeffer Florian Painting 2000 * G M
Piene Otto Sculpture 1990 *** G M
Plewe Daniela_Alina Interaction 1990 ** G F
Pohflepp Sascha Sculpture 2010 * G M
Popp Julius Interaction 2010 * G M
Rauh Olaf Photography 1990 * G M
Reif Tilmman Multimedia 2000 * G M
Reuter Hans-Peter Painting 1970 ** G M
Roswall Martin Painting 2000 * G M
Roy Niklas Interaction 2010 ** G M
Ruff Thomas Photography 1990 * G M
Sagmeister Stefan Painting 2000 * G M
Sakrowski Robert Painting 2000 * G M
Sauer Adrian Painting 2000 * G M
Sauter Joachim Cinema 2000 * G M
Schemat Stefan Multimedia 2000 * G M
Schieben Michael Web 2000 * GG M
Schmitz Michael Painting 2000 * G M
Schneeberger Reiner Painting 1970 * G M
Schreiber Timothy Objects 2000 * G M
Schubert Theresa Bio-Art 2000 *** G F
Schulze Daniel Light 2010 * G M
Seidel Robert Painting 2000 * G M
Sollfrank Cornelia Web 1990 ** G F
Stefaner Moritz Painting 2000 * G M
Stockhausen Karl-Heinz Music 1950 **** G M
Rodatz Christoph Theater 2000 ** G M
Trutwin Tobias Painting 2000 * G M
Vasiliev Danja Multimedia 2010 * G M
Vilder Georg Painting 1970 * G M
Vogel Peter Music 2000 * G M
Völker Niels Sculpture 2010 * GG M
Wagner Richard Music 1870 ***** G M
Warnow Christopher Sculpture 2010 * GGG M
Weschler Robert Dance 1980 * G M
Winters Uli Bio-Art 1990 ** GGG M
Woeishi Lean Multimedia 2010 * G M
Zappe Jan Robotics 2000 * G M
Siegler Christian Video 2000 ** G M
146 artists.


Apelles - Painting 0 *** G M
Klonaris Maria Cinema 2000 * G F
Oikonomou Ioannis Architecture 2010 ** GG M
Pamphile - Painting 0 * G M
Psarra Afroditi Interaction 2010 * GG F
Pythagoras - Art 0 ** G M
Scourti Erica Web 2010 * GG F
7 artists.


Balla Peter Architecture 1960 * G M
Body Gabor Cinema 1970 * GG T
Halas John Cinema 1980 * G M
Heged�s Agnes Cinema 1990 * G F
Horvath Drea Painting 2000 * G F
Laban Rudolf Dance 1930 ** G M
Magyarosi Eva Video 2000 * GG F
Moholy-Nagy Lazlo Sculpture 1930 **** GG M
Walicszky Tamas Writing 1990 * G M
9 artists.


Bjork - Music 2000 ***** G F


Bhagwati Sandeep Music 1990 ** G M
Nair Arkan Painting 2000 * G M
Rao Anil-CS Painting 2000 * GG T
Rawat Kurnal Painting 2000 * G T
Shukumaran Ashok Performance 2000 * G M
5 artists.


Honf - Bio-Art 2010 ** GGG T
Saraswati Gramich Sculpture 2010 * G F


Allahyari Morehshin Sculpture 2010 * G F


Brucker-Cohen Jonah Web 2000 * G M
Costello Ma�bh Painting 2010 * G T
Doherty Robin Painting 2000 * G M
Glynn Ruari Architecture 2000 ** GGG M
Moore Tom Cinema 2010 * G M
Solon Brian Sculpture 2010 * G M
Twohig Ivan Sculpture 2000 * G M
7 artists.


Agam Yaacov Sculpture 1960 **** G M
Karavan Dani Light 1970 ** G M
Krinsky Menachem Painting 2010 * G M
Miasnik Shira Music 2000 * GG M
Peleg Danit Fabrics 2010 ** GG F
Pitaru Amit Music 2000 * G M
Rosen Avi Multimedia 1970 **** G M
7 artists.


Alberti - Painting 1400 **** G M
Alviani Getulio Light 1960 * G M
Anceschi Giovanni Light 1970 * G M
Annunziato Mauro Painting 1980 **** GGG M
Apollonio Marina Painting 2000 * G F
Arezzo Guido_d' Music 1000 * G M
BLU - Cinema 2010 ** G T
Babelli Gazira Multimedia 2000 * G F
Balestrini Nanni Writing 1960 * GGG F
Berio Luciano Music 1950 * GG M
Bertrand Ennio Interaction 1980 * G M
Biasi Alberto Sculpture 1950 * G M
Bittanti Matteo Multimedia 2000 * G M
Blissett Luther Web 1990 * G M
Boccioni Umberto Painting 1930 *** G M
Bolognini Maurizio Cinema 1990 * GGGG M
Boriani Davide Sculpture 1960 * G T
Bracelli Gianbattista Painting 1600 * G M
Brunone Tullio Sculpture 1990 * G M
Cadioli Marco Photography 2000 * G M
Cagol Stefano Web 2000 * G M
Calos Nino Light 1950 * G M
Canali Mario Interaction 1990 * GG M
Capozzo Alessandro Painting 2000 * GG M
Cardini Marco Music 1990 * GG M
Carlotto Andrea Music 2010 * GG M
Chiggio Ennio Sculpture 1950 * G M
Cillari Sonia Interaction 2000 * GG F
Cirio Paolo Web 2000 ** G M
Colombo Gianni Sculpture 1960 * G M
Coltro Davide Painting 2000 * G M
Corsetti Giorgio_Barbiero Theater 2000 * G M
Costa Toni Sculpture 1950 * G M
Crifino Fabio Interaction 1990 ** G M
Davinio Caterina Writing 1990 ** GG F
Dufay Guillaume Music 1400 * G M
Evangelisti Nicola Light 1990 * G M
Fontana Giovanni Cinema 1400 * G M
Francesconi Luca Music 1990 * G M
Frigo Alberto Multimedia 2000 * G M
Gilardi Piero Sculpture 1980 * G M
Giorgini Also Painting 1970 * G M
Glessi Antoni Multimedia 1980 ** G M
Grossi Pietro Music 1960 * GG M
Guzetti Ale Interaction 1980 * G M
La_Spada Giuseppe Multimedia 2000 ** G M
Landi Eduardo Sculpture 1950 * G M
Limiteazero - Multimedia 1990 * GG T
Ludovico Alessandro Web 2000 * G M
Malgagliati Sergio Music 1980 * GG M
Mari Enzo Objects 1970 ** G M
Mario - Music 2000 ** G M
Marsiglia Vicenzo Cinema 2010 * G M
Massironi Manfredo Sculpture 1950 * G M
Mattes Eva Web 2000 ** G F
Mattes Franco Web 2000 ** G M
Mecarelli Adalberto Light 1980 * G M
Munari Bruno Painting 1930 ** G M
Myrvold Pia Multimedia 2010 * G F
Nobo Luigi Music 1950 ** G M
Oggiano Lorenzo Bio-Art 2000 * G M
Passa Chiara Interaction 1990 * GG F
Perez-Florez Dario Painting 1980 * G F
Piano Renzo Architecture 2000 ** G M
Plessi Fabrizio Video 1970 * G M
Ratti Carlo Architecture 2000 * G M
Rosa Paolo Interaction 1990 ** GG M
Roveda Stefano Interaction 1990 * G M
Sangiorgi Leonardo Painting 1990 * G M
Sasso Mario Video 1980 * G M
Sassolino Arcangelo Robotics 2000 ** GG M
Segni Guido Web 2000 * GG M
Senni Lorenzo Music 2010 * GG M
Soddu Celestino Architecture 1990 *** GGG M
Studio_Azurro - Interaction 1990 * G M
Tozzi Tommaso Video 1980 * GG M
Varisco Grazia Sculpture 1960 * G F
Vecchi Gabriele_de Sculpture 1960 * G M
Vinci Leonardo-da Painting 1500 ***** G M
Vitruvius Marcus Architecture 0 *** G M
Zaffiri Enore Music 1960 ** G M
Zajec Edward Cinema 1970 * G M
Zanni Carlo Web 2000 * G M
Zingoni Andrea Multimedia 1980 * GG F
84 artists.


Gbobou Edwige Sculpture 2010 ** G F


Abe Hitoshi Architecture 2000 ** GG T
Abe Shuya Video 1970 * GGG M
Abe Yoshiyuki Photography 1990 * G M
Akaiwa Yae Web 1990 * GG M
Akamatsu Mayasuki Interaction 2000 * G T
Arakawa Ei Performance 2000 ** GG M
Asai Nobomichi Video 2010 ** G M
Atsunobu Kohira Photography 2000 * G M
Daito Manabe Cinema 2000 * G M
Fujihata Masaki Interaction 1990 * G M
Fujii Hikaru Interaction 2000 * G M
Fujino Koji Painting 1960 * G M
Fukuhara Shiho Bio-Art 2000 * GG M
Fukumoto Takashi Cinema 1980 * G M
Goto Suguru Performance 2000 ** GG M
Hara Kelichi Cinema 1980 ** G M
Hirakawa Norimichi Video 2010 * GGG M
Hirata Oriza Robotics 1990 * GG M
Hitoshi Abe Architecture 2000 * G M
Hitoshi Nishimura Cinema 1980 * G M
Horiuchi Tatsuo Painting 2000 * G M
Hurokawa Ryoichi Cinema 2000 ** GG M
Ikeda Ryoji Performance 2000 * G M
Isozaki Arata Architecture 1960 *** G M
Ito Shun Sculpture 2010 * GG M
Ito Toyo Architecture 2000 *** G M
Iwai Toshio Painting 2000 * G M
Iwata Hiroo Interaction 2000 * G M
Kanno So Robotics 2000 ** GGG F
Kawaguchi Yoichiro Sculpture 1980 *** GGG M
Kawano Hiroshi Objects 1970 * G M
Kawara On Writing 1990 * GG M
Kazikaki Junichiro Painting 1960 * G M
Kazuhiko Hashiya Performance 1990 * G M
Kobayashi Hiroki Interaction 2000 ** GG F
Kodama Sachiko Sculpture 2000 * GG F
Kogo Takuji Web 1990 ** G M
Kokyokyokuo Nehan Music 1950 * G M
Komura Masao Painting 1960 * G M
Kon Satoshi Cinema 1990 * G M
Kurokawa Azusa Painting 2000 * G M
Kurokawa Ryoichi Multimedia 2000 * G M
Kusahara Machico Cinema 2000 * G M
Kushiyama Kumiko Interaction 2000 * G F
Kuwakubo Ryota Objects 2000 * G M
Miyazaki Hayao Cinema 1990 * G M
Mizuguchi Tetsuya Games 2000 ** GG M
Mori Mariko Multimedia 2000 * G M
Morinaga Kunihiro Fabrics 2010 ** G M
Murakami Koichi Cinema 1990 * G M
Murayama Macoto Photography 2000 * G M
Nakamura Motomichi Cinema 2000 * G M
Nishimura Masashi Painting 1960 * G M
Niwa Fujio Painting 1960 * G M
Nogami Katsuki Web 2010 * GG M
Ohtake Makoto Painting 1960 * G M
Oozu Takeshi Interaction 2010 * GG M
Saotome Taichi Dance 2010 * G M
Sasaki Makoto Photography 2000 * G M
Sasaki Mutsuko Painting 1970 * G M
Sembo Kensuke Web 1990 * G M
Shibuya Koichiro Multimedia 2010 * G M
Sisyu - Calligraphy 2010 * G M
Sodeoka Yoshihide Multimedia 1990 ** G M
Suzuki Yuri Music 2000 * G M
Takatani Shiro Theater 2000 ** G M
Takayama Joe Painting 2000 * G M
Takemura Shin'Ichi Objects 1990 * G M
Tanaka Atau Music 2010 * G M
Tanaka Kotoro Multimedia 2010 * G M
Teamlab - Video 2010 * GG T
Teamlab - Video 2010 **** GGG T
Tokui Nao Interaction 2010 * GGG M
Tosa Naoko Sculpture 2000 * GG M
Tremmel Georg Bio-Art 2000 * G M
Tsuchiya Haruki Painting 1960 * G M
Ueoka Ryoko Fabrics 2000 ** GG F
Umeda Hiroaki Multimedia 2000 ** G M
Unemi Tatsuo Art 1990 ** GGG M
Usami Keiji Light 1960 * G M
Wada Ei Sculpture 2000 * GG M
Watanabe Takao Robotics 2010 * G M
Yamaguchi Takahiro Robotics 2000 ** GGG F
Yamagushi Koichiro Cinema 1990 **** GG M
Yamakawa Hisako Interaction 2000 * G M
Yamanaka Kunio Painting 1960 * G M
Yamanaka Shunji Objects 2000 ** G M
Yokobe Masaki Painting 2010 * G M
Yokokoji Matsuko Multimedia 1990 ** G M
Yoshioka Hiroshi Interaction 2000 * G M
Yoshiyuki Abe Painting 1970 * G M
91 artists.


Chuchu Jim Painting 2010 * G M
Hopkins Sam Multimedia 2000 * G M
Njenga Muchiri Cinema 2010 * G M


ChanG Foung-gyu Music 2000 * G M
Cho Hyun-Hwa Music 2010 * GG F
Do-Won Sin Video 2010 * G M
Hah Tasoc Interaction 2010 * G M
Hong Wonhwa Painting 1990 * G T
Kim Hye-Kyung Painting 2000 * G M
Kim Hyung-Tae Games 2010 * G M
Kim Unzi Video 2010 * G M
Kimyonghun Shinseungback Photography 2010 * GG M
Ko Seung-Wok Interaction 2010 * G T
Lee Hee_Won Multimedia 2000 * G F
Lee Inhye Multimedia 2000 * GGG F
Lee Jae-Min Sculpture 2000 ** G T
Paik Nam-Jun Sculpture 1950 ***** GG M
Park Sejong Cinema 2000 *** G M
Park Jae-Dong Painting 2000 * G M
Tak Young-kyung Painting 2000 * G M
Yang Minh-Ha Interaction 2010 * G T
Young-Hae_Chang_Heavy_Industries - Painting 2000 * GG T
19 artists.


Milojevic Petar Painting 1960 * G M


Alksnis Arvids Web 1990 * GG T


Eloueini Ammar Architecture 2000 * G M
Hatoum Mona Painting 2000 * G F
Mbarkho Ricardo Web 2000 * G M


Sakalauskas Rimas Video 2010 * G M


Collectif_Yeta - Interaction 2010 * G T


Abreu Ivan Multimedia 2000 *** G M
Armas Marcela Robotics 2010 ** G F
Candela Felix Architecture 1950 ** GG M
Constantini Arcangelo Robotics 2010 ** G M
Cuevas Minerva Multimedia 1990 * G F
Esparza Gilberto Bio-Art 2010 ** G M
Felguerez Manuel Painting 1970 * GG M
Lozano-Hemmer Rafael Multimedia 2000 ** G M
Meyer Pedro Photography 1990 ** G M
Munoz Amor Fabrics 2000 *** GG F
Murcof - Music 2000 * G M
Ortiz Benjamin_Moreno Writing 2010 * G M
Perez-y-Perez Rafael Writing 2000 * GGG M
Sasson Mayer Painting 1970 * G M
14 artists.


Afifi Sa¨d Interaction 2010 * G M
Zerktouni Arthur Interaction 2010 * G M


Avdal Heine Dance 2000 * G M
Baig Haroon Multimedia 2010 * GG M
Baschz Leeft Multimedia 2010 * G M
Brajkovic Sebastian Sculpture 2000 * GG M
Brand Eelco Cinema 2000 * GG M
Children_of_the_Light _ Light 2010 * G T
Coleman Melissa Fabrics 2010 ** GGGG F
Dijkstra Maartje Fabrics 2010 ** GGG F
Driessens Erwin Multimedia 1990 *** GGG M
Fischer Andreas Sculpture 2000 * GG M
Frelih Luca Web 1990 * GG M
Fritz Darko Web 1980 ** G M
Gobeille Emily Multimedia 2000 * G F
Gordijn Lonneke Light 2010 * GG F
Heemskerk Joan Web 2000 * G F
Heide Edwin_van-der Multimedia 2000 ** G M
Hekke Thomas_voor't Multimedia 2010 * G M
Holthuis Jeroen Multimedia 2000 * GG M
Hyperbody Research_Group Architecture 2000 * GG M
Jansen Theo Robotics 2000 * G M
Jodi-Group - Web 1990 * GG T
Kaulmann Thomas Art 1990 * GG M
Klinkowstein Tom Web 1980 * G M
Koolhaas Rem Architecture 1990 *** G M
Kovr - Fabrics 2010 ** G T
Leegte Jan-Robert Web 1990 * G M
Maurer Luna Painting 2000 * GG F
Maus Benjamin Sculpture 2000 * G M
Menkman Rosa Web 2000 * GGG F
Mondrian Piet Painting 1930 ***** G M
Mouchette - Web 2000 * G F
Mul Geert Video 1990 ** GGGG M
Nauta Ralph Light 2010 * G M
Nijs Marnix_de Multimedia 2000 ** GG F
Nox/Lars Spuybroeck Architecture 1990 * G M
Ossevoort Stijn Fabrics 2010 ** GGG M
Otten Olivier Multimedia 2000 * GG M
Ploeger Dani Multimedia 2010 * GG M
Prospekt - Performance 1970 * GGGG T
Puckey Jonathan Painting 2000 * G M
Scha Remko Music 1980 * G M
Schallmaier Frank Photography 2010 * G M
Shinozaki Yukiko Dance 2000 * G M
Tez - Performance 2000 * G M
Touwslager Auke Multimedia 2010 * G M
Trapped_in_Suburbia - Interaction 2010 * GG T
Tulp Wouter Painting 2010 * G M
UNStudio - Architecture 1980 ** G T
Van_Berkel Ben Architecture 2000 * G M
Van Dongen Fabrics 2010 ** GGGG F
Van-Hemert - Painting 2000 ** GG M
Van_Loenen Jasper Web 2010 * GGG M
Van_Loon Jeroen Web 2010 **** GGG M
Van_der_Cruijsen Walter Art 1990 * G M
Van_der_Kleij Danny Multimedia 2010 * G M
Van_den_Dorpel Harm Multimedia 2000 ** GGG M
Vander_Kooij Dirk Objects 2010 * GG M
Veenhof Sander Bio-Art 2000 * GG M
Verstappen Maria Multimedia 1990 *** GGGG F
Von-der-Kaap Gerald Multimedia 1990 * G M
Wagenaar Akke Web 1990 * G F
Winkel Diederich Music 1800 * GG M
Wipprecht Anouk Fabrics 2010 ** GGGG F
Zwanikken Christiaan Robotics 1990 * GGG M
64 artists.


Easterly Douglas Bio-Art 2000 * G M
Kenyon Matthew Bio-Art 2000 * GG M
Morell Stefan Painting 2010 * G M
Witbrock Michael Art 2000 * G M
4 artists.


Ogboh Emeka Music 2010 * G M


Collins Nick Music 2000 * G M
Kolas Oyvind Photography 2000 * G M
Stenslie Stahl Web 1990 * G M
Watz Marius Cinema 2000 * GGG M
4 artists.


Vasconcelos Helder Performance 1990 * G M
Vega Katia Fabrics 2010 ** G F


Grzeszykowska Aneta Cinema 2010 * G F
Ihnatowics Edward Robotics 1970 * GG M
Kowalski Piotr Interaction 1970 * G M
Kudlak Patrycja Multimedia 2010 * G F
Nenow Damian Cinema 2010 * G M
Opalka Roman Painting 1960 *** G M
Penderecki Krzystof Music 2010 * G M
Pijecki Wojciech Painting 2010 * G M
Polak Kamil Cinema 2010 * G M
Rybczinski Zbignew Cinema 1980 * G M
Sekula Allan Photography 1990 * G M
Wodicsko Krysztof Performance 1980 * G M
12 artists.


Barbosa Pedro Writing 1990 ** GG M
Cavalheiro Abilio Writing 2000 * GG M
Costa Anabela Cinema 2010 * GGG F
Goncalvez André Interaction 2010 * GG M
KIDing - Photography 1990 * G T
Lopes Damian Writing 1990 * G M
Machado Penousal Art 2000 *** GGG M
Moura Leonel Robotics 2000 * GGG M
Nunes Emmanuel Music 1990 * G M
Siza Alvaro Architecture 2000 * G M
10 artists.


Katambayi_Mukendi Jean Sculpture 2010 * G M


Avram Ana_Maria Music 1990 * GG F
Epuré Sherban Painting 2000 ** G M
Grecu Mihai Video 2000 * G M
Marton Ana Photography 2000 * G F
4 artists.


Baranoff-Rossiné Wladimir Cinema 1920 *** GG M
Bulatov Dmitri Bio-Art 2000 * G M
Eisenstein Serghei-Mikhaïlovitch Cinema 1920 ***** G M
Gabo Naum Sculpture 1920 **** G M
Gelfand Dmitry Multimedia 2000 ** G M
Kabakov Ilya-et-Emilia Interaction 1980 * G T
Kandinsky Wassily Painting 1930 *** G M
Kisseleva Olga Painting 1990 ** G F
Lialina Olia Web 2000 * G F
Malevich Kazimir Bio-Art 1920 ** GGG M
Margolis Misha Interaction 2000 ** G M
Meyerhold Vsevolod Performance 1920 * G M
Shulgin Alexei Web 1990 *** GGG M
Strohmajer Igor Web 1990 * G M
Tishkov Leonid Interaction 2000 * G M
Tobrelutz Olga Painting 1990 * G F
16 artists.


Afoutou Edgar_Ekoué Sculpture 2010 * G M
Assilevi Kossigan_Roland Performance 2010 * G M
Ciss Mansour Multimedia 2000 * G M
Fall Samba Cinema 2000 * G M
Kane Abdoulaye_Armin Sculpture 2010 * G M
Ndiaye Momar_Kaëré Dance 2010 * G M
Sy Oumou Fabrics 1990 * G F
7 artists.


Hsin_Hsin Lin Multimedia 1990 * G F
Lim_Yi_Yong Charles Web 2000 * G M
Tien_Wei Woon Web 2000 * G M


Barok Dusan Multimedia 2000 * G M
Diosi Ivor Interaction 1980 * G M


Baraga Martin_Bricelj Interaction 2000 ** GGG M
Bauer_Andrej Andrej Art 2000 * GG M
Grzinic Marina Performance 1990 * G F
Lavrencic Ursula Multimedia 2010 * GG F
Soban Bogdan Painting 1990 * GGG M
Spiller Teo Web 1990 ** G M
Tursic Miha Sculpture 1990 * GG M
Zupančič Dunja Multimedia 2000 * GG F
8 artists.


Bopape Dineo_Seshee Multimedia 2000 * G F
Bristow Tegan Video 2010 * G F
Campbell Kurt Calligraphy 2000 * G M
Dala - Multimedia 2010 * G M
Gates Nathan Objects 2010 * G M
Govender Ravi Multimedia 2010 * G M
Grotepass Maia Multimedia 2010 * G F
Hobbs Stephen Architecture 1990 * G M
Jager Michael_de Multimedia 2010 * GG M
Neustetter Marcus Painting 2010 * G M
Nxedlana Jamal Multimedia 2010 * G M
Odendaal Andries Interaction 2000 * G M
Rademeyer Stefanus Painting 2010 * GGG M
Rezaire Tabita Multimedia 2010 * GG F
Saïd Mitch Painting 2000 * G M
Son Michelle Cinema 2010 * G F
Spies Jaco Painting 2000 * GG M
Stern Nathaniel Web 2010 * G M
Tshabalala Pippa Web 2010 * GG M
Webb James Multimedia 2010 * G M
Whitaker Carly Interaction 2010 * GG F
Xolo Zamani Multimedia 2010 * G M
22 artists.


Alexanco Jose Sculpture 1960 * G M
Barbadillo Manuel Painting 1960 *** G M
Barcena Carlos Performance 1990 * G M
Baumann Alain Theater 1990 * G M
Bayo Guillem Objects 2010 * G M
Bilbao Inigo Multimedia 2000 * GG M
Borrego Angel Architecture 2000 ** G M
Calatrava Santiago Architecture 1980 ** GG F
Canogar Daniel Photography 1990 ** G M
Casanova Christina Games 1990 * G F
Castellanos Mari Fabrics 2010 ** GG F
Crespin Elias Sculpture 2000 ** G M
Epizoo - Performance 1990 * G M
Faraldo Angel Music 2000 * GG M
Fontcuberta Joan Photography 2010 * G F
Gaudi Antoni Architecture 1880 *** G M
Gilbertas Ilia Dance 2000 * GG F
Giros Albert Painting 1980 * G M
Gomariz Emilio Multimedia 2000 * G M
Gris Juan Painting 1910 **** G M
Jorda Sergi Music 2000 * GG M
Lleo Juan-Antonio Painting 2000 * G M
Lopez Soliman Interaction 2010 ** GGG M
Luque Felix Video 2000 * GG M
Meyers Raquel Multimedia 2000 ** G F
Mora Antonio Painting 2010 * G M
Muntadas Antonio Performance 1980 * G M
Nemo - Objects 1980 ** G T
Palacios Daniel Interaction 2000 * G M
Picasso Pablo Painting 1900 ***** G M
Piñon Ricard-Marxer Calligraphy 2000 * G M
Polyzos Daphne Interaction 2010 * GG F
Roca Javier Painting 2000 * G M
Rocca Marcel-Li-Antunez Dance 2000 * G M
Rodado Aniara Dance 2010 * G F
Sanchez Rosa Theater 2000 * GG F
Soberano Nieto Architecture 2000 ** GG T
Tisselli Eugenio Web 2000 * GG M
Valbuena Pablo Sculpture 2000 * G M
Valverde Raul Video 2000 * G M
Valverde Alberto Fabrics 2010 ** GG M
41 artists.


Anderson Victor Painting 2000 * G M
Gatarsky Richard Art 2000 ** G M
Helden Joannes Writing 2000 ** G M
Jevbratt /CS-Lisa Calligraphy 1990 * GG F
Johanesson Charlotte Fabrics 1970 * G F
Johanesson Sture Painting 1970 * G M
Juarez Geraldine Multimedia 2000 * G F
Kram Reed Objects 2000 * G M
Lund Andreas Interaction 2000 * GG M
Lund Jonas Interaction 2010 ** GG M
Memmott Talan Writing 2000 * GGGG T
Nordin Jesper Music 2000 ** G M
Partos Christian Sculpture 2010 * G M
Pearson Matt Painting 2010 * GGG M
Sj�len Bengt Video 2010 * GG M
Wisniewski Maciej Web 1990 * G M
16 artists.


Aeppli Eva Sculpture 1990 ** GG F
Appia Adolphe Light 1880 **** G M
Babski Christian Architecture 2000 ** G M
Bernhard Hans Web 2000 ** G M
Bogana Alan Video 2000 ** G M
Breuning Olaf Cinema 2000 * G M
Carion Stéphane Architecture 2000 ** G M
Clay Arthur Cinema 2000 * G M
Conrad Demian Writing 2000 ** GGG M
D'Andrea Raffaello Robotics 1980 ** G M
Goguey F�licien Web 2010 ** GGG M
Guignard Christophe Architecture 2000 ** G M
Hansmeyer Michael Architecture 2000 ** GG M
Harddisko - Music 2000 ** G T
Herzog Leander Sculpture 2000 * GG M
Herzog Jacques Architecture 1990 ** GG M
Hodler Ferdinand Painting 1890 *** G M
Honegger Arthur Music 1930 *** G M
Huber Felix-Stephan Web 1990 * G M
Huelin Michel Painting 2000 * G M
Jaquet-Droz - Robotics 1700 **** G M
Jarrell Michael Music 1990 ** G M
Jobin Gilles Dance 2000 * GG M
Keller Patrick Architecture 2000 ** G M
Klee Paul Painting 1930 **** G M
Kyburz Hanspeter Music 1990 * GGG M
Lab212 _ Video 2010 ** GG T
Lamunière Simon Interaction 2000 ** G M
Lizvlx - Web 2000 ** G M
Lohse Paul Painting 1980 ** GG M
Magnani Sebastian Photography 2010 * G M
!Mediengruppe_Bitnik Web 2010 ** G T
Melchiot Fabrice Theater 2010 * G M
Meuron Pierre_de Architecture 1990 ** GG M
Monnier Samuel Painting 2000 * GG M
Netzhammer Yves Multimedia 2000 * GG M
Rist Pipilotti Video 2000 * G F
Russo Alberto Painting 2010 * G M
Saint-Phalle Nikki Sculpture 1950 **** G F
Scherrer Camille Interaction 2000 ** G F
Scherrer Camille Interaction 2000 ** GGG F
Signer Roman Sculpture 1970 * G M
Stalder Felix Multimedia 2000 * GGG M
Studer Monica Painting 2000 * GG F
Talman Paul Painting 1960 * G M
Thalmann N.M. Interaction 1980 **** GGG F
Thyes Myriam Video 2000 ** G F
Tinguely Jean Sculpture 1950 ***** G M
Truniger Lukas Multimedia 2010 * GG M
Tuchacek Alexander Interaction 1990 * G M
Van_den_Berg Christoph Painting 2000 * GG M
Widrig Daniel Sculpture 2000 * GG M
Wilhelm Yvonne Web 1990 * GGG F
Yu Li Interaction 2010 * GGG F
Zelda - Painting 1800 * G M
Zimoun - Sculpture 2000 * G M
Zwiauer Helena Dance 1990 * G F
57 artists.


Chiang Chia-Chi Interaction 2010 ** GG M
Jia-Hua Zhan Interaction 2010 * GG T
Sheang Shu-Leah Web 1980 * G F
Teng Chao-Ming Painting 2000 * G M
4 artists.


Ameyed Darine Painting 2010 * GG F
Besbes Skander Music 2010 * GG M
Khelil Farah Sculpture 2010 * G F
Sartorio Lisa Painting 2010 * G F
Simon Francis Robotics 2000 * G M
Tnani Ali Multimedia 2010 * G M
Zakaria Haythem Video 2010 * G M
7 artists.


Arikan Buran Painting 2000 ** G M
Blanco Luz Painting 2010 * G M
Chalayan Hussein Fabrics 2010 *** G M
Ebcioglu Kemal Music 1990 * GGG M
Fractali_Art - Painting 1990 * GGG M
Sisman Candas Interaction 2010 ** GGG M
6 artists.


Abel Robert Cinema 1980 * G M
Acconci Vito-Hannibal Architecture 2000 *** G M
Acevedo Victor Painting 1980 *** G M
Agostino Peter-d' Interaction 1980 * G M
Akleman Ergun Painting 2000 * G T
Akshun - Web 1990 * G T
Alexander Amy Performance 2000 *** G F
Allen Rébecca Interaction 1990 *** GG F
Allende Dan Web 2000 * G M
Altiner Alp Painting 2000 ** G M
Amerika Mark Video 1990 *** G M
Amkraut Susan Interaction 1990 * G F
Anderson Laurie Performance 1980 *** G F
André Carl Sculpture 1970 ** G M
Andrews Jim Multimedia 2000 ** GGG M
Anker Suzanne Painting 1990 *** GGG F
Antonellis Anthony Multimedia 2010 * GG M
Arcangel Cory Games 2000 **** G M
Ascott Roy Multimedia 1980 ***** GG M
Asymptote - Multimedia 1990 ** G T
Ayo Damali Web 2000 * G F
BIG - Architecture 2000 ** GG T
Babbitt Milton Music 1950 ** G M
Baker-Smith Ben Multimedia 2010 * GGG M
Baker Christopher Web 2000 ** G M
Baldasseroni Alessandro Cinema 2010 * G M
Baldwin Lew Web 2000 * G M
Bangert Colette Painting 1970 ** GG F
Banks Carl Painting 1990 * GG M
Bard Perry Web 2000 * GG M
Barron Bebe Music 1950 ** G F
Barron Louis Music 1950 ** G M
Baude Christopher Sculpture 2000 * G M
Bear Lisa Web 1970 * GG F
Beckman Ericka Cinema 1970 ** GG F
Beer Sue_de Cinema 2000 * G F
Bell Larry Interaction 1990 ** G M
Beloff Zoe Cinema 2000 * GG F
Benjamin Ben Web 1990 * G M
Bergman Laura Multimedia 1990 * GGG F
Berzowska Joanaa Fabrics 2000 * GG F
Bevis Jean-H Painting 1970 ** G M
Biederman Matthew Multimedia 1990 * GG M
Bierg Kory Architecture 2010 * GGG F
Birchbaum Andy Performance 2000 *** G M
Bishop Bainbridge Light 1900 ** G M
Blake Jeremy Video 2000 * G M
Bochnert Mel Photography 1960 * G T
Bolter Jay_David Writing 1980 ** G M
Bonanno Mike Performance 2000 ** G M
Bookchin Natalie Games 1990 ** GG F
Borsuk Amarantha Writing 2010 * G F
Bouse Brad Writing 2010 * G M
Bowen Robert Photography 1970 * G M
Bowen David Robotics 2000 * G M
Braccio Pete Music 1990 ** G M
Brandeis Adam Bio-Art 2000 * G M
Breazeal Cyntha Robotics 2000 *** GGG F
Brennan Buck Architecture 2000 * G M
Brixey Sam Painting 1990 ** G M
Brooks Sawad Painting 2000 * G M
Brün Herbert Music 1960 * G M
Buckhouse James Dance 2000 * G M
Budgett Graham Writing 2000 * G M
Bürger Manuel Multimedia 2000 * G M
Burnham Sheerlann_Ki_Sun Bio-Art 2000 * GG M
Burroughs William Writing 1950 **** GG M
Burson Nancy Photography 1980 ** G F
Bush Vannevar Computers 1950 **** G M
Byrne David Music 2000 ** G M
Cage John Music 1960 **** G M
Cahill Thaddeus Music 1900 * G M
Cameron James Cinema 2000 ***** G M
Campbell Jim Multimedia 1990 ** G M
Campus Peter Photography 1990 * G M
Carnet Ben_F Multimedia 2000 * GG M
Carpenter Loren Cinema 1980 ** GG M
Cascone Kim Music 1990 * G M
Catala Antoine Video 2000 * G M
Catmull Ed Cinema 1990 **** G M
Chadabe Joel Music 1970 ** G M
Chafe Chris Music 2000 ** GG T
Chang Isabel Performance 1990 * G F
Chawla Symrin Multimedia 2010 * G M
Chin Adam Cinema 1980 * G M
Cho Peter Sculpture 2000 * G M
Chow Tina Dance 1990 * GG F
Chowning John Music 1970 * G M
Cirque-du-Soleil - Performance 2000 **** GG T
Clarke Kevin Bio-Art 1980 ** GGG M
Cohen Charles Photography 2000 * G M
Cohen Harold Painting 1970 **** GGG M
Cohen Preston_Scott Architecture 2000 ** GG M
Cohen Richard Cinema 1980 * G M
Collins Dan Cinema 2000 * GG T
Collins Susan Music 1990 * GG F
Colorusso Craig Music 1990 * G M
Coniglio Mark Dance 1990 * GG M
Cook Rob Cinema 1980 ** GG M
Coover Roderick Writing 2000 * G M
Cortright Petra Web 2000 * GG F
Couch Alva Music 1970 * G M
Cox Ian Web 2000 * G M
Crandall Jordan Web 1980 * G M
Critical_Art_Ensemble - Multimedia 2000 * G T
Crondon Brody Games 1990 * G M
Cross-Lovell - Performance 1970 * G M
Cuba Larry Cinema 1970 ** G T
D'Agostino Peter Multimedia 1990 * G M
Danielewski Mark_Z Writing 2000 * GG M
Daniels Ezra_Claytan Multimedia 2000 * G M
Darlington Alfred Music 2000 ** G M
Davis Allison Cooking 2010 * G F
Davis Paul_B Games 2000 * GG M
DeWitt Paul Interaction 1980 * G M
Debevec Paul Cinema 1990 **** G M
Deck Andy Web 2000 ** G M
Demarinis Paul Web 1990 * G M
DiFrancesco David Cinema 1980 * G M
Dickey William Writing 1980 ** G M
Diehl Teresa Interaction 2010 ** GG F
Disney Walt Cinema 1950 ***** G M
Dodge Charles Music 1970 ** G M
Dominguez Ricardo Web 1990 ** G M
Donath Judith Web 1990 * GGG F
Dorf Mark Photography 2010 ** G M
Dorsen Annie Multimedia 2010 * G F
Dove Toni Interaction 1990 * GG F
Draves Scott Cinema 2000 ** GGG M
Duff Tom Cinema 1980 * G M
Earls Paul Light 1980 * G M
Eber Dana-Elisabeth Painting 2000 * G F
Ebert David Painting 2000 *** GG M
Edmiston Jeremy Architecture 2000 * G M
Edmonds Ernest Painting 1960 * G M
Elahi Hasan Web 2000 ** G M
Em David Painting 1970 * G M
Emshwiller Ed Cinema 1970 * G M
Ertel David Multimedia 2010 * G M
Essen Mark Games 2000 * GG M
Evans Brian Writing 1990 * G M
Evru - Painting 2000 ** G M
Fagg Andrew Web 2000 * GG M
Falco Edward Writing 1990 * G M
Farahi Behnaz Fabrics 2010 ** GG F
Faulders Thom Architecture 2000 * GG M
Feingold Ken Interaction 1990 * G M
Fenster Diane Painting 1990 * G F
Ferguson Helaman Sculpture 1980 * GG M
Ferretti Ercolino Music 1960 * G M
Fiadante Miguel Painting 2000 * G M
Field Ken Performance 1990 * G M
Finley Chris Painting 2000 * G T
Fischer Scott Interaction 1980 ** G M
Fishcer Dylan Objects 2010 * G M
Fisher Ebon Bio-Art 1980 * GG M
Fishinger Oscar Cinema 1920 ** G M
Fitch Lizzie Video 2000 * G F
Flavin Dan Painting 1950 *** G M
Fletcher Harrell Web 2000 * G M
Fontana Bill Music 2000 ** G M
Fornes Marc Sculpture 2000 * GG M
Forsythe William Dance 2000 * G M
Franceschini Amy Web 2000 ** G F
Franke Herbert Painting 1960 **** G M
Freeman Jason Music 2000 * G M
Freyer John_D Web 2000 * G M
Friedlander Paul Light 1990 ** G M
Fry Benjamin Art 2000 ** GGG M
Fu Snow_Yunxue Painting 2010 * G F
Fuller Buckminster Architecture 1950 ** GG M
Galanter Philip Art 2000 ** GGG M
Galle Tom Web 2010 ** G M
Galloway Alex Web 2000 * G M
Galloway Kit Dance 1970 * GG M
Garcia-Colombo Gabriel Video 2000 * G M
Garnett Joy Web 2000 * G F
Garrin Paul Interaction 1990 * G M
Gartel Laurent Painting 1980 * G M
Gasperini Jim Cinema 1990 * G M
Geib Dona Painting 2000 * G F
Gibson-Ellis Jools Dance 1990 ** GGG M
Girard Michael Interaction 1990 * G M
Gitman Yuri Web 2000 * G F
Glassford Thomas Light 2000 * G M
Glazier Loss_Pequeño Writing 2000 * G M
Gleeson Madge Photography 2000 * G F
Glymph Jim Architecture 1980 * GG M
Gogins Michael Music 1990 ** GGG M
Goicoechea Maria Performance 2010 * G F
Goldberg Ken Robotics 1990 * G M
Golden Helen Sculpture 1990 * G F
Goldman Harvey Multimedia 1990 * G M
Goldsmith Kenneth Writing 1990 * G M
Gorman Samantha Writing 2000 * GG F
GreatHouse Labs Sculpture 1990 ** GG T
Greenwold Simon Sculpture 2000 * GG M
Greger Gene Objects 2000 * G M
Griesbach Scott Photography 1990 * G M
Gritz Larry Cinema 1990 * GG M
Grosser Ben Multimedia 1990 * GG M
Guttman Newman Music 1950 * G M
Guyer Carolyn Writing 1990 * G F
Guyton Wade Painting 2000 * G M
Gysin Brion Writing 1950 ** G M
Hagarty Ian Painting 2000 * GG M
Halley Peter Web 1990 * G M
Hammond Kristian Writing 2010 * GG M
Hansen Mark Multimedia 2000 * G M
Hanson David Robotics 2000 ** G M
Harmon Leon Photography 1960 * G M
Hart David-Augustus Painting 2000 * G M
Hatcher Ian Performance 2010 * G M
Hébert Jean-Pierre Painting 1970 *** GGG M
Hellio Eleonore Web 2000 * G F
Hershman Lynn Robotics 1990 * G F
Hertlein Grace Painting 1950 * G F
Hertz Garnet Multimedia 2010 ** GG M
Hertz Paul Painting 2000 * G M
Hewlett Robin Multimedia 2000 * G M
High Kathy Bio-Art 2010 * GG F
Hill Gary Cinema 1980 * G M
Hiller Lejaren Music 1950 * GG M
Hirsuta - Architecture 2000 * GG T
Hoberman Perry Interaction 1990 * G M
Hodgin Robert Multimedia 2000 * GG M
Hodgkin Carter Painting 1970 * G M
Holzer Jenny Light 2000 * G F
Horvath Peter Web 2000 ** G M
Horwith Channa Painting 1970 * GG F
Hosken Daniel Music 1990 * G M
Hovagymyan G.-H. Web 1990 * G M
Howe Daniel Writing 1990 * GG M
Howe Hubert Music 1960 * GG M
Huff Kenneth Painting 2000 * GG F
Imperiale Alicia Architecture 2000 * G F
Ippolito Jon Web 1990 * G M
Isaacson Léonard Music 1950 * G M
Jackson Michael Music 1990 ***** G M
Jackson Shelley Writing 1990 * GGG F
Jakob+MacFarlane - Architecture 1990 *** G M
James Richard Cinema 2010 * G M
Jarman Mervin Multimedia 1990 ** G M
Jay Jazzy Music 2000 * GG M
Jenik Adriene Web 1990 ** G F
Jennings Pamela Interaction 1990 ** GG F
Jenson Vicky Cinema 2000 * G F
Jeremijenko Natalie Objects 2000 * G F
Johnson Chris Painting 2000 * G T
Johnson Paul Objects 2000 * G M
Johnston_Marklee and_Associates Architecture 2000 * G T
Jones Kerry Painting 1970 * G M
Jones Bill Dance 1990 ** GG M
Joodan-Kun - Cinema 2010 ** G M
Jovanovic Bojan Painting 2010 * G M
Joyce Michael Writing 1980 ** G M
Judd Donald Sculpture 1950 * G M
July Miranda Web 2000 * G F
Kremers David Bio-Art 1990 ** GGG M
Kanh Paul Writing 1990 * GG M
Kalpadjian Craig Photography 1990 * G M
Kanarek Yael Web 1990 * G M
Kaplan Noa Sculpture 2010 * GG M
Kaprow Allan Interaction 1950 *** G M
Karazic Carmin Web 1990 ** G M
Keane Glen Cinema 1970 ** G M
Kelley Heather Games 2000 * G F
Kelly Ellsworth Painting 1940 * G M
Kelly Kevin Cinema 1990 * GG M
Kendall Robert Writing 1990 ** G M
Kerlow Isaac Cinema 1990 **** G M
Kildall Scott Multimedia 2000 * G M
Kismet - Robotics 2000 * GG T
Klayman Melinda Web 2000 ** G F
Klein Ruy Architecture 2000 * GG M
Klima John Multimedia 2000 * G M
Klingemann Mario Painting 2000 * GG M
Klüver Billy Multimedia 1960 * G M
Knowlton Kenneth Cinema 1970 * G M
Koen Victor Painting 2000 * G M
Koenig Gottfried-Michael Music 1950 * GG M
Komar Vitali Web 1990 ** G M
Koning Wobb_F Video 1990 * G M
Kopit's Arthur Theater 1990 ** G M
Koven Mark Photography 2000 * G M
Koza John Cinema 2000 * GGG M
Krajewska Elka Cinema 2000 * G F
Krause Dorothy Objects 2000 * G F
Krueger Myron Interaction 1960 **** GGG M
Kubrick Stanley Cinema 1960 **** G M
Kudla Allison Bio-Art 2010 * GGG F
Kudless Andrew Architecture 2000 * GG M
Kurgan Laura Architecture 2000 ** G F
La-Porta Tina Cinema 1990 *** G F
Landow George_Paul Writing 1990 * G M
Lansdown John Architecture 1960 * G M
Lansky Paul Music 1970 * G M
Laposky Ben Cinema 1940 ** GG M
Larsen Deena Writing 1990 * G F
Laske Otto Music 1970 * GG M
Lasseter John Cinema 1980 ***** G M
Laswell Bill Music 1990 * G M
Launhtard Julie Writing 1990 * G F
Laurel Brenda Multimedia 1990 ** G F
Lauro-Lazin Linda Objects 1990 * G F
Lawson Shawn Cinema 2000 * G M
Layzer Arthur Cinema 1970 * G M
Lazzarini Robert Painting 2000 * G M
Le_Brice Malcom Theater 1960 ** GGGG M
Leary Clover Web 2000 * G M
Leavitt Ruth Painting 1970 ** G F
Lee Liz Photography 1990 ** G F
Levin Golan Cinema 2000 *** GGG M
Levine Paula Web 2000 * G F
Levit Robert Architecture 2000 * G M
Lewis George Music 2000 * G M
Lewis Jason_Edwards Writing 2000 * G M
Lewis Matthew Multimedia 1990 * GG M
Lewitt Sol Sculpture 1960 *** G M
Lhotka Bonny Painting 2000 ** G M
Lichty Patrick Light 2000 ** G M
Lieberman Jeff Interaction 2000 * G M
Lieberman Zach Sculpture 2000 * G M
Lillemon Geoffrey Video 2010 * GG M
Lin Tan Video 2010 * G M
Lisberger - Cinema 2000 **** G M
Liu Victor Web 2000 ** G M
Loeffler Carl Web 1970 * G M
Lomas Andy Cinema 2000 *** GG M
Lombeyda Santiago Painting 2000 ** G M
London Barbara Web 1990 * G F
Lovejoy Margot Light 1960 ** GG F
Loyer Erik Multimedia 1990 ** GGG M
Lubell Bernie Interaction 1990 * G M
Luesebrink Marjorie_C Writing 1990 * G F
Lynn Greg Architecture 1990 ** G M
Machover Tod Music 1990 ** G M
Mackenzie Michael Video 1990 ** GG M
Macpa Peter Architecture 2000 ** G M
Maeda John Art 1980 **** GG M
Makkuni Ranjit Multimedia 1980 ** GG M
Malina Frank Light 1950 *** G M
Malloy Judy Web 1980 * G F
Malone Larry Cinema 1980 * G M
Maloney Jessica Objects 2000 * G F
Mann Steve Cinema 2000 * G M
Manovich Lev Art 2000 *** GGG M
Marc Steven Painting 1990 * G M
Marino Mark Writing 2000 * G M
Masterman Margaret Interaction 1960 ** GGGG F
Mathews Max Music 1950 * G M
Max Nelson Cinema 1970 * G M
McCarthy Lauren Multimedia 2000 * GGG F
McCoy Jennifer Interaction 2000 * GG F
McDonald Kyle Multimedia 2000 * G M
Melamid Alexander Web 1990 * G M
Miebach Nathalie Music 2000 ** G F
Miller Dennis Cinema 2000 ** G M
Miller Steve Painting 2000 ** G M
Milstein Mark Painting 2000 * G M
Mitchell Bonnie Interaction 2000 * G F
Momeni Ali Web 2000 * G M
Monk Thelonius Music 1950 **** G M
Moore Richard Music 1970 * G M
Morissey Judd Writing 2010 * G M
Morrill Dexter Music 1970 * GG M
Moulthrop Stuart Writing 1990 * G M
Mount John Web 1990 ** GG M
Mulfinger Jane Writing 2000 * G F
Murthy Prema Web 1990 * G M
Musgrave Ken Painting 1990 ** GG M
Myoda Paul Multimedia 1990 * G M
Naimark Michael Interaction 1990 ** G M
Nam Hye_Yeon Video 2000 * G F
Napier Mark Web 1990 * G M
Nappi Maureen Cinema 1990 * GG F
Neill Ben VJ 1980 * G M
Nelson Gary Music 1970 * G M
Nelson Jason Writing 2010 * G M
Nelson Jennifer Cinema 2010 * G F
Nelson Max Interaction 1980 * G M
Nelson Ted Writing 1970 **** G M
Nervous_System - Bio-Art 2000 ** GGG T
Neshat Shirin Performance 2000 * G F
Nessim Barbara Painting 1980 * G F
Newcombe Marte Cinema 1990 * G F
Newell Martin Sculpture 1970 ** G M
Nideffer Robert Games 1990 * G M
Noll Michaël Cinema 1960 ** G M
Novak Marcos Cinema 1990 * G M
Novello Chris Games 2010 * G M
Obadike Keith Web 2000 * G M
Oldenburg Aaron Games 2000 * GG M
Olive Joseph Music 1970 * G M
On Josh Web 2000 ** G M
Orellana Fernando Robotics 2000 ** G M
Osborne Mark Cinema 2000 ** G M
Ox Jack Painting 2000 * GGG F
Ozkan Birce Fabrics 2010 ** GG F
Pagano scott Web 2000 * G M
Palmer Mark Multimedia 1990 * G M
Pappenheime Will Multimedia 2000 ** G M
ParkBench - Web 1990 ** G T
Pashenkov Nitika Writing 2000 * G M
Pauline Mark Performance 1970 ** G M
Paulos Eric Multimedia 2000 * G M
Peljhan Marko Web 1990 * G M
Penny Simon Interaction 1990 * G M
Peretti Chelsea Web 2000 * G M
Peretti Jonay Web 2000 * G M
Perich Tristan Music 2000 * GG M
Peter Ronne Writing 1990 * G M
Petersen Thomas" Painting 2000 * GG M
Petry Martha Writing 1990 * G F
Pierce John Music 1950 * G M
Pita Florencia Architecture 2000 ** G F
Pitt Brad Cinema 2000 ***** G M
Plaxco Jim Painting 2010 * G M
Polansky Larry Music 1970 * G M
Pollock Jackson Painting 1950 ***** G M
Ponce_de_Leon Monica Architecture 2000 * GG F
Pontecorvo Michael Multimedia 1990 ** GGG M
Porett Thomas Photography 1980 * G M
Porter Tom Cinema 1980 * G M
Portman John Architecture 1980 ** GG M
Povall Richard Dance 1990 ** GGG M
Pressner Ted_S. Writing 2000 * G M
Prudence Paul Cinema 2000 ** GGG M
Pyke Matt Multimedia 2000 ** GG M
Qi Jye Fabrics 2010 ** GGG F
RT Mark Painting 1990 * G M
Raaf Sabrina Robotics 2000 * G F
Rabinowitz Sherrie Dance 1970 ** GG F
Rahim Ali Architecture 2000 ** G M
Ralske Kurt Interaction 1990 ** G M
Ranch Troika Multimedia 1990 * G M
Randall James Music 1970 * GG M
Rauschenberg Robert Photography 1960 **** G M
Ray Thomas Painting 1970 ** GGG M
Reaney Mark Performance 1990 * G M
Reas Casey Art 2000 *** GGG M
Rees Michael Sculpture 2000 * G M
Reeves Bill Cinema 1980 ** GG M
Reeves Daniel Sculpture 1980 * G M
Reich Steve Music 1970 ** GG M
Reiser+Umemoto - Architecture 2000 * G M
Relyea Don Painting 2000 * GG M
Repetto Irving Painting 2000 * GG M
Reynolds Craig Art 1990 * G M
Reznor Trent Music 1990 * G T
Richardson Ana Writing 1980 * G F
Riecke Tim Painting 2000 * GG T
Riley Tony Music 1960 *** G M
Rinaldo Kenneth Sculpture 2000 * GG M
River Mark Web 2000 * G M
Roads Curtis Music 1970 * G M
Roberge Heather Architecture 2000 * G M
Robertson David Multimedia 2000 * GG M
Rogala Miroslaw Multimedia 2010 * G M
Rogers John Music 1970 * G M
Rooke Steven Multimedia 1980 ** GGG M
Rosenberg Jim Writing 1960 ** G M
Roth Evan Web 2000 ** G M
Roy Jon Cinema 1970 * G M
Rozendaal Rafael Web 2000 * GG M
Rozin Daniel Painting 1990 * G M
Rubin MaCynthia Photography 1990 * G F
Rueb Teri Interaction 2000 * G F
Sack Warren Painting 2000 ** G M
Salavon Jason Photography 2000 * G M
Sanchez Felipe-Luque Light 2010 * G M
Satrom Jon Multimedia 2010 ** G M
Sauter Daniel Light 2000 * G M
Scheef Mark Photography 1990 * G M
Scheer Joseph Photography 2000 * G M
Schiffeleers Stijn Web 2000 * G M
Schiphorst Thecla Interaction 1990 * G F
Schleifer Jason Web 1990 * G M
Schleiner Anne-Marie Games 2000 * G F
Schuh Owen Painting 2000 * GGG M
Schwartz Lillian Cinema 1970 * GG F
Scott Jill Multimedia 1990 ** G M
Seaman Bill Interaction 2000 * G M
Seawright James Robotics 1970 ** G M
Selbo Vivian Web 1990 * G M
Selikoff Nathan Painting 2000 * G M
Séquin Carlo Objects 2000 * G M
Sermon Paul Web 1990 * G M
Servo - Architecture 2000 * GG T
Sester Marie Interaction 2000 ** GGG F
Sharp Oscar Cinema 2010 ** GGGG M
Sharp Willoughby Web 1970 ** G M
Shepard Marc Web 2010 * GG M
Shiffman Daniel Painting 2000 * G M
Shirk Kelly Cooking 2010 * G F
Shop Architects Architecture 2000 * GGG T
Shor Shirley Multimedia 2000 ** GG F
Simon John Painting 1990 * G M
Simpson-Krause Dorothy Painting 1990 * G F
Sims Aaron Cinema 2010 * G M
Sims Karl Cinema 1990 **** GGG M
Slayton Joel Interaction 1970 * G M
Slepian John Robotics 2000 ** G M
Small David Calligraphy 1990 * G M
Smith Alvy_Ray Cinema 1980 * G M
Smith Leland Music 1970 * G M
Smithson Robert Sculpture 1960 ** G M
Smits Kathleen-Curran Painting 2010 * G F
Smoliar Stephen Music 1970 * G M
Snibbe Scott Dance 2000 * G M
Sobell Nina Multimedia 1990 ** GG F
Sondheim Alan Writing 1990 * G M
Sosolimited - Calligraphy 2000 * G T
Spalter Anne Painting 1990 * G F
Spiegel Laurie Music 1970 * G F
Spielberg Stephen Cinema 1970 * G M
Spinhoven Bill Interaction 1990 * G M
St_Arnaud Raymond Photography 1970 * GG M
Staehle Wolfgang Web 2000 * G M
Stalbaum Brett Web 1990 ** G T
Stanley Douglas Cinema 1990 ** GGG M
Stanton Andrew Cinema 1990 * G M
Stearnq Phillips Multimedia 2010 * G M
Stefans Brian_Kim Writing 1990 * GG M
Stenger Nicole Web 2000 * G F
Stern Eddo Cinema 1990 * G M
Stevenson John Cinema 2000 ** G M
Stock Mark-J. Cinema 2000 * G M
Stopiello Dawn Dance 1990 * GG F
Stoski Chris Painting 2000 * G T
Strand Kerry Painting 1960 * GG M
Strang Gerald Music 1960 * G M
Strickland Stephanie Writing 1990 *** G F
Sugrue Chris Bio-Art 2000 ** G F
Suhr Cecilia Multimedia 2010 * G F
Summer Lloyd Painting 1960 * G M
Suter Thomas Painting 2000 * G M
Taylor Robert Music 1970 * GG M
Tehrani Nader Architecture 1990 * G M
Tenney James Music 1950 * G M
Thayer Pal Painting 1990 * GG M
Thiel Tamiko Interaction 2000 * G F
Thornton K.D. Bio-Art 1990 ** GGG F
Thornton Leslie Painting 1990 * G F
Tomasula Steve Writing 2000 * G M
Tonski Jacob Interaction 2000 * G M
Torn Katie Video 2010 ** G F
Trecartin Ryan Video 2000 * G M
Trenda Tiffany Performance 2000 * G F
Tribe Mark Web 2000 * G M
Truckenbrod Joan Painting 1980 * G F
Turrell James Light 1980 * G M
Urban A&O Architecture 2000 * GG T
Ursyn Anna Painting 1980 ** G F
Ussachevsky Vladimir Music 1950 * G M
Utterbach Camille Writing 2000 * G F
Vanderbeek Stan Cinema 1960 * G M
Ventrella Jeffrey Interaction 2000 **** GG M
Ver_Hague James Painting 1970 * G M
Vercoe Barry Music 1970 * GG M
Verostko Roman Painting 1980 *** GGG M
Vesna Victoria Performance 2000 * G F
Villareal Leo Light 2000 * GG M
Viola Bill Cinema 1990 *** G M
Von_Hasseln Liz Cooking 2010 * G F
Von_Hasseln Kyle Cooking 2010 * G M
Vujanovic Irena Painting 2010 * GG F
Wagenknecht Addie Interaction 2010 GG F
Walczack Marek Cinema 2000 * G M
Waller Angie Multimedia 2000 * G F
Wallraff Dean Music 1970 * G M
Wands - Painting 1990 *** G M
Warhol Andy Painting 1980 * G M
Warner Daniel Multimedia 2000 * G M
Wasow Oliver Painting 1990 * G M
Waterman Colin Multimedia 2010 * GG M
Waters Keith Cinema 1980 * G M
Wattenberg Martin Music 2000 * G M
Wechsler Robert Dance 2000 * G M
Weinbren Grahame Interaction 1980 ** G M
Weisenbaum Joseph Writing 1960 ***** GGG M
Wenger Rephael Photography 2000 * G M
West Ruth Bio-Art 2000 * GG F
Whidden Tim Web 2000 * G M
White Norman Web 1980 * GG M
Whitney John_Jr Painting 1970 * GG M
Whitney John_Sr Painting 1960 *** GG M
Whittington Jana Painting 2000 * G F
Wilkonson Jamie Web 2000 * GG M
Williams Casey Photography 2000 * G M
Wilson Mark Painting 1980 * G M
Wilson Robert Performance 1990 *** G M
Wilson Stephen Multimedia 2000 * GG M
Winkler Fabian Video 2000 * G M
Wiscombe Tom Architecture 2000 * G M
Woolery Reginald Web 2000 * G M
Wortzel Adrianne Web 2000 * GG F
Wray Stefan Web 1990 ** G M
Wright Frank_Lloyd Architecture 1950 ** GG M
Z'EV - Music 2000 * GG T
Zajac Edward-E Cinema 1970 * G M
Zaretsky Adam Bio-Art 2000 *** G M
Zellen Jody Web 2000 * G M
Zhao Ivan Multimedia 2010 * GG M
Zoran Amit Objects 2010 * G M
Zucherman Orit Photography 2000 * G F
Zu�iga Ricardo_Miranda Web 2000 * G M
Zweig Janet Multimedia 1990 * GGGG F
608 artists.


Acme - Architecture 2000 ** GG M
Adams Matt Games 1990 ** G M
Akten Mehmet Painting 2000 *** G M
Alliban James Painting 2000 * G M
Antanaskovic Nemanja Video 2010 ** G F
Archive - Music 1990 ** G T
Ashmore Laurence Multimedia 2010 * GGG F
Baker Rachel Web 1990 * G F
Baldwin Dan Painting 2010 * G M
Barham Anna Cinema 2000 * G F
The-Beatles - Music 1960 *** G M
Beech Barney Web 2000 * G T
Bhooshan Shajay Architecture 2000 * GG M
Biggs Simon Multimedia 1990 * G M
Blair David Interaction 1990 * G M
Boland Howard Bio-Art 2010 ** G M
Broadhurst Susan Theater 2000 ** G F
Brooks James Painting 2010 ** G M
Brown Keith Sculpture 1990 * G M
Brown Richard Interaction 2000 * GGG M
Bunting Heath Web 1990 * GGG T
Cameron Andy Interaction 2000 * G T
Campbell John Painting 1980 * G M
Cavanagh Annie Photography 1980 ** G F
Cayley John Writing 1990 * G M
Chedburn James Games 2000 ** G M
Chemical-brothers - Music 1990 * G M
Chodzko Adam Multimedia 1990 * G M
Cinti Laura Bio-Art 2010 ** GG F
Clifford Allison Cinema 2000 * GG M
Clinton J. Dance 1860 * GG M
Colton Simon Painting 2000 * GG M
Cook Peter Architecture 1990 * G M
Cornock Stroud Sculpture 1960 * G M
Cox Geoff Cinema 2000 * GG M
Craig Edward Light 1920 * G M
Crowe Nick Web 2000 * G M
CuteCircuit - Fabrics 2010 ** GG T
Czarnecki Gina Painting 1990 * GG F
Daisy-Ginsberg Alexandra Bio-Art 2000 * GG F
Dawes Brendan Web 2010 ** GGG M
Decoi Architects Architecture 2000 * GG T
Dempsey Alan Architecture 2000 ** G M
Donnarumma Marco Music 2000 * G M
Dumitriu Anna Fabrics 2000 ** GGG F
Edwards Michael Music 2000 ** GGG M
Eldrige Alice Music 2000 * GGG F
Eno Brian Music 2000 ***** GGG M
Estapa Jaume Photography 1960 * G M
Evans Cecile Cinema 2010 * G F
Evans Helen Light 2000 *** G F
F_T_R - Fabrics 2010 ** GG T
Farr Ju_Row Games 1990 ** GG F
Faure-Walker James Painting 1990 * GG M
Findlay Kathryn Architecture 1990 ** GG F
Fletcher Jerome Writing 2010 * GG M
Foldes Peter Cinema 1970 * G M
Fornieles Ed Web 2000 * G M
Foster Partners Architecture 1990 ** GG T
Fritchie Charles Painting 1970 * G M
Fudge Carl Painting 2000 * G M
Fuller Matthew Web 1990 ** G M
Future-Systems - Architecture 2000 * G T
Gardinet Jeremy Painting 1960 ** G M
Gibson Ruth Dance 1990 * G F
Gollifer Sue Painting 2000 ** GGG F
Gracie Andy Cinema 1980 ** G M
Grant Ian Robotics 2010 * G M
Green Colin Web 1990 * G M
Greenaway Peter Cinema 1990 *** G M
Griffiths Dave Music 2000 * GG M
Gwilt Ian Painting 2000 * G M
Haaron Mirza Sculpture 2000 * GG F
Hall Antony Bio-Art 2000 * G M
Hall David Painting 1970 * G M
Hall Steven Writing 2000 * G M
Harris Dominic Interaction 2000 * G M
Harrison Paul Painting 1990 * GG M
Harvey Jonathan Music 1980 * G M
Harwood Graham Calligraphy 1990 * G M
Hawtin Richie Music 2000 ** GG M
Hayes Dan Painting 1990 ** G M
Henry Desmond-Paul Painting 1950 * G M
Hickinbottom Andrew Cinema 2000 * G M
Hockney David Painting 2010 ** G M
Hodkinson Leigh Painting 2000 * G M
Holden Peter-William Multimedia 2000 * G M
Huang Alvin Architecture 2000 * G M
Hussein Zarah Video 2010 ** G F
Iocose - Cinema 2010 * GG T
Isley Vicky Cinema 2010 * G F
Ive Jonathan Objects 1990 * G M
Jenkinson Tom Music 2000 * GG M
Joyce James Writing 1800 **** G M
Keane Tina Performance 1970 * GG F
Knight Nick Interaction 2000 *** G M
Kuziela Andrzej Painting 2010 * G M
Latham William Bio-Art 1980 ***** GGG M
Lewis Tim Sculpture 1990 * G M
Leymarie Frédéric-Fol Multimedia 1980 ** GGG M
Lidell Jamy Music 2000 ** GG F
Living Bernhard Music 2010 * G M
Long Kiel Music 2000 * GG M
Longson Tony Painting 1980 * G M
Lovelace Caden Web 2010 * G M
Luksch Manu Cinema 2000 * G M
Lyall Marcus Moves 2010 * GG M
Magruder Michael Multimedia 2000 *** G M
Mansoux Aymeric Games 2010 * G M
Martelli Bruno Dance 1990 * G M
Martin Tony Painting 1970 * G M
Matthews Kaffe Multimedia 1990 * G M
Maubrey Benoit Dance 1990 * G M
McIntyre Catherine Photography 1990 * G F
Mealey Alison Games 2000 * G F
Metzger Gustav Multimedia 1950 * G M
Middleton Peter Cinema 2010 * G M
Mitchell Katie Theater 2000 * G F
Molga Kasia Fabrics 2010 ** GG F
Montag Daro Bio-Art 2000 ** GG M
Myers Rob Painting 2000 *** GG M
Newman Rupert Interaction 2010 ** G M
Opie Julian Web 2000 ** G M
Orchard Grant Cinema 2010 * G M
Palyka Duane Painting 1970 * G M
Papamargariti Eva Video 2010 * GG F
Pickering John Sculpture 1980 * G M
Pickup Tim Interaction 2000 * GG M
Pierre-Davis Richard Multimedia 1990 * G M
Pink-FLoyd - Music 1970 ***** G M
Please Mikey Cinema 2010 * G M
Plummer-Fernandez Matthew Sculpture 2000 * GGG M
Pope Simon Web 1990 * G M
Portway Joshua Games 1980 * GG M
Pritchett Tony Cinema 1960 * G M
Prophet Jane Multimedia 2000 ** GG F
Quayola - Video 2000 * G M
Quinn Marc Bio-Art 2000 ** GGG M
Rosner Tal Performance 2010 * G M
Rubidge Sarah Dance 2000 * G F
Salz Samuel Theater 1990 ** G M
Schauerman Nicola Interaction 2000 * G M
Schillinger Joseph Art 1930 * G M
Schmidt Karsten Painting 2000 *** GGG F
Schmitt Kass Web 1990 * G T
Seghal Tino Writing 2000 * G M
Shaw Wade Photography 1970 * G M
Sheehan Benedict Interaction 2000 * G M
Smith Brian_Reffin Painting 1980 * GG M
Smith Paul Cinema 2010 * G M
Somasa Saritdikhun Photography 1990 * G M
Speakman Duncan Writing 2010 ** GGG M
Spinney James Cinema 2010 * G M
Stanza - Multimedia 2000 * G T
Strachey Christopher Writing 1950 ** GGG M
Sutcliffe Alan Cinema 1970 * G M
Tandavanith Nick Games 1990 * G M
Tew Alex Web 2000 * G M
Thompson John_Lee Cinema 1950 ** G M
Thomson-&-Craighead - Web 2000 * G T
Thorp Jer Painting 1980 * G M
Tomato - Interaction 2000 * G T
Tregharta Marion Painting 1990 * G F
Treister Suzanne Multimedia 1990 * G F
Tresset Patrick Multimedia 2000 * GGG M
Twin Aphex Music 1990 *** G M
Ushida Eisaky Architecture 1990 ** GG M
Valk Marloes_de Multimedia 2010 * G M
Walker Matthew Games 2000 * G M
Ward Adrian Music 2000 * GGG M
Watson Theo Multimedia 2010 * GG M
Weinkove Michael Web 2000 * G M
Winterbotton Angie Writing 2000 * GGG F
Woodham Derrick Sculpture 1990 * G M
Woolford Kirk Dance 1990 * G M
Wright Richard Objects 2000 * G M
177 artists.


Cruxent Jose-Maria Cinema 1970 ** G M
Cruz-Diez Carlos Interaction 1990 * G M
Klar Ernesto Multimedia 2010 * G M
Merhi Youcef Web 2000 * G M
Montiel-Soto Sabrina Multimedia 2000 * G F
Sardon Mariano Multimedia 2000 * G M
Soto Jesus-Rafael Sculpture 1950 ** G M
Van_Stenis Miyo Web 2010 * G F
Vidal Miguel-Angel Cinema 1950 ** GGG M
9 artists.


TOTAL : 2623 artists.


Indexes sorted by alphabetic order, specialty,period , country, celebrity, generativity level, Home Page.