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Digital City

A city is first defined by its name, and derivatives.
The name is frequently symbolically loaded: St Augustine, New York...

A geographical terrritory, and what happened there. Can be a virtual city.
Defined legally.
In a stable political environment, the geographical limits of the city do not change.
Generally, the populaion grows
Builiding and artefacts grows
Historical documentation about the city (be it stored in the city or elsewhere) grows.

City "competences".

It is not a natural object.
But it is not freely decided/designed. Even virtual, it will be designed in an environment.
Opposition "natural" city, and "colony" in Greece.

Street structures. More or less "designed".


History. It has been founded.

A future. Exension plans. Demographics.

Image of the city. Pictures, history, website, features, (famed for)

The citizens and other inhabitants. Natives, non born there, buried there.

Economice life. A city does not include agricultural and feeding resources. It has to exchange with its environment.

Goverment, crafts, commerce. Factories. Churches.

The city can be seen as a system, with is own dynamics, whic is done partly by the dynamics of its parts and inhabitants, but not only decided by the citizens.
For instance, there are vegetals in the city, they have their own development laws.
Even stone is not totally statc.

Citizen votes can be seen as a input in the S system.
As time goes by, the city grows (generally), in any case its past augments, an the citizen votes I is proportionally less important.