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Gender and Digital Art


Using the indexes of diccan (on april 26, 2013), we have made a survey on the digital artists gender. All these figures are only approximations, and we would be happy to cooperate with anybody interested by the topic. It would be meaningful to compare with arts in general (and with computer activities).

Women represent around 17% of our 1 404 artists whose we could ascertain the genter (some are groups, for some others we could not find the information).

History and periods : the proportion of women amounts to some 20% since the 90's. It was inferior to 10% before.

Countries : the ratio is everywhere rather similar in the world , with a stronger proportion of women (around 20%) in North America and Netherlands.

Specialities : women are rarely found in music composition (less than 6%), under-represented in plastic arts (11%) and very present in communication arts (interaction, multimedia, web).