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Bio-art - Bio-design

On March 2014, Leonardo/Olats and Décalab organized a workshop Bio Art – Bio Design, Cultural and social stakes of synthetic biology, at the spacePierre-Gilles de Gennes (ESPCI Paris Tech).

Annick Bureaud dealt with the topic Bio Art - Bio Design. Quelle création artistique ?

The recordings are now on line, with the presentations of Anna Dumitriu, Lia Giraud, Thibaud Coradin, Claude Yepremian, Marion Laval-Jeantet, David Benqué, Franck Perez, Lucas Evers and Annick Bureaud.

The French authors speak in French, the other ones en English. Website of the session. The videos on Vimeo and Youtube. Decalab's website, Olats website.

Of course, not all bio-artists are digital, unless yo consider that, due to the digital nature of DNA, every living ant art with life is digital. In pratice, for Diccan, we select only those who make really use of a computer, plus some other we consider as important from our standpoint (marked with a * in the list below). See our general presentation of bio-art.

In her short but dense presentation (see video), Annick Bureaud gives several conceptual clues to understand bio-art (for instance, the interpenetration of natural and cultura), and comments about the following works and artists.

Edward Steichen Delphinium. Exposition at Moma in 1936.
* Eduardo Kac (several works)
Marta de Menezas Nature? (2000). Wikipedia (French). Not digital.
George Gessert Iris (since1982). Wikipedia. Not digital.
* Oron Catts & Ionat Zurr Worry dolls (2000-2001). Victorian Leather 2006-2007 Disembedded Cuisine 2013
Alicia King The vision splendid (2012). Digital ?
* Guy Ben-Ary & * Kirsten Hudson in Potentia (2012). Symbiotica team, University of Western Ausralia.
* Alexandra Daisy-Ginsberg The synthetic kingdom (2009)
Natsai-Audrey Chieza Design fictions, Post-humanity in the age of Synthetics (2012) Not digital.
Amy Congton Biological Atelier (2013). Not digital.
Alberto T. Estévez. Genetic Barcelona Project, since 2003. Genetic architecture. Seems more inspired by biologic forms than by biological processes, even less digital.
Christina Agapakis & Sissel Tolaas (Wikipedia german) Selfmade 2013. Using human enzymes to create cheese.
Michael Burton & Michiko Nitta Algaculture and Algae Opera 2012
* Katty High Burial Globes Rats models 2009


Paris ACM Siggraph, the French chapter of ACM Siggraph, worldwide non-profit organization of computer graphics.






Galerie Charlot An important supporter of digital art.