Spread the magma
Three recently published books deal with the recycling of data by artists in different types of media :
- About transmedia, Jenkins's Spreadable media, extends his precedent one (convergence))
- About music, Leloup
- About image recycling in general, Roques
- Mass production. Engravings. Up to digital. Perfect copy at zero cost.
- Automatic (photo)
- Richer combinations.
Legal aspects. Open philosophy. Business and career models.
Where is the real difference, between the replication of a model (Aegiptian paintings, Greek temples) and the modern remix and spreading.
How to live in such a universe. Cloud, globalization.
Hence : future of the problem.
JENKINS Henry : Convergence Culture. Where old and new media collide. New York University Press 2006.
JENKINS Henry, FORD Sam and GREEN Joshua : Spreadable media. Creating value and meaning in a networked culture. New York University Press 2013.
LELOUP Jean-Yves : Digital magma. De l'utopie des rave parties à la génération MP3. Editions Scali 206. Le mot et le reste 2013.
ROQUE Georges et CHELES Luciano (sous la direction de) : L'image recyclée. Figures de l'art 23. Presses de l'Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour 2013.
MELOT Michel : L'art selon André Malraux, du musée imaginaire à l'inventaire général. In-situ, numéro 1/2001
Melot. Documentation about patrimony is patrimony.
CollagesGOETZ Adrien : Ingres collages. Le Passage 2006
PANOFSKY Erwin : Le Titien, questions d’iconographie. Hazan, Paris, 2004.
THEILLOU Françoise : Malraux à Boulogne. La maison du Musée imaginaire,
1945-1962. Bartillat, Paris, 2009
DELABORDE Henri : La gravure. Précis élémentaire de ses origines, de ses procédés et de son histoire. Quantin, Paris, vers 1900.
BRINKMANN Ron : The art and science
of digital compositing.
Morgan-Kaufmann 1999

Paris ACM Siggraph, the French chapter of ACM Siggraph, worldwide non-profit organization of computer graphics.

Les Algoristes, an association of artists using their own algorithms in their work.