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ACM Art Sigggraph call for papers

The ACM SIGGRAPH Art Papers Call for Proposals is open! Deadline of Sunday, 30 January 2017 22:00 UTC/GMT.

(Image on right : Ruth West, Art Papers Chair, taken from her message on the Siggraph Blog.

Related links :
Meet Ruth West
The 19 groups of Digital arts community >

The call for papers :

Art Papers offers artists, theorists, historians, technologists, and researchers an opportunity to present contributions within and across disciplines to an interdisciplinary audience. The program is a unique opportunity for artists to add another dimension to their creative voice through writing and to present the motivation, thought process, inspiration, and methodologies behind their work that allow them to make contributions to global culture, to their specific artistic field, to society, and to the graphics industry. This can open up broader dialogues with scientists, industry, and technologists, and create a shared body of creative knowledge.  

Art Papers are published in the SIGGRAPH special issue of Leonardo, The Journal of the International Society of the Arts, Sciences and Technology (MIT Press). For more information see the Call for Proposals on the SIGGRAPH 2017 website.

Visit ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community



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