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Which Poetry for Augmented Mankind?

March 15 15h-20h. Lausanne, Rolex Forum library. Webpage

Bibliothèque de l'EPFL | Sur le campus |
Alain Damasio – Quelle poésie pour l’humanité augmentée? Alain Damasio, entre poésie et science-fiction

Within the Printemps de la Poésie, March 13-25, the EPFL library sets a meeting dedicated to poetry and science fiction, in partnership with Maison d’Ailleurs.
During this special night, with and around d’Alain Damasio, a round table will open an opportunity qu testion the difrerent facets of his oeuvre, notably through poetry and transhumanism.
Please tane an inscription so that the buffet be suffcient.

More info. Free entrance for everyone, subjcet to inscription


Technologie numérique, l'impression 3D a bouleversé la conception et la fabrication d'objets ou prototypes architecturaux, transformant la pratique des architectes, designers et artistes. Au programme de cette première journée du forum, table-ronde et rencontre musique et architecture.





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