Risk Change. European cooperation.
Temporary draft. To be revised.
Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina, Dunavska 37, Novi Sad.
Serbia. June 1, 2016 - June 1, 2020
Ace Kibla. Association for Culture and Education. Maribor, Slovenia
Acax. Agency for Contemporary Art Exchange. Budapest, Hungary
Fopsim. Marginally Art. Foundation for the Promotion of Social Inclusion in Malta.Žejtun, Malta
MMSU. Muzej moderne i suvremene umjetnosti. Rijeka, Croatia
MSUV :: МСУВ. Muzej savremene umetnosti Vojvodine. Novi Sad, Serbia
Rixc. The Center for New Media Culture. Riga, Latvia
7scenes. Location based mobile apps. Amsterdam, Netherlands
Zinc. Digital Art and Cultures. Marseille, France
The Mighty Creatives. Leicester, United Kingdom
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Athens, Greece
Brief project description:
Risk Change is a project exploring socio-political pressures conditioned by population mobility, change in the place of residence, migration, exile, etc, through interdisciplinary and intercultural approach. The main focus will be placed on the media and post-media art practices associating global social problems with art and science.
The project's goal includes realization of concrete results: art residences, new/inovative models, conferences, symposia, workshops, open laboratories, exhibitions, study visits, web platform, mobile phone application, new cultural networks, publications, etc.
The project is divided into several parts: project management, research, production, creating new audience and education, communication and dissemination, as well as project sustainability and utilization of its results in further research.
As partner-leader in the area of production, Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina will in large part be in charge of artistic value of the project, production of artwork, organization of various exhibitions, selection of artists included in residential programs, etc. The Museum will, for the duration of the project, organize 8 individual exhibitions (2 annually), 3 large group international exhibitions (1 annually), 8 round-table discussions, 3 symposia, 15 workshops, and host as well as provide a place for work for over 10 artists who will reside in Novi Sad through residential program, etc.
A particular segment of the project represents a group of 8 experts (Expert Commission Risk Change), who will be involved in the area of contemporary art and its relation to multicultural communities and migrations. For the duration of the project, experts will continually follow project activities and project development, and, through their research, theoretical knowledge, essays, and articles, influence its further course. This group will include Ghislaine Boddington, curator and lecturer from London (Great Britain), Raphael Chikukwa, curator of the National Gallery from Harare (Zimbabwe), Dmitry Bulatov, curator and director of the National Center for Contemporary Art (Russia), Rasa Smite, one of the founders of E-LAB/RIXC, curator and researcher from Riga (Latvia), Barnabas Bencik, independant curator from Budapest (Hungary), Sabina Salamon, curator of the Museum of Contemporary Art from Rijeka (Croatia), Peter Tomaz Dobrila, independant artist and producer from Maribor (Slovenia), and Sanja Kojić Mladenov, curator and director of the Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina from Novi Sad (Serbia).
Main project goals:
• Connecting with partners from Slovenia, Croatia, Greece, Malta, Holland, England, Latvia, France, Hungary, and Europe in general
• Reassessment and mapping of the causes and consequences of migrations in the context of social and cultural changes
• Realization of exhibitions, residential programs, expert symposia, lectures and workshops, production of artwork, promotion of contemporary art
Indicators (quantifiable parameters of the project):
8 individual exhibitions, 3 large group intenrational exhibitions, 8 round-table discussions, 3 symposia, 4 residential programs, 15 workshops, promotional material, Museum presence in the media, documented archives.
Past Program
EUROPE_N: Asymmetric Europe
Asymmetric Europe
16. Nov – 2. Dec 2012
Identity of Female Artists in Media Arts and Technology - presentation of artistic practice of Nataša Teofilović and Isidora Todorović, Wednesday, March 9 at 6pm, MSUV, MoCAV, Novi Sad, МСУВ, Нови Сад
Identity of Female Artists in Media Arts and Technology - presentation of artistic practice of Nataša Teofilović and Isidora Todorović
March 9, 2016.
The international project Performing the Museum (Per Muse): Archives and Power, Building Desire - Jasmina Cibic, 3–29.11.2015., MSUV, Novi Sad
Archives and Power
The international project Performing the Museum (Per Muse)
3 – 29. november 2015.
Building desire - Jasmina Cibic, Solo exhibition show within the project Performing the Museum, 3 – 29. november 2015., MSUV, Novi Sad - МСУВ, Нови Сад
Building desire - Jasmina Cibic, Solo exhibition show