Nemo Softlove meeting
Dec. 15, 2016. 16h30. Creteil. Maison des Arts
Are we becoming human terminals dedicated to business and conrol. for purposes of business activities and of control ? And can with resist to such an algorithmic life, which could entail a complete commodification of our life?
Last October, the Rendez-vous of Némo # 3 proposed a meeting with Éric Sadin, author of La Silicolonisation du monde - The irresistible expansion of digital liberalism (L'Échappée, 2016).
Many people wanted to extend the dialog. Nemo Biennale confronts Eric Sadin to Frédéric Deslias, director (Le Clair Obscur). The talk which will be followed by a presentation of the installation #SoftLove (Prélude) and the Performance #SoftLove, two projects by Frédéric Deslias based on the novel Softlove by Éric Sadin (Galaade Éditions, 2014). A first version of which was presented at Rendez-vous # 3.