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Virtual Reality Summer School

Virtual Reality Summer School “Immersive Presence, Augmented Visualization and Advanced Interaction” June 18-23, 2017 Torre dell’Orso (Lecce), Italy

T he aim to propose a moment for discussions and exchanging scientific experiences and technical results.
Lectures will span topics from virtual environments and augmented reality applications to 3D user interfaces and required technology to enable these environments to applications.

Master students are encouraged to participate at the school. Academic and industrial researchers as well as Ph.D. students are invited to present the progresses of their research works, challenges and corresponding solutions they are putting forward.

Another aim is to stimulate the start up of new European collaborations among researchers in order to find opportunities to submit new European projects proposals (Horizon 2020).

Main thematic areas; -
- cultural heritage and arts
- education
- industry and military
- games and serious games
- interaction and presence.

- Proposal to presentation on behalf of Ph.D. students and researchers: April 30, - registration deadline and fee payment: May 15.






PAS Algoristes

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