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Typography Insight: 3D text with Hololens

Typography Insight is a toolkit to learn typography, announced in 2011. . Since Jan. 2016, the product is now avaliable on Hololens, as a VR extension. See Video

"Types are beautiful in VR space. Typography Insight encourages you to experience, layout and to play with types in 3D virtual reality space. It will help you understand the characteristics of the types in VR.

"Type Playground: Compose typographic layout in 3D space with different fonts, sizes, and colors. You can use it for designing big signage on the wall or constructing experimental typographic structure in space
"Typeface Anatomy: Learn about basic terminologies and the detail elements of typefaces

"Explore historically important typefaces in 3D timeline view Originally published to iOS in 2011, Typography Insight has been embraced by design and education community. In 2016, it has been published to Windows Store for PC and HoloLens.


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