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Consciousness Reframed
art and consciousness in the post-biological era

Nov. 25-26. More info.

Call For Papers: presentations and papers are invited from artists, scientists and theorists in all fields!

Deadline for abstracts: June 20. Deadline for full paper: October 30

- How far have we come in exploring consciousness: in what ways is our curiosity reflected in our art? Have our digital systems learned to feel?
- Does the computer exhibit emotional intelligence?
- Whilst science fails to provide any understanding of how consciousness arises, or where it is located, the artist seeks every way to navigate Mind, and explore its domains. In the process, our digital technology may come to call for the enhancement of chemistry.
- Can we expect robots to access new forms of thought and awareness?
- Will the scenarios of Artificial Reality elicit new mental states, and evince new qualities of being?
- As we increasingly recognise how intelligence pervades every aspect of nature, can we empower architecture to access the field of consciousness: can we grow buildings that think, feel and communicate?  
- Can we design the temperament of products?

These questions form the background to the conference of artists, scholars, scientists, and engineers that will constitute this forum for transdisciplinary inquiry into art, science, technology, and consciousness, drawing upon the expertise and insights of artists, designers, architects, performers, musicians, writers, scientists, and scholars, from many countries.

Past conferences have taken place in Australia, Austria, China, England, Egypt, Germany, Greece, Norway, Portugal, and Wales.

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