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Claire Malrieux: General Climate

Oct.13 - Dec. 10, 2017. Paris (Les Bernardins) More info

The work is projected on a large wall. Upon a white background, a set of some 30 different shapes, mainly black and white and linear, are displayed globally or progressively, and they move slowly, creating sometimes a sort of landscape. The generative process is said to be controlled by meteorological sensors.
Globally, the effet is pleasant, but quite rapidly boring if you take it as a full spectacle. We stayed some 25 minutes, by professional duty. But the spectators who entered did not remain more than two or three minutes.
The effect was probably more impressive at the Venice Biennal, where it is projected on a curved wall, somehow a cave.

We are surprised by artists and curator discourses, proposed on a free brochure. The piece is suppsed to question our representations of the World. It is a "representation of the post-dibital era, where our environment is done by successive encapsulations, visible or not. Between the shapes lightness and the importance of the meanings, this work echoes the first global civilization". Ten pages of such considerations.
Anyway, the forms displayed are so abstract that it requires some effort to link them to biological or climatic objects or events.

In the same room, high and high and vaulted, Jacques Perconte presented Mistral.. A less generative video, with the glitch effects typical of this artist. It was as if the vault had been a large window opening on a Provence landscape. It was also quite static, without narrative tension. But the view was more colorful, and the public remained a little longer.


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