A Journey through Art Science Projects
Jan. 5, 2018. Paris. More info. More about Featart.
A Journey Through Art Science Projects in an online experimental publication,
documenting (using the MemoRekall web applications) four among the works created
during the Feat residence :
- "Make Do and Mend" by Anna Dumitriu
- "Ion Hole, by Evelina Domnitch & Dmitry Gelfand
- "Robots In Distress" by boredomresearch (Vicky Isley & Paul
- "Becoming a.(Thing)", by Spela Petric & Miha Tursic
They are enriched vido capsules, in which the traditional publication process is inversed. It's no longer a text "illustrated" by images, bu a video "textualized", i.e; an hypertext video.