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Yann Minh: real and virtual show

Jun. 9 , 2019, Paris. More Info .

In the afternoon of Saturday, June 8, I hold an immersive virtual show for 2 hours, in the NøøScaph of my NøøMuseum, and I will talk about Cybersex, Memetic, Persistent Worlds, Avatars, Dividualities, Narcissistic Narcosis, Transhumanism, Singularity, Cybernetics, Virtual and Augmented Reality ... and I will expose my augmented images at the "Spirale Garden Party" in the Temporary Autonomous Zone (TAZ) of the "Gare Expérimentale" near "Porte des Lilas in Paris" ... - An Ezine for Digital Mutants is at the Experimental Station
THE MUTANT GARDEN PARTY ??Saturday, June 8, 2019 - 14: 00-23: 00Paris 75019 - BOOK the date!

This image is in AR, to see the animation download the EyeJack app on your smartphone and scan the QR code (little icon of eye, at the bottom left of the home page)

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