Elias Crespin in the Louvre... and Denise René
du 25 janvier au 14 mars 2020. Paris . More info
The Press Release
"Denis Kilian, director of Galerie Denise René, has the great pleasure of consecrating an exhibition to the Venezuelan artist Elias Crespin, which will be held from January 25 to March 14, 2020. Crespin, whose work is part of the Latin American kinetic art movement, has imposed himself on the international art scene through the ingenious beauty of his electrokinetic mobiles.
Represented since 2011 by the Galerie Denise René, hich has always been committed to supporting contemporary artists, Elias Crespins talent is now rewarded by the admission to the Louvre museum of a perennial work, L'Onde du Midi, which will be presented from January 25, 2020.
"This exceptional event, which constitutes for the artist the mark of a rare honour and recognition, is the occasion for Galerie Denise René to dedicate to Elias Crespin his third solo exhibition in its space "rive gauche". The assembled works, a collection of electrokinetic mobiles and drawings, testify the artist's ability to generate emotions from amazement to contemplation.
"Suspended in the air by invisible wires, Elias Crespin's mobiles present geometric spatial configurations that unfold without any mechanical linearity. Their slow and judicious movement never ceases to surprise, a s the elements move in their arrangement from order to chaos, from simple to complex. As hypnotized, the spectator is taken into the graceful and peaceful dance of forms whose infinite play of combinations cannot be anticipated. Elias Crespin thus establishes a dialogue with the spectator which, being inscribed in time, leaves the possibility of opening his imagination to the suspense of visual and mental mobility.