An image by Chatonsky.
Artificial Imagination at ENS
Oct. 23 , 2017. Paris (Ecole Normale Supérieure). Next session of a seminar. More info.
Version subject to revisions.
A similar seminar was organized at ENS in 2016-2017. See our post.
In spite of the prestigious location and the quality of the speakers, we have
been disappointed the inaugural session, on Sept. 25. We feel that the seminar
shows both:
- too wide a scope, aiming nothing less than build a new paradigm and an European
alternative to the American Singularity
- too narrow a technical basis, since the references are more literary than
artistic and even more scientific; human imagination is nowadays widely studied
by neurosciences, and machine imagination it at least the realm of generative
art, with several hundreds of artists involved around the world (see for instance
diccan notice).
A lot of interesting data and examples were brought, notably by Gregory Chatonsky. His rich PDF File is online.
Can the "French School" with its literary ways and means challenge seriously the Singularity movement, backed by the over-powerful Gafa? Why nof, after all. In spite of critics, Deleuze and the french post-humanist movement is still cited by world top authors.
At least can this effort bring some hopeful notes in the present days sinistrose.