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Computer Museums and "Revival" Groups

Actual presentation of Digital history, from Big Bang to the 2010's. See also perenniality.

Some institutions, museums or "revival" groups (groups keeping programming on old machines, real or emulated).

Aconit, Grenoble

Apple Museum Prague

Center for Computing History. Cambridge, UK

Computer History Museum, Mountain View (CA). Note its Timeline.

Computer Museam NAM-IP (Namur, Belgique), opened on Oct. 27, octobre 2016.

Demoscène Group(s ?) working on vinage game machines. They organize "demoparties". FEB (Fédération des Equipes Bull). The assoDaniel Humblot.

Intel Museum Santa-Clara (CA)

Musée des Arts et Métiers, Paris.

Le musée de l'informatique. Paris La Défense. Sa fermeture.

Museo Technologico, Ivrea Italy (Olivetti machines)

Collection historique Orange. For telecommunications (mainly French). A museum and some revival activities;

Ordinosaures. A website with many photographies. Two lists of sites related to ordinosaures :

Pichot JM. Beaucoup de choses et de photos sur son site.

Recode. A German Association retro-engineering the code of ancient digital works.

Siemens Museum Munich (?)

Silicium , fouded in 1994 as a non-profit association, works mainly on mini-and micro-computers, and attemps to get them running (less and less easy). On the beginning of 2017, the association is collecting Goupil machines and documentation. Website which includes a newletter.

Cela évite de mettre des mails lisibles par tous les robots malfaisants qui sillonnent internet !

ZKM (Karlsruhe) . A Zuse machine, using electronic tubes, is working and maintained.

Zuse computer museum. Opened on Jan.21, 2017