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Olaf Rauh : Multiscan (50.062473,14.431439)

Last revised 8/31/2014. Return to major concepts. See painting.
- Our posts and references.  

All the digital photographers we know of are listed in our Index, with direct link on their Diccan's item. On summer 2014, we list some 300 artists, to which could be added the works of multimedia artists, for which photography is frequently and important facet.

In the 21th th century, analogue photography ("argentic") becomes more a vintage tradition that a current form of art. Nearly everybody uses digital cameras, from the cheap models in cell phones to the high level reflex systems.

Computational photography is "an emerging discipline that enables the creation of enhanced-quality photographs through novel combinations of digital images, algorithms, optics and sensors" (Richard Szeliski, in Communications of the ACM, Nov. 2012), introducing a 9 pages paper on the subject, by several authors.

Photo cameras never cease to progress. The Lytro cameras, for instance, go to full reality dephtth recording, allowing powerful post-processing.

High dynamic range photography (see our HDR note (in French) opens new ways, with some artistic efforts.
< Photographie HDR. by Pierre Henri Muller. Dépassez les limites de la photo. Dunod 2008.

Photography becomes a properly digital when algorithms are used for transformations (morphing, filtering, compositing). Then it may converge with painting. Jean-Paul Margnac brings lights on digital art in photography. He quotes Flickr as the major site presenting works.

Some references

< Get good photographs of art works in spite of poor lighting conditions or cheap cameras. An article in Siam (2012).
< Smarter photography. by Gary Anthes. Communications of the ACM. June 2012. "Improvements in camera hardware, image processing, camera-photographer interfaces, and image viewing are advancing the state of the art in digital photography". He quotes the Lytro, Nayar lenses, Adobe software.
< Une rêverie photoélectrique: sténopé et saisie numérique, by Sabine Dizel. PhD thesis directed gy Jean Da Silva, 2011
< Apport de l'image numérique dans la photographie artistique contemporaine. by Jean-Pierre Bouvier. Hervé Huitric directeur de thèse. 1997.
< A website for several dozens of contemporary photographers 1d-photo.

Other references:

< Une rêverie photoélectrique: sténopé et saisie numérique. by Sabine Dizel. PhD thesis directed by Jean Da silva. Université Panthéon-Sorbonne. 2011
< Did the digital change the photographers' vision? SH No 28 (concepts), Sept. 2004
< Maps and Legends, by Valentina Tanni. On the borderlines of digital, photography and Googlemaps. (Circa 2010).
< De la chambre noire au numérique: la photo en noir et clanc avec Photoshop, l'art de la transition, by Eddie Ephraums. La Compagnie du livre 2005.
< La photo numérique by Olivier de Vaublanc and Antoine Courtecuisse Dunod 2003
< Le guide de la photo numérique by Laurence Beauvais, Christophe Blanc and Jean-Luc Goudet Dunod 2003
< Booster - La photographie numérique by D. Stone . Dunod 2003
< Créez des photos numériques extraordinaires. Panoramas, photos 3D, photos en relief, animations. by Jean-Michel Reveillac. Dunod/01 Informatique 2003
< Photographie interactive avec QuickTime VR. by G. Perron. Eyrolles 2002
< La photo numérique, by B. Jolivalt. OEM, 2d édition 2001.
< Modification et hybridation des images photoniques, électroniques et algorithmiques, by Bruno Bernard. PhD thesis directed by Edmond Couchot.
< Apport de l'image numérique dans la photographie artisique contemporaine. by Jean-Pierre Yannick Bou vier. Phd Thesis direted by Hervé Huitric.
< Peinture, photographie, film, et autres écrits sur la photographie. by Laslo Moholy-Nagy .Folio Essais. First published by Jacqueline Chambon, 1993.









Galerie Charlot An important supporter of digital art.