I feel the Bit beating in my heart
No meaning but power.
I see the Cloud whirling high overhead
Calling us for an answer.
I share the Life, this growing spread.
The World we build together.
Oct. 10 2013
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From 2010 to 2020, Diccan has day after day presented the full panorama of digital art, taken as algorithmic art. Along the years, some 2700 artists have drawn an impressive exponential growth curve. But, since around 2019, digital art is outmoded. Or lives on other spaces and markets than "art" in the current culture.
In the beginning of spring 2021, we feel that this form of art has reached its limits. It remains of interest to some fans and geeks. Or it permeates a lot of art forms, but mostly as a technical basis for other forms of art.Then we suspend the publication of new posts. But of course keep on line the existing ones and will sometimes update, edit or fix our dictionary and main indexes.
- The posts
- Geography of Digital Art
- History of Digital Art
- Prospective of Digital Art