About diccan.com

. Our dictionary diccan.com is primarily aimed to the community of digital art, from artists to fans and from corporations to associations. Its insistence on external references makes it a choice tool for research and in depth studies... without forgetting enjoyment. It's written mostly by Pierre Berger, retired computer journalist, author of Roxame (website, see the User handbook (work in progress) software and presently art critic.
. It presents as well the artists (more than 2000 by 2014) and their works as the concepts, the history and the geography of digital art. See a summary of the core data and concepts.
. It is permanently updated and enriched, with the risk of some "work in progress" here and there. Your remarks will always be welcome. Just Contact us.
- See technical notes about the use or Roxame software to update diccan.
First statements of intention (2010) at the creation of diccan. Later statements (2012).
Archives and resourcesIn order to preserve some historical resources, you will also find here :
- The Dictionnaire des sciences et techniques de l'information, with strong reference to the history of computer science and industry in France since its beginning to 2005.
- The 250 issues of Asti-Hebdo and Stic-Hebdo, from 2000 to 2005.
- The website of Club de l'Hypermonde, as it was created by 1991.
- and, giving a personal touch to this site the main texts written by Pierre Berger (many of them unpublished).

Paris ACM Siggraph, the French chapter of ACM Siggraph, worldwide non-profit organization of computer graphics.