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QAEB. Quasi-analytic error-bounded, a technique for ray tracing. F.K. Musgrave gives to it a full chapter in [Ebert].

Quadtree. Explained on Kyle Schouviller website.

Quadrilateral. [Processing].

Quadtree. Image representation as a tree.
- [Bres] p. 331 sq. [Cocquerez], [Foley], [Processing].

Quantization, quantize.
- Quantization may be creative: (as a function of Cubase) "it is not only a method to fix event placement errors, but it can also become a true tool for creation, like the quantization pre-trimmings". (our translation from La quantification créative, Home-Studio Sept. 2012. - [Brinkmann], [Foley], [Gonzalez]. 
- Shortly : mapping any set of points upon a regular grid. This applies to images as well as to music.

Quantum computing. Wikipedia
- In 2018, to work on the topic Alain Lioret uses (both in Python):
. Rigetti (Available for macOS (.pkg) and Linux (.deb, .rpm). Windows coming soon)
. and Qiskit










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