FAB. Acronym for Free Art Bureau. An association similar to the French Algorists.
- Main activity: a blog, but also workshops, conferences... documentation and technical assistance.
- Chair : Mark Webster. Contact : info@freeartbureau.org.
Fabfest. First session in Gaîté lyrique (Paris), March-April 2012.

Fables géométriques : Loup-chien (produced by Fantôme, 1989-1992)
Les fables géométriques.
> Les fables géométriques (1989). A TV series,
fully in synthesis images, produced by Fantôme
from 1989 to 1992.
The Paris
ACM Siggraph page.
Fabre Xavier. Architect. Wikipedia
(in French).
> Centre international d'art du du paysage de Vassiviere (1991)
, by Aldo Rossi and Xavier Fabre. Wikipedia
. Quoted by Terracol with picture and
geometric explanations, for use of spiral and cone combined.
Fabric|ch. Architects agency. Associates : Christian Babski, Stéphane Carion, Christophe Guignard and Patrick Keller.
> Perpetual (Tropical) Sunshine (2005) [Moulon] pp. 75-76 with a photo. Map, site and network installation.
- More in French
La fabrique. A Cultural Center in Nantes (France).
- Program for may 2012 : Collective Diffrazione, Hip-Hop,
- More in French.
Fabrique Nomade. Created in 2013, this group of electronic chamber music aims to find back the gestures and listening moods of the classical chamber music. Generally, the contemporary electronic music lets the sound of "hyper" instrumentists of contemporary electronic music be controlled by a computer professional. Here, each member of the group controls his/her complete sound production via one's own computer. At present (4/2013), the group includes : Anne Cartel (flutes),Francis Faber (digital instruments), Etienne Graindorge (sound engineer), Martina Rodriguez (cello) and Szuhwa Wu (violin).
Fabwall.> Fabwall (2011). "Augmented" wallpaper, launched by Jean-Louis Fréchin in 2011.
- Facebook in transmedia, some notes in [Bernardo], notably pp. 99-101.
The social network (2010). A film by David Fincher.
Fach Ole .
Architect and net media.
> Gif Market (2011). website
Fagg Andrew. Siggraph 2006 : Presentation : sensors networks and Net art.
Falco Edward. Wikipedia.
He "is the author of the hypertext novel A Dream
with Demons and collection hypertext poetry, Sea Island,
both from Eastgate Systems. He wrote the short story
collections Acid (1996; winnner of the Richard Sullivan
Prize) and Plato at Scratch Daniel’s & Other
Stories (1990). Falco teaches writing and literature at
Virginia Tech and edits The New River, a journal of
> A Dream with Demons (1997). A hypertext novel.
Fall N'Goné. Curator and consultant.
Fall Samba. Animation. "He does not consider himself
a digital artist, but as an artist using the different mediums he can afford,
choosen according to the topics he wants to develop". Artmajeur
> Consomania (2008). Quoted by [Dermineur].
Falsnaes Christian.
> Force (2018). See our post.
> There and back (2010).
Fantôme. Film directors, precursors.
> Sio Benbor 2. (1988) directed by par Renato and Georges Lacroix.
The Siggraph
> Sio Benbor (1987) A short film by Fantôme. The Paris
ACM Siggraph page.
Farahi Behnaz.
Architecture, fashion and interaction design
> Bodyscape (2017), by Behnaz Farahi. A gyroscope at shoulder
level tracks the moves and translates them into visual scores according
to lines of skin tension.
Faraldo Angel. A composer, sound artist, improviser and digital instrument designer.
> Feedback Study#4 (2012). Played in CAC3, Paris, Fall 2012.
> Como si existir fuera siempre una duda (2005-2006) for two computer-processed guitars
Faria Vilas Boas, Mateus de. Painting, from Photoshop up to nearly abstract. Quoted by [Book], winter 2011-2012.
Farin Gerald
< The geometry toolbox for graphics and modeling. by Gerald Farin ad Dianne Hansford. :AK Peters, Mass. USA 1998. Not really useful.
Farkas Tamas F. Graphics.
> Celtix-4 (2003). (evoking Escher) [Wands].
Farocki Harun. Video
> Deep Play (2007). 8 pages with pictures in [Algora].
Farr Ju Row. A member of Blast Theory.
Farrell Malachi. Perhaps more kinetic and architecural than digital.
> Zeotrope (2013). A digital version of Praxinoscope.
> Since 2000c. for digital art.
F.A.T. Lab. Free Art and Technology Lab. "an organization dedicated to enriching the public domain through the research and development of creative technologies and media. Release early, often and with rap music. " Ceased its activities in 2015.
Fauchère Camille. Writing.
Fauchier Michel. President, ADDNB . This association ended it operations on Feb. 1, 2018,
Fauduet Louise. BNF, Head of the Multimédias department. Many scientific communications.
Faulders Thom. Architects studio.
> Aispace Tokyo (2007). Covering a building with art evoking vegetation, with ecological effects. Described by [Iwamoto].
Faure Arno.
Video. Presentation in Creanum, june-july 2011.
> Derrezed/DaftPunk (2010 c.) Clip, notably on Vimeo.
> Defragmentation (2000 c.). Various works based on combined photographs.
Faure Claude
> La Dérive des Continents (1990). Text display on screen, where animation
builds or changes the shapes of the words, mimicking the named object behavior,
or builds constellations according to the graphical shape of the letter.
- Quoted by [Berger-Lioret]
p. 53.
Faure Elie. Historian and art critic.
< Fonction du cinéma. by Elie Faure. Editions d'histoire et d'art, 1953. Augmented edition , Gonthier 1963. This books contains a chapter "Défense et illustration de la machine", vividly foreseeing and lyrical.
- More in French.

Faure-Walker: Villadora.
Faure Walker James. Painter and writer. Siggraph
> Villadora (2009). Archival inkjet print.
< Painting, the digital river. Prentice Hall 2006.
> Song Upper Street (2004) Quoted by [Lieser]
with a picture
> Drawn trees (2002) Quoted by [Lieser]
with a picture
Fautrel Pierre. A founding member of Obvious.
Favand Jean-Paul. Founder of Musée des Arts forains.
(Paris Bercy) Wikipedia.
< Elfe (2018C).
< Virtualia, Féeries numériques, par Jean-Paul
Favand. Catalog of the show in Centre des Arts, Enghien-les-Bains (France)
2013. Our report.
> Saint-Etienne du Mont (2010 c.). Animation of a diaporama
canvas with computer controlled lights.
Favard Laetitia. Interaction.
> Arbréole (2012).
FDG . Les films du Genièvre. Infography education.
Fdili Aloui. Ircam et Limsi.
In the clouds Virtual experience of a matter, by Nathalie Delprat, Claire Leroux and Sarah Fdili Aloui. Communication at Vric 2011. Online.
Featurit. A website to favour musicians meeting musiciens. Created by Jean-Patrick Allouche.
Fechner Gustav Theodor. Wikipedia.
- Psychophysics creator. He takes it further with Zur experimentellen Ästhetik , 1871 (For an experimental aesthetics ), and Vorschule der Ästhetik , 1876 (Introductory aesthetics course ). He may be considered as the forerunner of experimental (or empirical) aesthetics. .
Fédurok. Fédération nationale des lieux de musique amplifiées/actuelles.
Fegarsky Howard. Painting
> From the Cube Series (before 1976).
See an image in the Recode project.
Fei Cao. Video and computer.
> Rumba II, Nomad (2015)
> RMB city (2008). Wikipedia. A very long work.

Ken Feinglod : Up to the conversation
Feingold Kenneth (Ken)
> Self-Portrait in the Center of the Universe (1998). Virtual reality.
> The surprising spiral (1991). [Grau].
> JCJ-Junkman (1995). [Greene] p. 28-29.
> Sinking feeling (1990 c.).
> If/Then (1990 c.).
- [Popper 2] 140-141.
Felguerez Manuel. Wikipedia
> 104 designs (1975) by Manuel Felguerez and Mayer Sasson. Plotter, ink on paper.Quoted by [Lieser] 2015 with a picture
Fémis Ecole nationale supérieure des métiers de l'image et du son. Formerly called Idhec.
Fenster Diane.
Prints on paper.
> I could'nt stay in Miami (1994) [Wands].
Ferguson Helaman. Sculptor, algorist.
Ferrand Nathalie.
< Banques de données et hypertextes pour l'étude du
roman. PUF 1997.
Ferrari Debora
< Arte e Videogames. Neoludica 2011-2096, by Debora Ferrari
and Luca Traini. Skira 2011.
Ferretti Ercolino. Music. Cited by [Baudouin].
> Pipe and Drum (1963).
Fetter William. Animation cinema. More a technician than an artist.
- In the early 1960's, he makes for Boeing small animation films, starting from drawings on a plotter, aiming to ergonomic enhancement. Quoted, with drawings, by [Youngblood]. 1968 according to [Masson].
Fiadante Miguel Procession. + collaboration + traditional Indian puppets + 3D printing.
- High resolution work, followed by Maya enhancing.
Fibonacci. See common nouns.
Fiac. An art show.
- Fiac is off (2012)
Fiam. Fédération internationale des associations de multimédia.(International federation of multimedia associations).
Ficam Fédération des industries du cinéma, de l'audiovisuel et du multimédia. Federation of cinema, audiovisual and multimedia industries.
Field. Experimental development environment on Macintosh. See [Berger-Lioret] p.170.
Field Ken.
> Bodies@INCorporated (1995). In collaboration with Robert Nideffer (interface designer), Ken Fields (sound artist) et Jason Schleifer (programmer). Financed by Viewpoint Data Labs. Performance. [Paul], [Greene] p. 108.
Fietzek Frank.
Bodybuilding (1998 ) Quoted by Bootz.
- Arbeit an Bildern / Bodybuilding (1997), Quoted by Bootz.
Findlay Kathryn. A partner of Ushida
& Findlay studio. Architects.
> House for the third millenium (1994). Quoted by Terracol
with picture and geometric explanations, for use of spiral and cone combined.
Finley Chris. Graphics.
> Goo goo pow wow (2001).
Fischer Andreas.
> Reflexion (2008). with Benjamin Maus. Digital sculpture. 4 pages with pictures in [Bohnacker].
> One Week In The Life (2005). Digital sculpture. 4 pages with pictures in [Bohnacker]. Quoted by [Lieser] with a picture
> Fundament (2007). Digital sculpture. 4 pages with pictures in [Bohnacker].
Fischer Hervé. Multimedia artist and philosopher.
L'avenir de l'art. VLB éditeur, 2010.
- More in French.
Fischer Scott.
wikipedia. Artist and scientist. Interaction, immersion, virtual reality with sound.
[Popper 2] p. 182.

Dylan Fisher : Nordic Outbreak.
Fisher Dylan. Multimedia.
> Nordic Outbreak (2012).
Fisher Ebon.
Biological aesthetics. Wikipedia : "A transmedia artist hard working at the intersection of art, biology and digital media."
[Popper 2]119-121 presents a work.
< Network ethics (1992). Bionic ethics system, the Bionic Codes, which evolved into Zoacodes.
< The Nervepool (1992). Transmedia world with a "nervecenter" at Nervepool.net.
Fishing for Compliments. 'We are “fishing for compliments”: Jan Bernstein, Max Kickinger, Woeishi Lean, Sebastian Neitsch. We work in the fields of: kinetics, interactive design, media design, sound design and music".
> Nemore (2010), and following years.
Fishinger Oscar. Wikipedia: He directs, notably in the 1920's and 1930's abstract animation films, volumic, with modeling clay. In Fantasia, Walt Disney takes inspiration of his work
< Oscar Fishinger. Ten films. A CD published by the Center for Visual Music. c. 2010.
- Quoted by [Berger-Lioret] p. 62.
Fishwick Patrick.
< Aesthetic computing by Patrick Fishwick (ed.)MIT Press, 2006.
Fitch Lizzie. Video and performance.
> The Re'Search
(Re'Search Wait’S) (2009-2010) by Lizzie Fitch and& Ryan Trecartin.
Flachot Bertrand. He mixes photographs with digital handwork.
> Remise en lignes (2012 c.). Presented en Slick, Paris, 2012.
Flake Gary William.
< The computational beauty of nature. MIT Press 1998.
- Quoted by [Berger-Lioret] p. 151-152.
- With the language ActionScript, can be used as a generative tool.
> Flash (1990 c.) Graphical software.
< Flash 5 en 30 étapes faciles, by Shamms Mortier, Osman Eyrolles 2001
< Construisez un site en Flash CS5 sans écrire aucun code. Three pages in Web Design, 12/2010.
- Quoted by [Berger-Lioret] p. 170, 187.
Flavin Dan Wikipedia
. Plastic artist, minimal art, partly with lights.
< Series and progressions, by Dan Flavin and Tiffany Bell. Steidel Verlag 2010. Publishers presentation of the book.
Fleisch Thorsten.
> Gestalt (2003). Animation film from 3D expression of 4D quaternions (a kind of fractals). 4 pages with pictures in [Bohnacker].
Fleischmann Monika (Wolfgang
Strauss and Christian A. Bohn)é ."Since 1987 Fleischmann & Strauss (site in German) develop mixed reality scenarios and work on a theory of Mixed Reality.
They create artistic works, research prototypes, tools, interfaces and events
intersecting interactive art, science and > Liquid Views (1993),
[Popper 2] 111-115 presents works.
> The Home of the Brain (1991). with Wolfgang Straus. 3 pages and pictures in [Grau
2003] and cited with picture in [Dreher] (PDF online).
> Murmuring Fields (1999) "Technical construction"
. 4 pages with pictures in [Grau 2003].
Main sites:
blog/ (in German)
Fletcher Harrell
> Learning to Love You More (2002). by Harel Fletcher and Mirandy July. Distribution of zany instructions on the web. [Greene].
Fletcher Jerome.
> The Fetch. Performance with Caden Lovelace in in Chercher le texte festival (2013).
> ...Reusement (2007).
Le Flipper
Le flipper (1984).
A film directed by Renato. Paris ACM Siggraph page.
Floc'h Nicolas. Sculpture. Computer objects as sculpture, or sculpture of computers. Cited with picture in Artpress2 Art in the digital age, May-June-July 2013
> Objet ordinateur (Computer) 2008.
> El Gran Trueque (2008). Exposition.
Flores Joscelyn. Editorial manager of Computer Arts.
Fly Bill.
> Fly Bill (1984). The first film by Fantôme. Paris ACM Siggraph page.
FMX . Important European and German meeting in Stuttgart.
Focal Press. Publishes the series of books "Digital Art Masters" and Digital Painting Techniques.
Foldes Peter. Animation cinema. Aesthetic effects of interpolation. Xth international day sof Animation cinema (1975).
> La faim (1971). Quoted by [Couchot 2003].
> Metadata (1971).
Foley James
< Computer Graphics, Principles and practice. by James Foley,
Andries van Dam, Steven Feiner and John Hugues, Addison Wesley, 2d edition
1990. A great classic for the graphics bases.
Fong Sveven. Designer, urbanist, new medias . Bio.
- A member of design studio KLF.

Fred Forest I stop the time.
> Animated crib (1937) The crêche de Fonséranes . More than 90 motorized mechanisms, regularly enhanced, presently driven by a digital system (topped CD, not properly a computer).
> London Millenium Bridge (2006). The bridge under music for the Tate Modern. Quoted by [Moulon] p. 18-19 with a photo.
Fontana Giovanni.
Middle-Ages. An ancestor of modern "caves". Wikipedia.
> Castellum Umbrarum (1420).
Lioret p.116.
Fontcuberta Joan. Photographer. One of the organizers
of "From here on", Arles summer 2011. Wikipedia.
> Orogenesis (2003-2004). Modified photography.
> Googlegrams (2005)
Fontenier Marie-Anne.
CEO , Sup Infocom.
A founder of Paris ACM Siggraph.
Forest Fred .
See special notice.
- Our posts and references.
< Fred Forest, une vie en 100 portraits" Les éditions
Inccognito, 2010. In this book, Forest, in great shape, draws short portraits
of his friends,

Foresta. Interface (1981). Installation at the Center for Advanced Visual Studies at MIT The slowscan technology involved capturing an image over video, which was then analysed and transformed into sound signals, one representing a range from gray to black, another from gray to white and a third, the sync. The sounds were sent over a normal phone line to be reconverted into an image on the other end. The machine was clipped directly into the open mouth piece of the phone seen here wrapped in a scarf to avoid other interference. Image Phone connection, Paris
Foresta Don. Artist and theorist. Animator of Marcel art and science group.
> Ascott Exchange (1988).
< Mondes Multiples, BàS 1991. (Written in 1986-87).
> Interface (1981)
Fornes Marc. Leader of the group Theverymany.
Fornieles Ed. Web art, critical. Carlos/Ishigawa page.
> Maybe New Friends (Britney Rivers) (2013)
Forsythe William. Choreographer. Importance of the physical body.
> Kammer/Kammer (2006) performed in 2006 at the Brooklyn Academy of Music. [Murray].
Foster + Partners. Architects.
> Smithsonian Institution (2004-2007).
> Aéroport international de Pékin (2003 - 2008). Technical presentation in [Burry].
> British Museum Great Court (2000). Technical presentation in [Burry].
> Viaduc de Millau (1993-2004).
Fouilloux Emilie.
> Let's Dance (2011). A rather simple, but
effective, idea. Participants in the public are invited to
select a score, dance upon it in a small closed space (at
least 15 seconds). Then the video recording is added to the
collection, of which several dozens are projected, offering
an animated matrix.
Foulc Thieri. A member of Oupeinpo
Fouquart Florine. "3D Generalist"
> Deep Breath (2017) A VR experience, diving into a universe which space and depth are progressively shown through breath.
Fourès Henri. Music.
> Dels dos principis (2010C)
Fourier. See common nouns.

A humorous view of Fourier transform, on the website of de XKCD
Fourier. His transform is an important basis of signal processing (FFT)
-< Les méthodes rapides de transformation du signal : Fourier, Walsh,
Hadamard, Haar. by Jean. Lifermann Masson (?) 2e ed 1979.
Fourmentraux Jean-Paul Lecturer at Université de Lille3/Geriico.
< Images interactives. Art contemporain, recherche et création
numérique. Sous la direction de Jean-Paul Fourmentraux. La lettre
volée, Bruxelles, 2016.
< L'oeuvre virale. Net Art et culture Hacker. Centre d'études
sociologiques et politiques Raymond Aron, 2013.
< L'ère post-media. Humanités digitales et cultures
numériques, edited by Jean-Paul Fourmentraux. Hermann, 2012.
< Being an artist in the digital era. 8 pages in [Worms
< Artistes de laboratoire Recherche et création à l'ère
numérique, by Jean-Paul Fourmentraux. Préface by Michel
Menger. Hermann, 2011. The book self-presentation.
< Ce que la programmation fait à l'art. Regards croisés
avec Antoine Schmitt, Grégory Chatonsky, Samuel Bianchini et Douglas
Eric Stanley. 20 pages in [Lartigaud].
< Art et Internet, by Jean-Paul Fourmentraux. Preface by
Antoine Hennion. Postface by Howard Becker Editions du CNRS, 2010.
< Art et Internet: les nouvelles figures de la création,
by Jean-Paul Fourmentraux. CNRS 2005.
Fourneau Antonin
> Water Light Graffiti (2012) . Interactive installation with water. An article in Digitalarti . A wall, inlaid with LEDs turns on when wetted with an aerosol.
Fournier Thierry
> Heterotopia (2017). See our post
Non-lieu (2016) Prints. He exposes also at Données à voir (Nanterre, 2016) of which he is curator with Sandrine Moreau.
> Last Room / Dépli (2013). From the
footage he shot in Japan, director Pierre Carniaux teamed
up with artist Thierry Fournier to create together a
diptych, composed of the film Last Room and the interactive
artwork Dépli. This project proposes a new form of
cinematographic writing that engages the viewer’s
gaze, status, and
- Installations at the Bouillants (Rennes), April-May 2012.
> Usual Suspects (2011).
- > The Nibelungen Treasure (2001-2012), with Olivier Auber and Mâa Berriet . See an extensive description and
a video captation.
One of the first (if not the first) works of Art developed for a cave system. It had been designed, as for its principles, in 1997.
It was for the first time staged in 2000 (ISEA 2000, at
the Paris Goethe Institute), then shown at Boston Cyberart
festival in 2001, and was finally installed in the Worms
(Germany) Nibelungen Museum. And, alas, destroyed. - Note on the
- More in French.
Fournier Vincent. Photographer. How far digital?
- Works since 2010. Some shown at Show Off 2013.
Fourny Pierre. Writing. Poet. Wikipedia.
> La séparation (2013), performance presented with Serge Bouchardon during the Chercher le texte festival (2013).
Four Wheel Drift.
> Four wheel drift (2005 c.)
Performances using cars and a lot of technology to explore urban space, by Julie Andreyev (and Petra Watson). Page web.
- Article (short) by Julie Andreyev.
A more substantial presenation in [Adams].
Fractali Art
> Fractal images on the web (1999).
Fractint. A software for fractal art.
Fradet Patrick. Musician, instrument design. A member of Orkestronika group.
Fabio Franchino - Kinteoh - generative art.
France. See our geography.
Francescini Amy. A founder of Future Farmers.
- "A pollinator who creates formats for exchange and
production that question and challenge the social,
cultural and environmental systems that surround her. An
overarching theme in her work is a perceived conflict
between humans and nature. Her projects reveal the ways
that local politics are affected by globalization. In
1995, Amy founded Futurefarmers, an international
collective of artists. In 2004, Amy co-founded Free Soil,
an international collective of artists, activists,
researchers, and gardeners who work together to propose
alternatives to the social, political and environmental
organization of space." See www.atlasmagazine.com
Francesconi Luca.
> Quartett (2011). Opera from Heiner Müller.
Franche-Comté. A French region. See our geographical guide.
Franchi Stefano
< Mechanical bodies, computational minds, Artificial Intelligence From Automata to Cyborgs. edited by Stefano Franchi and Güven Güzeldere. MIT Press 2005.
We have here a quite extensive review of the domain : 538 pages in small font. Such a work fits well in the publications of MIT Press, presently the most productive publisher about digital media.
This collection of lectures targets more the literary
and philosophical minds than the technical, hands on,
geeks. Nevertheless, some chapters don't fear to deal
with rather formal issues, for instance the lecture of
Bruno Latour and Geneviève Tell, who dare to exhibit
a mathematical formula in such a
As an art critic, we appreciate the contribution of Stephen Wilson "Artificial Intelligence Research as Art", which includes several pictures of his works, on the borders of art and science.
Franco Anaisia.
Images, sculpture, video.
> Controlled Dream Machine (2007). Interactive sculpture.
Frank Jane
< Paint or pixel, the digital divide in illustration art. Frank
Jane (ed). Nonstop press, New York 2008.
Franke Daniel .
Music, digital spaces.
> Spatial Sound Sculpture (2010 c.) by Daniel Franke &
Christopher Warnow. Installation, interactive, sculpture, sound, virtual
> Zum König Geboren (2009).
Franke Herbert A pioneer, in the
1950's, of electronic image. See Nick
Lambert thesis. .
- Works in the Victoria & Albert Museum.
> Computer Graphics - Computer Art. Springer 1985.
< Apparative Kunst: vom Kaleidoscop zum Computer. Scauberg 1973.
> Electronic Einstein (1970 c.) Quoted by [Couchot
2003]. See an image of this work and others in the Recode
> Squares done with a plotter (1970). Quoted with other works
by [Lieser] with picture)
> Electronic graphics (1961-62), Quoted by [Lieser]
with a large picture
- More in French.
- Cited with picture by [Dreher].
Fréchin Jean-Louis. Proposes the terms, rather synonyms, "augmented design" and "neo-object".
Fréchuret Maurice :
< La machine à peindre. Editions Odile Chambon 1994.
It deals of artists (Andy Warhol, Roman Opalka, Jean Tinguely, On Kawara...)
who choose to "paint like machines", and not of artist-painters
< Compose your own. An opinion on Opinionator blog.
< Glimmer : creating new connections. A 15 contribution in [Adams].
Freeman John Craig Artist and teacher, Emerson College, Boston.. His work Imaging Place in [Adams] (14 pages).
Frelih Luca A member of group ASCII-ART-Ensemble.
Frémiot Marcel
> Série des U (2003) by Philippe Bootz and Marcel Frémiot.

Elisabeth Fréring: The Faun's meal.
Fréring Elisabeth. Painter.
> The Faun's meal (2011). presented at Slick Brussels 2013. Morphing from three watercolors.
Frespech Nicolas.
> La maison des immondes pourceaux (1996). "Entertaining show, derisive and critical, of an often excessively technician of Net.Art". [Forest 2] (our translation).
Freude Alvar
> Assoziations-Blaster! (1999). A cooperative work by Alvar Freude and Dragan Espenschied in 1999. It is a website using collectively nodes and links, not directly, but from meta-data built with keywords. [Bootz].
Frey Leopold
. Music and programming
> Softlove Prelude (2017), with Deslias. See our
> Zero Peut-Etre (2003), as programming assistant.
Frey Thierry. Facebook page.
Member of Siggraph Executive Committee, ACM Siggraph. Former president of Paris ACM Siggraph/Siggraph France.
Freyer Conny. A graphic designer, member of the Troika group.
Freyer John D.
> All my Life for Sale (2001). [Greene].
Friedlander Paul. Light sculpture. 16pages with pictures
in [Algora].
> Abstract Cosmology (2008)
> Wave Function (1991 - 2007).
Friedrich Verena.
Bio Art
> Cellular Performance (1992).
Frieling Rudolf
< The Art of Participation, by Rudolf Frieling, Boris Groys,
Robert Atkins and Lev Manovich. Thames and Hudson 2008.
>Friese Holger. HTML art.
> unendlich, fast . 1995. Cited by [Dreher]
Frigo Alberto.
> Records of a lifetime (2004), quoted by [Moulon] pp. 26-30, with photo.
Fritchie Charles. Painting.
> Untitled (before 1976). See an image in the Recode project.
Fritz Darko. "An artist, independent curator and researcher. See special notice.
Frog Design.
Technological design.
> Amore Pacific Display (2003), in collaboration with Golan
Levin and Zach Lieberman. Aflagship store in Soho. Two pages in [Cameron].
Fronda Yannick
< Rencontres entre artistes et ingénieurs autour du numérique.
Sous la direction de Yannick Fronda et Grégoire Courtois. L'Harmattan
Front 404. A group formed by Thomas voor ‘t Hekke and Bas van Oerle.
> Eyestalkers (2014). A street shop window, with "eyes" looking at the passers by.
> Panopticons (2010 c;). A combination of street art objects and an interactive installation.
Frost Ben. Musician. See Metalorgie.
Klaus Fruchtnis
> Viral Icons (2016C) Abstract video
Fry Benjamin (Ben). One of the creators
of Processing software, but also an artist in "software art".
[Paul], [Wands],
> Valence (2000 c. )analysis and presentation of texts.
Photo in [Greene].
> Anemone (1999). A site web audience cartography. Photo in
> Deconstructulator. Quoted by [Berger-Lioret]
p. 76.
< Processus créatifs. 20 grahistes, 20 études de cas
(notably Ben Fry). Pyramid 2012.
F_T_R Collective. Design
> Skinterface (2016). Micromagnets and an immersive environment
("tracked through 3D space... .) create physical sensations.
Fu Snow Yunxue "Her artwork approaches the subject of the Sublime using topographical computer rendered animation installations
Fuchs Mathias. Games
> fluID: Arenas of Identities (2003) by Mathias Fuchs and Sylvia
Eckermann. Cited by [Reichle 2009] with
a picture, and the comment "Abusing videogames to create art and theatre".
Fudge Carl Algorithmic geometrry (rather rigid).
> Rhapsody spray 1 (2000) [Paul].
Fujii Hikaru. Interactive video installation. In 2003, takes part in Jouable exposition at l'Ensad with his work Cité probable.
See his
Ensad page.
Fujihata Masaki.
> Anarchive (2015) Complex installation.
His works are presented by [Paul] Installations with cameras and video. [Jouable].
> Morel's Panorama (2003) Closed cicuit video, double temporality. [Moulon] p. 14-15 with a photo.
> Field-Work@Alsace (2002) Cited with picture in Artpress2 Art in the digital age, May-June-July 2013
Light on the Net (1996),
> Beyond Pages (1995).
Fujino Koji. A member of Computer Technique Group.
Fukuhara Shiho. Bio-Art. A member of BCL.
Fukumoto Takashi
> Bio Sensor (1984). by Takashi Fukumoto and Hitoshi Nishimura.
Produced by Tokyo Links Corporation and Osaka University. Links page.
Fuller Buckminster. Architect. Wikipedia.
> Union Tank Car Cy Railroad repair shop (1958C). Quoted by Terracol
for its use of sphere equiparition. A
picture. According to Terracol, this dome was the first to use computer
resources to generate spherical geometry, with sofware using Fortran (then
called Fortransit), on an IBM 650 machine.
Fuller Matthew.
> Text FM (2000). by Graham Harwood and Matthew Fuller. [Greene].
> The Web Stalker (1997). Complement to I/O/D.
> I/O/D (1997). Web browser with artistic aims. By Matthew Fuller, Colin Green and Simon Pope. [Greene] pp 85-90.
Fumeron Alexandre; Motion design. An article, four pages, by Emilio Ercolani in Créanum de feb-march 2011.
Funck-Hellet Ch.
< Composition et nombre d’or dans les oeuvres peintes de la Renaissance. Proportion, symétrie, symbolisme. Editions Vincent Réal, Paris 1950. Rather old, but interesting analyses, and a synthesis of the work.
"Since 2001 The artist duo //////////fur//// (Voker
Morawe/TilmanReiff) creates multi-sensory artefacts
related to the construction and social aspects of
computer game culture. Their interactive installations
combine game-logic, media criticism, apparatus
parody and childhood memories into engaging
man-machine experiences, oftentimes altering the view on
the relationship between man and technology. Beside
the main artistic question of alternative user interface
humor, group experience and hormones are the key
points of their
> Legshocker (2002). See pain.
> Painstation. (2001). See pain.
La Fura del Baus. Theater company. Impressive home page of their Website (looked on 9/2/2011).
- Quoted in many places by [Picon-Vallin].
Furht B. Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton.
Handbook of multimedia for digital entertainment and arts. Springer 2009.
Furuhashi Teiji . Founder of the Dumb Type group.
Futur en Seine Festival organized on Spring by Cap Digital.
Future Farmers. Group formed by Dan Allende, Ian Cox, Amy Franceschini, Sascha Merg, Josh On, Stijn Schiffeleers and Michael Swaine. 6 pages in [Cameron].
> They Rule (2001), by Josh On and Future-Farmers. [Greene] p. 137-138. Page of the Washington Post.
Future Systems. Wikipedia Architects studio (Jan Kaplicky + Amanda Levete). Magazin Selfridges in Birmingham, 2003 (photo and comments in [Picon] p. 69).
Futurists. An artistic movement, between the two World Wars. Predigital for fragmentation and stress on the machines.
- Several mentions in [Grau], [Bootz].
- More in French.

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