Raaf Sabrina.
> Grower (2004). Draws lines corresponding to CO2 concentrations. [Moulon] p. 38.
Rabichon Baptiste. See
his presentation at Variation 2014.
> Galaxy (2014). Tirages photographiques
> Chirales (2014) Diptyque
Rabinowitz Sherrie. See Kit Galloway.
Rademeyer Stefanus. Painting, generative. Goodman Gallery page. Analyses the natureal processes and structures. Rather generative.
> Resonate Structure (2010). An image and a full page in [Dermineur, 2013].
Radigue Eliane. Music composer. Wikipedia.
In 2001 upon request from the double bass and electronic composer Kasper T. Toeplitz, she makes her first instrumental
work Elemental II, a work taken up again with the laptop improvisation group The Lappetites she joined. ...
Since 2004 she deedicated herself to works for purely acoustical > Performance
at Le Cube (Issy-les-Moulineaaux), Jan. 2013.
> Chry-ptus (1971).
> Taxi Art (2002). [Greene].
Radlova Regina.
Graphic artist and scientist Doctorante Arts et Technologies de l'Image - Université Paris VIII.
Avatars 3D réalistes et applications génétiques. Communication on march 29 2011 at Paris ACM Siggraph. On line communication.
Rafman Jon
The Nine Eyes of Google Street View (2009).
"A collection of snapshots taken f rom the immense
“carpet” of shots assembled by Google’s
neutral and mechanized lens. The resulting photographic
series, accompanied by a significant essay, focuses on the
tension between the unbiased vision of the technological
mechanism – which doesn’t ch oose and
doesn’t judge – and the tendency of humans to
seek sense and meaning – or even will – in all
images. " (from Maps
and Legends, by Valentina Tanni). Not properly digital
art, but about.
Ragon Michel.
< Arts/sciences alliages, by Iannis Xenakis, with texts of Olivier Messiaen, Michel Ragon, Olivier Revaults d'Allonnes, Michel Serres
and Bernard Teyssèdre. Casterman 1979.
Raguenez Erwan. A member of the Sati group. Multimedia.
Rahim Ali et Jamelle Hina. Site. Blog.
Catalytic Formations. Architecture and digital design. Taylor & Francis 2006. .

Eve Ramboz: Le jardin des délices
Rahime Nazura Hypertext.
> Perjalanan Jiwa (2003). Bootz.
Rain Aude
> Commemorative monument to Captain Dreyfus rehabilitation (2015C)
Ralske Kurt. Video and interaction. Wikipedia. Since the 1990's.
Ramboz Eve. CEO of La Maison. Cinema, animation.
> Le jardin des délices (2009) film extract.
Ramus Catherine (aka, as artist, Albertine Meunier A member of Orange Labs
RAN. Réseau arts numériques (Digital arts network).
Ranch Troika.
> Future of Memory (2003) Cited by [Dixon
> Troika Ranch 16-[R]evolutions (1996) . [Couchot
2007] p. 245. "A vast mural multimedia about human evolution".
Rancière Jacques. A post-modern philosopher, writing mainly about art (not digital).
< Malaise dans l’esthétique. Galilée 2004.
Le destin des images La Fabrique 2003.
Le partage du sensible. La Fabrique éditions 2000.
Randall James. Music. Cited by [Baudouin]. A document by Google.
> Music for Eakins (1974)/
Random International
> Rain Room (2012)
Random Magazine. A magazine about new media, by Valentina Anni. Lived from 2001 to 2011. She has now stopped its development, but keeps the archives on line, and continues publishing on her blog.
Rannou Catherine. Video maker and architect. Professor at Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Bretagne (ENSAB)
- Works on DDAB site.
> Balises numériques 32Ko (2009). Web page
Rao Anil CS. See also Wikipedia.
- Hosted by SGDA Gallery, New York.
> The necklace (2013)
Rapoport Sonya. Interaction.
- [Popper 2] p 69-75 : six pages, and pictures of some works.
> The Transgenic Bagel (1994).
> Shoe-Field (1986).
Ratatouille. See Brad Pitt.
Rashid Hani. Architect. Wikipedia. Rashid has been an Associate Professor of Architecture at the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation at Columbia University in New York, where he launched the "Advanced Digital Design" (1992) and the "Digital Design Initiative" (1995).
Ratsi Olivier. Deconstruction of architecture. He uses any available media to play with information and emotion.
>Perspicere (2015) Polycarbonate sculpture.
> Onion Skin (2013c.)
> Darty v2 (2010 c.).
Ratsimandresy Nadia. Artiste musicienne - ondiste Oui, pas de souci de mon côté pour figurer comme Artiste Numérique. "J'ai toujours fait partie de projets scéniques incluant du multimedia, avec Art Zoyd notamment, mais aussi avec la Compagnie de théâtre expérimentale Mabel Octobre pour laquelle j'ai réalisé deux musiques de scène. Et je développe un répertoire onde et électronique (patch max/MSP) que j'ai initié avec une ré-interprétation de Solo Nr.19 für Melodie Instrument mit Rückkoplung de Stockhausen. J'ai en projet de nouvelles pièces onde et électronique avec Mimetic, Jacopo Baboni-Schilingi et Michele Tadini. Peut-être que ça justifie "mieux" mon entrée dans votre site.

Sabrina Ratté : Machine for Living.
Ratté Sabrina
> Machine for living (2018)
> Escales
(2016C) video.
Ratti Carlo. Carlo Ratti Associates Architects.
> Digital Water Pavilion (2008) in Saragoza.
Rauger Jean-François. Directeur de la programmation of "La cinémathèque française". Interview in Critikart on 2/28/2006.
Rauh Olaf. Photography and more. He works since 1992.

Olaf Rauh: Multiscan (50.062473,14.431439)
> Multiscan (50.062473,14.431439) (2010). Shown at Show Off 2013.
Ravalec Vincent Wikipedia. Writer, stage director, prorucer.
- Took part in Narration in VR. From cinema to VR, stage setting and look orientation (2017)
> Fan Club (2016)
Rauschenberg Robert.
Photographer, 2D.
> Appointment 2000. [Paul].
- In the 1980's, with the engineer Billy Klüwer, EAT (Experiments in Art and Technology).
- Takes part in 9 Evenings, Theater and Engineering (1966).
Rauzier jean-François. "Hyperphoto "concept. A dense work with Photoshop to create complex and highly structured pictures combining multiple levels. Can be qualified digital editing, or compositing (but not automated).
< Jean-François Rauzier, créateur du concept "hyperphoto", by Emilio Ercolani, story in Creanum, Oct. 2012.
< Hyper Versailles, by Jean-François Rauzier. Terra Mare Editions, 2011.
Rawat Kurnal. Page Fondation Langlois.
- Interview by Eye Magazine.
Ray Kangding. See David Letellier.
Ray Man.
Photographer, 1920's. Light art and compositing.
[Popper 1] pp. 9, 21, 24, 80.
- Video "Le retour à la raison" (1923). Abstract animation film.
Ray Thomas.
Virtual reality, Artificial life.
- Tierra (1998). [Paul]. Artificial life software work. Commented by [Johnston].
Raymond Interactive . Digital art for commercial centers. A subsidiary of Saguez and Partners.
Raynal Benjamin. Algorist. Personal page.
Raysse Martial. [Popper 1] pp. 104, 131.
Realities United. Architecture
> Spots (2006-2006) Berlin Postdamer Platz. Façase with lighs. Many works dommented by [Lieser] with large pictures.
Mark Reaney Page web. American scenographer, exploring the relations between theater and new technologies.
> Wings (1996) . Using HMD : head mounted displays and the prototype software Virtus Pro Walkthrough.
> The Adding Machine.
< Théâtre et réalité virtuelle. Une introduction à la démarche de Mark Reaney. A chapter of 21 pages by Franck Bauchard, in [Picon-Vallin].

Casey Reas: Articulate (2005).
Reas Casey A creator of Processing [Processing] open source software.
- Commented on with works by [ Debatty et al. 2011].
> RGB-I-013-010-10_255_352 (2015) quoted with picture by [Lieser] 2015.
< Form + Code in design, art and architecture. A guide to computational aesthetics. by Casey Reas, Chandler McWilliams et LUST. Princeton Architectural Press, 2010.
> Process 18 (2008) Object and other works, presented in [Lieser] with large pictures.
> Articulate (2005) quoted by [Grau] p. 351.
> Tissue Print (2002) and several works in [Lieser] with large pictures
Rebotini Arnaud. Wikipedia. Music.
> Frontières (2012). Concert, music and visual effects, by Arnaud Rebotini, Zita Cochet and Christian Zanesi. . See comments in Etherreal. Cited with picture in Artpress2 Art in the digital age, May-June-July 2013
Reciproque. Multimedia design & engineering services for museums and cultural institutions.
- See an article in Sonovision janvier 2015.
Recode Project. An active archive of computer art. The ReCode Project is a community-driven effort to preserve computer art by translating it into a modern programming language (Processing). Every translated work will be available to the public to learn from, share, and build on.
The project's main goals are:
- Bring pioneering works of computational art back into circulation.
- Offer a learning resource to contemporary practicioners and educators.
- Create an active community
Recoules Bérenger. Sound environments designer and education cognitive scientist.
- In 2012, he worked on direct neuronal interfaces, see brain to brain.
Recyclism. Pseudonym for Benjamin Gaulon.
Reddiar Wayne. Multimedia. Composer and film maker. One page with images in [Dermineur].
> Fishing with love (2011).
Redl Erwin. Installations.
> Matrix IV ( 2001). Installation [Paul].
> Shifting very slowly (1998). Installation [Paul].
Redolfi Michel. Wikipedia.
> In Corpus (1994) Dance, virtual reality and interaction in a swimpool . [Couchot 2003].
Rees Michael. Still images and sculpture.
A life series 002 (2002) .[Paul] . Representations of the human body.
Artificial sculpture (2002), [Popper 2] 106-110 shows two pictures.
Reeves Bill. Animation.
> Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan. (1982) by Loran Carpenter, Bill Reeves, Tom Porter, Rob Cook, Tom Duff and David DiFrancesco, directed by Alvy Ray Smith. The firls all-digital computer-generated image sequence, according to [Masson].
Reeves Daniel. Video and installations. Body thematics.
> Lines of lamentation (1997). [Murray].
> Obsessive becoming (1995). [Murray].
Eingang (1990). [Murray].
Reeves Nicolas. New Media. Wikipedia
> [Voiles|Sails] (2004-). Flying robotic cubes, variety of sensors. Presented within "Québec Numérique" at Gaité Lyrique, Paris 2012.
> La harpe à nuages (1997-). Meteo-electronic, laser, images. Presented within "Québec Numérique" at Gaité Lyrique, Paris 2012.
Refig. Revue électronique francophone d'informatique graphique. Not art oriented.
- The summary of 2015/1 issue.
Regnier Isabelle. Journalist, cinema critic (Le Monde).
Regottaz Djeff.
> Pentapong (2011) Video.
> Euphausia 1.0 (2010), with the graphist
Loïc Hrellou. The works takes to bathe oneself in a
virtual aquarium, full of words, that the visitors send,
real time, by SMS. You see, in projection, a virtual
aquarium containintg undulating plants and mobile small
selfish in a blue liquid. All at once, letters, words,
sentences, fall from above, as if a hand, that you don't
see, had thrown fome food, green or black. The small see
animals come near, choose certain words and eat them. For
instance, the words with a worm meaning, for example
oriented towards love and unselfishness, make the fish
evolve, and they reproduce at high rate. Cold, tragic or
letal works weakn them and led them to death. Those of the
words which have not been eaten fall down on the bottom and
become fertilizer for the plants. The hand which give the
words is the hand of visitors who, on each summer
afternoon, can send SMS messages, or just key down phrases
or words on the local keyboard. At Parizone@Dream 2013 the work
is presented with Djeff & Sÿclo as authors.

Djeff Regottaz: presentation in Saint Merri church, Paris during summer 2011.
Reibel Guy.
L'homme musicien. Musique fondamentale et création musicale.
Edisud 2000.
Reich Steve.
> It's Gonna Rain (1965). "This is not computer music,
but process music, whereby a system is divided - usually repetitive in the
case of the minimalists - and allowed to run, generating music in he form
of notation or electronic sound" [Ross]
p. 677 (our translation).
Reichle Ingeborg
< Art in the Age of Technoscience. Genetic Engineering, Robotics
and Artificial Life in Contemporary Art. Springer, Vienna, 2009. A
superb book with 294 pictures.
Reidl Erwin.
. Wikipedia
> Light Matters (2018C). See our
> Matrix VI (2002).
Relyea Don . Softare. "I am currently focused on video and media convergence across screens and devices, I would like to stay in that space or in a related field. I manage a team of very talented developers and prototypers. I have filed around 90 patents since 2004. I enjoy problem solving, inventing, designing, architecting and prototyping systems."
Rémy Sébastien.
> The Voices of Space (2009). Digital an analog processing of documents about transcommunication (communication with the deads).
Ren Liu. Photographer. Art
Plus Shanghai page. Several works and comments in [Rosenberg-Sterckx
2012]. Mainly digital editing.
> Someday Some (2005).
Renard Caroline
< Images numériques ? sous la direction de Caroline Renard.
PUF 2014.
Renato. Director. Founder of the "Once upon a toon" studio.
< Raconte moi une belle histoire. (2011).
Renderman. Pixar rendering software [Ebert].
Renderosity A "communautary market" for digital art.

The Denise Denise René gallery, at the time of its audacious shows, like Mouvement II (1964-65), from the special issue of Art Studio (fall 1991).
René Denise. In the 1950's, fights with her art gallery for contemporary art, in particular cinetic art. The gallery is still active (Website), and since 2013 have taken strongly engaged itself into digital art.
Galerie Denise René. The new take off : big hopes, some issues.
- Combination of works of Schoeffer and Verlinde (2012) Our post.
To be read :
- History notice by Daniel Abadie.
La sculpture en mouvement. A full issue of ArtStudio, 9/1991.
Denise René, l'intrépide. Une galerie dans l'aventure de l'art abstrait. 1944-1978. Editions du centre Pompidou 2001.
- More in French.
Rennard Jean-Philippe.
< Réseaux neuronaux, une introduction, with a Java model. Vuibert 2006.
Renno Rosangela.
> Experiencing cinema, (2005) Installation, photo in [Grau] p. 140 plus a color plate. Film projection on a smoke screen.
Repetto Irving.
- Tractus (2011). Ink dripping. Columbia page.
> Giant painting machine (2006) in Milano (Webpage) and San Francisco (Webpage).
Reprap. 3D printer, offered as open source by University of Bath.

Pierre Restany: the main critic by the start of digital art .
Restany Pierre Art critic. Frequently quoted by Popper.
Catherine Ikam, Paris, Maeght Éditeur, 1991.
Retrofuture. An alias of Michael de Jager.
Rettberg Scott. Quoted by [Wardrip-Fruin].
> Implementation (2004), with Scott Rettberg. A "sticker novel". The authors distribute texts through a network and those taking parts print and stick at interesting points.
Reuter Hans Peter. Painter. Abstraction.
Revault d'Allonnes
Arts/sciences alliages, by Iannis Xenakis, with interventions
by Olivier Messiaen, Michel Ragon, Olivier Revaults d'Allonnes, Michel Serres
and Bernard Teyssèdre. Casterman 1979.
Reveillac Jean-Michel.
< Créez des photos numériques extraordinaires. Panoramas,
photos 3D, photos en relief, animations. by Jean-Michel Reveillac. Dunod/01
Informatique 2003.
Reviatech. Technical training and education software.
Revillard Sophie.
Leader of Connecting Worlds , consultant in content design, using 3D and interactivity. .
- Takes part in Siggraph Asia organization.
Réseau Arts Numériques. (RAN). Launched by Centre des arts, Enghien (Ile de France).
Rey Etienne. Wikipedia Interactive multimedia.
> Atelier des ondes parallèles (2015C)
> Space Odyssey (2015C) . Immersive presentation.
> Virtuality 12'' (2014). Kaleidoscopic mirrors.
> Elasticicity (2014c.), installation with various objects.
- Tropique (2011) Interactive and immersive installation, shown in Enghien-les-Bains Cited with picture in Artpress2 Art in the digital age, May-June-July 2013. Our comment
- Work shown in 2010-2011 in animation Arty Christmas at Peugeot Avenue (Champs Elysées, Paris).
Reynolds Craig.. Behaviour modeling, mainly animals, and applications to design and games.
Rezaire Tabita.
> Aquatic Return (2017). Web page.
Reznor Trent. "Maybe keyboards are considered unfashionable these days, but I don't give a fuck... I like keyboards, I like technology. This is what I am." ([Moorefield] pp. 70-78).

An imag by Rezo Cali.
Rezo Cali. Painter, traditional painting with digital tools.
R/GA. "We specialize in award-winning creative for digital, mobile, retail, and out-of-home experiences, and complex technology development and solutions."
- Nick Law, chief creative officer. See [Rose].
Rhinoceros 3D. Free software for 3D Design. Wikipedia.
- Galapagos, Grasshopper and Mantis are add-ons.
Rhizome. Group founded on 1996 by Alex Galloway and Mark Tribe. An interesting website, with a blog about digital art.Comments in [Greene] p. 57.
- Comments in [Quaranta] : "The increasing insitutionalization of Rhizome". p. 4.
> Website (2009) in [Lieser] with a large picture
- Archives.
- See also common nouns.
Rhone-Alpes (French region). See our "geographical guide".
Ribczinski Zbigniew (aka Zbig) Wikipedia.
> L'orchestre (1989). "he plays on image processing, inlays, cutting and digital control of the camera" [Couchot 2003] p. 45 (our translation).
Ribotti Cassandra.
"Graphiste freelance & Motion designer junior".
- Motion poetry (2013), by Brian Barrachina, Douglas Duteil and
Cassandra Ribotti. Created for the Chercher
le texte Festival.
Ricardo Francisco J.
< Literary Art in Digital Performance. Case Studies in New Media
Art and Criticism, edited by Francisco J. Ricardo. Continuum, New-York,
Rice Elmer. [Couchot 2007] p. 245.
Richard Claire. Journalist, digital arts, at Rue89, a Parisian media.
Richards Kate.
> Red Iris Interactive (1997). [Murray].
Richardson Ana.
- L'écriture (1980) Video. Action in black and white on Tektronix machines. Programs by Bernard Demiaux.
Jonathan Richer : Hybrid Love (Theoriz and Myrvold)
Richer Jonathan. A member of Théoriz
> Hybrid Love (2015) I, II and III. with Pia Myrvold . Dancing robots with fancy dressing.
Richir Simon. Laval Virtual. Organizer of VRIC symposium in Laval (France).
- Personal page.
Ricko. His
> Pierre Rabhi (2015C). Matte painting, caricatures...
> Expression Digital (2017). Acrylic on canvas.
Riecke Tim.
> con\texture\de\structure (2006). Black and white print using a plotter. 4 pages with pictures in [Bohnacker].
Riedel Julia,
< The methodology of generative art" by Julia Riedel and Ihmels Tjark .Circa 2000 An essay, indicated by Alain Lioret.
Riedel Michael. Note by David Zwirner.
> Kunste zur Text (Algorithmiques). At Galerie Michel Rein in Fiac 2012. Difficult to say how far it is digital.
- in Pomeranz Collection.

Oktapodi, a top in Eric Riewer and Gobelins school students production.
Riewer Eric.
Artist, Professor, Animated cinema. Gobelins, l'école de l'image.
Oktapodi (2008). Webpage.
Rigole Jasper.
Outnumbered, a brief history of imposture (2009). An
installation that generates a moving image using a found panoramic photograph
from 1936. The installation is computer-controlled and generates an aleatoric
narrative using an extensive database of people who, in some way, are associated
Rihm Wolfgang. Wikipedia and Ircam Brahms base. Cited by Cited by [Lehmann]. How far digital ?
Riley Terri Wikipedia. A founder of minimalist music.
Rimbaud Arthur. See voyelles.
da Rimini Francesca One of the founders of VNS Matrix.
Rimmer Steve.
Programmation multimédia pour Windows by Steve Rimmer. International
Thomson publishing France 1995.
Les images bitmap. Formats, impression, traitement. by Steve Rimmer.
Dunod, 2e édition 1993.

Kenneth Rinaldo: Autopoiesis
Rinaldo Kenneth Interactive
sculpture, in collaboration with the electronics specialist Mark Grossman.
> Paparazzi Bots (2010 c.). Dedicated website.
> Autopoiesis (2000). Virtual reality and interaction. [Paul].
Cited by [Reichle 2009]
> Delicate balance (1995).
> The Flock (1993 c.). Siggraph 1993.
- [Whitelaw] presents some works , [Popper
2] p. 230-231.
Rinato Yves. Chairman, Intactile Design.
> Rio (2011). Film 3D. A festival of color and movement. A little too much "popular".
Rioux Vincent. Leads the "digital pole" at Ecole nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts (Ensba) (In charge of the digital pole at Superior National School of Fine Arts), Paris. Linkedin page. A computer specialist, mainly interested by acoustics.

Rioux. 4096 cubes
Risch Damaris.
> A distance (2005). [Aziosmanoff] dedicates to it 16 pages, with two in color.
- [Couchot 2007] p. 263.
Risset Jean-Claude. Music. His page in Brahms database. Presebted at length by [Baudouin] pp. 43-46 and 240-248 notably.
Art-Science-Technologie. Report from the mission assigned to Jean-Claude Risset. Ministère
de l'Education nationale, de la recherche et de la technologie, Paris 1998.
Rist Pipilotti. V ideo. Wikipedia. His personal website is exhilarating. Looks like a massage lounge new-age (Judicaël Lavrador, Beaux Arts Magazine 2/2011).
- Remake of the Week-End (french), 1999. Exposition in Paris. Cited and commented by [Parfait].

Jean-Claude Risset. Music composer.
Rivard Pete.
< Digital Color Correction. Thomson Delmar Learnings 2006.
River Mark. .A member of the MTAA tandem.
Riviere Arnaud
> Video (2016) Derisive, not digital but some humor may be good for you...
Roads Curtis. Music. UCSD. Presented by [Baudouin].
< L'audionumérique. Musique et informatique. Dunod 1007 (English original Computer music tutorial).
> Prototype (1975)
Roberge Heather. Architect.
> Shiatsu (2007). Panel generation by forming pressure variations. Presentation by [Iwamoto].
> Satin Sheet (2007). Multiple panel assembly system. Presentation by [Iwamoto].
Roberts Alaw. A founder of Little Lamb Media. A production society in Cardiff.
Robertson David E. Multimedia.
> Where Y’at? (2005)
Robertson Iain.
Understanding international art markets and management. Iain Robertson ed. Routledge 2005.

Albert Robida: A global world in the 19th century.
Robida Albert.Science fiction writer and cartoonist.
Le vingtième siècle. Edition Georges Decaux, Paris 1884.
. Extract on line .
< La vie électrique. 1883.
- More in French.
Robidou Pierre.
> Tony de Peltrie (1985), by Pierre Lachapelle, Philippe Bergeron, Pierre Robidoux and Daniel Langlois. Produced by Université de Montréal.
Robotlab. Collective group founded 2000 by Matthias Gommel, Martina Haitz and Jan Zappe. Arte webpage.
> The Big Picture (2014).
> bios[bible] (2007). A robot holding a quill writes the Bible. Presented by [Moulon] pp. 38-39 with a photo.
Roca Javier. Inkjet printings.
> Topographic head (2002)
Roca Marcel-Li Antunez.
> Al Saxy (2015)
- 2011 Agenda
> Protomembrana (2006).
> Epizoo (2000 c. ). Comment by [Garbagnati] p. 149.
- [Couchot 2007] 246-248.
- More in French.

Marcel-Li Rocca : Protomembrana. An erotic exhilaration, rather rare in digital art (but we have also he dancers of Michel Bret).
Rodado Aniara. Dance.
> Fotograma Completo Principal (2012) Cited with picture in
Artpress2 Art in the digital age, May-June-July 2013
> Crimes sans victimes (2011).
> Fotograma completo principal (2010). Dancee and interaction
with the public.
- More in French.
Rodatz Christoph. Theater
> Cyberstaging Parsifal (2000), by Anja Dieferbach and Chrisoph
Rodatz. 2 pages with pictures in [Dixon 2007].
Rodriguez Jose David Fernandez
> Melomics (2013). A generative music composer, by Carlos Sánchez Quintana, Francisco Moreno Arcas, David Albarracín Molina, Jose David Fernández Rodríguez, Francisco J. Vico. University of Malaga. See the scientific paper in AI Magaziine.
Rodchenko. [Popper 1] p.9.
Xavier. Team leader "Analyse et synthèse du son", Ircam.
> Opéra K... (2003). AH No 114 (actualités).
> Rodin.
Software by Hervé Huitric (Université Paris 8) and Monique Nahas (Université Paris 7). 3D Images production from bicubic B-splines. Communication at Ifip 1983 conference.
Rogala Miroslaw.
He works on synesthesia.
- [Popper 2] pp. 173-175 comments.
- [Murray] CD-Rom Lovers Leap.
Rogers David.
< Algorithmes pour l'infographie. by David Rogers. McGraw Hill France 1988.
Rogers John. Music. Cited by [Baudouin].
> Canonic Structures (1974c.)
Rogovin Mark . [Popper 1] p. 172 : with Burton, a work about painting the "murals" .

David Rokeby, Giver of names. Photograph by Richard Aldred.
Rokeby David. Interactivity.
> Surface Tension (2009). Video.
> Taken (2002). Presented by [Moulon] p. 82-83 with photo.
> Seen (2002). [Popper 2].
> N-CHA(n)T (2001) [Popper 2].
> Delicate balance (1995).
> Reflexions (1983), first version.
> Very Nervous System (1980). Analyzed by [Kwastek] pp. 234-230, with pictures.
> Giver of names (1991). Virtual reality [Paul]. Quoted by [Grau] with a picture.
Roland. Corporation. Roland is one of the main manufacturers of electonic instruments, specially keyboards and synthesizers. Example :
> AX-Synth (2011).
Roland Dominique
Director of the Bains Numériques d'Enghien-les-Bains (Ile-de-France).
< Mondes sensibles. Géographies de la perception. CDA
Enghien-les-Bains, 2016.
- Cited with picture in Artpress2 Art in the digital age, May-June-July
< Art & Cultures numériques. Panorama international.
Enghien CDA 2012.
< Introduction to [Worms 2012}.
< Corps numériques en scène. Bains numériques
et Réseau Arts Numériques. CDA Enghien-les-Bains, 2008.
Romandson. Design cabinet founded in 1999. 8 pages in [Cameron].

Ronsiaux: United Land/Unutopic Picture
Ronsiaux François. Multimedia.
First exposition in 2001.
> Ice clock (2016C) 3D model and printing.
> United Land/Unutopic Picture. (2013 c.) presented also as a performance, for instance at Show Off 2013.
Rooke Steven. The second generation of a-life artists. Generative art.
- [Lioret]] 97-98. [Whitelaw] presents works and many pages about him. "An exploration of the mysterious, boundless expanses of algorithmic image hyperspace. Rooke defines himself an image breeder" inspired by Karl Sims.
Roque Antonio. Scientist, about e-litrature. Many PDF texts on his website.
Roque Georges
< L'image recyclée, by Georges Roque and Luciano Cheles (eds.). Presses de l'Université de Pau et des pays de l'Adour, 2013. (Proceedings of a conference held in 2010).
Roques Marc. . A fouding member of Wild Shores.

Steven Rooke : "compose new organisms from genetically independent lineage"
Roquigny Anne. New media curator.
- Interview by Laurent Diouf in MCD, Sept. Oct. 2009.
Rorke Tiago. See Swamp.
Tuning in Rorschach maps, by Will Pappenheimer. 13 pages in [Adams].
Rosa Paolo. A member of Studio Azurro, An artistic research studio, using new technologies. Created by Fabio Crifino in 1982, Paolo Rosa (visual arts and film) and Leonardo Sangiorgi (graphic arts and animation). In 1995 Stefano Roveda, interactive systems expert, joins the
Rose Aude . Performance
> Les machines solitaires II (2014)
- Since 2008.
Rose Frank.
< The Art of Immersion. How the Digital Generation
Is Remaking Hollywood, Madison Avenue, And The Way We Tell
Stories. Norton. New York 2011. More than an essay proper, it is a rich
series of stories about transmedia works, artists and
- An interview in Deep Media by Henry Jenkins.
Rosen Avi.
"New media artist and thinker". Very active, see his site. "
> Punched card poems (1974).
Rosenberg Jim. According to [Bootz], he puts upside
down the hypertext concept. On the ELO website : "Jim Rosenberg, who
works as a programmer, began a life-long concern with non-linear poetic
forms in 1966, with a series of polylinear poems called Word Nets. By 1968
this concern had evolved to an ongoing series of Diagram Poems, which includes
Diagrams Series 4. He worked beginning in 1988 developing interactive poems
(including Intergrams) on a Macintosh computer using HyperCard > Diagrams#5#1
> Diagram Series 4 (1968).
Rosenkrantz Jessica. See Nervous System
Rosenthal Liz. Transmedia director. She calls herself an IDCD (Integrated Digital Creative Director). CEO and founder of Power to the Pixel.
Rosier Bruno. Interaction.
> Ciel! (2008).
Rosner Tal. Video designer and director. His work spans orchestral music, theatre and dance—alongside large-scale projection mapping and brand/commercial ventures.
> Disenchanted Island (2017), shown at Centre Pompidou.
> Lior Rosner/Shadows/Lanston Huges Song Cycle (2013)
Ross Alex. Wikipedia.
< The Rest is Noise: Listening to the Twentieth Century. New
York, Farrar, Straus and Giroux (2007).
Rossi Aldo.
Wikipedia (in French).
> Centre international d'art du du paysage de Vassiviere (1991)
, by Aldo Rossi and Xavier Fabre. Wikipedia Quoted
by Terracol with picture and geometric
explanations, for use of spiral and cone e combined.
Rossi Horatio Garcia. Painter and plastic artist. Cinetic interactions; A member of Grav. Wikipedia.
Roswall Martin.
> Well-formed eigenfactor (2008). With Moritz Stefaner and Carl Bergstrom. Visualization of information flows. 4 pages with pictures in [Bohnacker].
Roszkowska Maria. A graphic designer based in Paris. She has been associate researcher at EnsadLab Paris. Between 2010 and 2014 she joined Intégral Ruedi Baur, a cultural graphic design studio in France. In 2013, she designed and coordinated "Don't Brand my public space" for Lars Müller Publishers, a 3 years research on the issue of cities applying branding strategies. She's the editor of a second book about the copy culture "The Pirate Book".
Roth Evan. Web art, multimedia.
> Forgetting Summer (2017), shown at Charlot's Archeonauts show.
> White Glove Tracking (2007) . Dedicated webpage. A note in Random Magazine.
Rouffineau Gilles.
< Effets de codes, éprouver le temps. 26 pages in [Lartigaud].
Rousseau Anthony
> Partition(s) (2016) Interactive installation ( See video)
Rousseau Frederick. His blog. Manager, Transfer and marketing, R&D, Ircam.
Rousseau Samuel. Video
> L'arbre et son ombre IV (2013)
> Regard Rock Land (1996)
Roussel Natacha. Design. A co-founder of Experientiae Electricae.
> Symbiose (2007). Programmed in C++ by Didier Bouchon.
Roveda Stefano. A member of Studio Azurro, An artistic research studio, using new technologies. Created by Fabio Crifino in 1982, Paolo Rosa (visual arts and film) and Leonardo Sangiorgi (graphic arts and animation). In 1995 Stefano Roveda, interactive systems expert, joins the group.

A work by Roxame (a software painter by Pierre Berger): Homage to Magritte (combination of textures over abstract forms, and a lot of luck).
Rovère Pierre.
In 1980, takes part in Digital Art (Grand Palais, Paris), organized by Bernard Demiaux.
Kérity, La maison des contes (1999). Video.
Black and Light (1974) . Quoted by [Willoughby] p. 254.
Rowbottom Andrew. Free software provider for virtual sculpture. Quoted by [Whitelaw].
- According to Alain Lioret :
"A son of Latham".
Rowling J.K.
> Harry Potter, Bloosbury books, firs title Harry Potter and the Philsopher's Stone, 1997.
> Harry Potter films, by Warner Bros.
- The film versions, at last for the final episode, make a important use of digital effects.
- The transmedia has played an important role in the "Harry Potter Wars", described by [Jenkins], who explains that there have been two sets of conflicts :
. opposition to efforts by the religious to have the books removed from school libraries and banned from local bookstores,
. efforts by Warner Bros to rein in fan appropriation of the books by the fans.
Roxame. An autonomous painting software, developed by Pierre Berger for his own use (The code is available to whom would like to use part of the whole of it.
- Dedicated website (not updated since 2005).
- User manual, description.
Roy Jon. Painting and animation.
> Segrid (before 1977). Black and white computer print. A picture and a recoding (in Processing) in the Recode project.
Roy Niklas. Multimedia, installations.
> My little Piece of Privacy (2010 c.)
Roy Olivier. Journalist.
> Des soirées toujours plus branchées (2011). An interesting and well documented page. See night.
Rozendaal Rafael
. "A visual artist who uses the internet as his canvas" (websites)
> Mister Nice Hands (2001)
Rozin Daniel. Web
page, [Processing]. The man with the
mirrors. A borderline concept, between sculpture and algorithmic graphics.
He may have been inspired by some Heinz Mack
> Rust Mirror (2009) . Picture and comment in Artpress2, Art
in the digital age, May-June-July 2013.
> Weave Mirror (2007) 10 pages in [Algora].
> Wooden Mirror (1999). Quoted by [Lopes].
- More in French.

Daniel Rozin: The wooden mirror
RTMark Group (or TMark). Images 2D, social aspects. Quoted by [Greene] p.65, 94, 95-97 (photos), 126-128.
[Popper 2] 350-352 : This group aims to show publicly the subversions imposed by corporations to the democratic processes (our translation). With photos.
> Archimedes Project (2001).
> We're Building a Better Wrench (1998).
> SimCopter Hack (1997).
> Barbie Liberation Army (1993) (with the Barbie Liberation Organization, BLO).
Rubidge Sarah. Choreography and new media teacher, University of Chichester.
< Action, réaction et interaction, in Interagir avec les technologies numériques, Nouvelles de Danse. Condredanse, Bruxelles 2004.
> Sensuous Geographies (2003) with Alistair MacDonald.
Rubin Ben Earstudio
> Listening Post (2002-2006) by Ben Rubin and Mark Hansen. 10
pages in [Algora].
Rubin Cynthia Beth.
> Sand and Grasses 1. (2006 c.) Siggraph 2006.
Scan 2D, with reference to a team.
Rucki Eva. A graphic designer, member of the Troika group.
Rueb Teri
> Drift (2004). Analyzed by [Kwastek] pp. 203-209
Rucki Eva. A graphic designer, member of the Troika group.
Ruff Thomas. Photographer and graphic artist. Wikipedia.
> r.phg.s.03_I (2014), presented in Art Basel, Basel.
> JPEG NY01 (2004). Quoted, with an image, in [Spieler-Scheuermann] p. 140
> 03H 10 MIN-60° (1990). Digital print. Quoted, with an image, in [Spieler-Scheuermann] p. 65.
Ruiz Hélène. A member of Cyclophones group.
Runme.org. Storage site for software art. [Greene] p. 153-154
Ruschkoff Douglas.
< Program or be programmed. Ten commands for the
digital age. OR Books 2010. A substantial analysis of
the book and interview by Cyril De Graeve, followed by
harst advices by Daniel Kaplan and Alexander Bard, plus
some questions to Ariel Kyrou and a standpoint of
François Bliss de la Boissière, in
Chronic'Art, 12/11/2010. Our global
advice : weak.
Rush Loren. Music. Wikipedia. Presented by [Baudouin], but not much digital, in fact. It uses synthesized sounds.
Russo Alberto. ( Art-Spire page).
> Iggy Pop (2015C). Matte painting. Caricatures.
Ruskepää Esa
> Mafoombey (2005) by Martti Kalliala and Esa
Ruskeepää aided by Martin Lukasczyk. The work
won a competition for the creation of creation and audition
school at Helsinkin's University of Art and Design. The
project is described by [Iwamoto] and inspired by
sectioning techniques.
> Scan processor IVS (1971). Intelligent
video system. Created by Bill and Laurie Etra, wtih the
help of the engineer-artist Steven Rutt, and marketed by
Rutt Electrophysics Corp. "One of the instruments
revealing at best, on video, the real time and the thinking
time (then an interpretation of cognition), object time and
experience conscience (Louis-José Lestocart, Artmedia X, p. 156. )
RVSE . An ESIEA laboratory, dealing with virtual reality and embedded systems (R&D more than art).
Rybczynsski Zbigniew. Film maker. A lot of works in ZKM Karslruhe. Quoted by [Couchot 2003] p. 45.
< State of images. The media pioneers Zbigniew Rybczynsi and Gabor Body. by Siegfried Zielenski and Peter Weibel (eds). Nurenberg. Verlag fur Moderne Kunst 2011.
> The orchestra (1989).
> Tango (1980). Not properly digital, but highly fragmented and re-assembled. Cited by[Parfait], p.116.
RYbN. Group founded in
2000 by Kevin Bartoli, Jean-Marie Boyer and Bertrand Charles.
> The Algorithmic Trading Freak (2015). Quoted with a picture
by [artpress 2015].
> Data Ghosts (2014). Tentative communication with "personalities
in another existence".
> ADM8 (2011). A stock exchange trading robot designed and shown
as a work of art.
> Antidatamining (2006). Presented by [Moulon]
p. 34-35 Acquisition of data on the Net, statistics and presentation.
Rypakova Kristina. Architect. Czech
VR Fest page.
> Vienna Central Station (2015C). Virtual Reality Project. Youtube.
Four pages with pictures in Terracol showing
its complex geometry.

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