- Inria woks present in French Sénat SH No 14
- Ubicomp 2002 proceedings AH No 83 (concepts).
- Ubiquitous computing. October
2001 issue of Upgrade.
UGC. User generated content. Important for games, "second worlds" and transmedia.
Ultrametric. [Cocquerez].

Uncanny valley. Wikipedia The problem you meet when man representaitons become more realistic. A concept forged by Masahiro Mori.
< The Uncanny Valley in Games and Animation. CRC Press 2015. Deep digging review of research and conclusion on a fundamental question: "Will We Ever Overcome the Uncanny Valley ?".
< The Uncanny : Experiments in Cyborg Culture. edited by Bruce Grenier. Vancouver Art Gallery/Arsenal Pulp Press 2012.
- More in French .
- Picturing uncertainty : from representation to mental representation, par Barbara Maria Stafford. 16 pages dans [Grau].
Understanding. See recognition, meaning.
A characer codification standarg AH No 127
Unpublished. See originality.
Unsharp . Mask. See [Brinkmann], [Gonzalez].
UST. Unité sémiotique temporelle (Temporal semiotic unity) . See Rix.

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