Waag Society. Nederlands institution, aiding digital art . Site ( in Dutch, but also in English).
Wachowsky Andy and Larry.
> The Matrix.
(1999 for the first episode) Film trilogy by Larry and Andy Wachowsky. Wikipedia. A philosophic machine, or a philosophic mix... as well as film.
- This work is digital both by its use of a many special
effects and by its subject, virtual reality. The comments
about this film seem to ignore (or underestimate) the fact
that it was a conscious composition of many philosophical
conceps, opening endless debates about its meaning... these
debates contributing to the marketing or the product. Here,
the full chapter (40 pages) of Jenkins, 2007, presenting the film
as one of the first large scale transmedia project, is
particularly instructive.
< Matrix, machine philosophique. by Badiou et al.
Ellipses 2003.
< The Matrix and philosophy. by Irwin William : Open
Court, 2002.
Wacom. Graphic tablets maker.
> Bamboo (2010 c.)

Fafner under dragon form in Wagner's Ring. Here in a show in Valencia, reported by Splash Magazines.
Wada Ei. Kinetic and sounds. NTTIC page.
> Falling Records (2013)
Wade Daniel.
Matte painting by Daniel Wade an Paul Hellard (eds.) (collection "d'Artiste"). Mylor (Australia), Ballistic , 2d édition 2005. With interventions by Dylan Cole, Alp Altiner and Chris Stoski.
Waelder Paul. Teaches digital culture at 'Universita Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). Journalist.
Wagenaar Akke. A web artist, documentarist.
> The Hiroshima Project (1995). [Greene]
p. 46.
> Webcam Venus (2013)
Wagner Karin
< Fotografi som digital bild. Narration och navitation/ fyra nordiska
konstwerk. by Karin Wagner. University of Göteborg. 2003.
Wagner Richard.
- Quoted by [Balpe], [Popper
2] p. 161.
< Le voyage artistique à Bayreuth. by Albert Lavignac
Delagrave, Paris, circa 1895. (Has been republished as paperback, see Amazon
for exemple).
- His theoretical essay "The Art-Work of the future" has been
translated in English and made available on line by Ashton
Elps on belgacom.net. Dance, music and poetry form the basic artistic trilogy,
unite in the total work of art (Gesamtkunstwerd), where painting and architecture
find their true role in providing the environment. But let's notice that
Wagner, though a user of machines, for instance for the Fafner dragon, does
not base this study on technology, but on Man's nature.
- Bruno Lussato
dedicated website (alas no longer in line. Lussato died in 2009).
< Voyage au cœur du Ring, with Marina Niggli, Fayard 2005.
< Wagner et l'esprit romantique, by André Coeuroy, Paris.
Gallimard 1965.
Wagner Garcia Jose
. Architect
> Lifeless (Nano) Biomachines (2010C)
Wagon Gwenola. Maitre de conférence at Paris 8 University.

Wagon & Degoutin: Dance Party in Irak.
> Dance Party in Irak (2012-2013).
> From Forest to Nogoland. (2013)
- Globodrome (2012). A film and a book survey about World's representations starting from a virtual globe. Il follows the same itinerary as Phileas Fogg and Passepartout in Around the World in 80 days.
> Les espaces d'Abraxas (2012). with Stéphane Degoutin. Aix en Provence. The announcement.
Residence at Synesthésie.
- Nogovoyage.
- Exposition Jouable (2004).
> Cyborgs dans la brume (2011). Work by Stéphane Degoutin and Gwenola Wagon.
> Globodrome (2011). Work, . A world tour with GoogleEarth. Blogspot.
- More in French.
Wahl Vincent. Poet.
< Tous les râteliers! Ed Rhubarbe 2009. Notice :http://www.editions-rhubarbe.com/wahl.htm.
- Interview in AH No 81.
Gwenola Wagon: Nogo voyage.
Walczak Marek.
Apartement (2001), with Martin Wattenbert. Quoted by [Grau] p. 260-262.
> Suspension (1997), by Jordan Crandall and Marek Walczak. (Documenta X, Kasel, 1997). Using VRML
Walicszky Tamas.
> Gramophone (1989) [Popper 2] 116-118.
- Quoted by [Couchot 2003].
Walker Matthew. Website.
> Astronauts (2000 c.) [Willoughby] p. 268.

A work by Jeff Wall from his Artsy's page
Wall Jeff. Wikipedia. See his Artsy's page. His work is not presently deeply digital, but he uses digital techniques to enhance the artificial aspect of his pictures.
> A Sudden Gust of Wind (1993). "paper sheets take off under wind pressure" [Couchot 2003] p. 84.
Waller Angie. . Multimedia, datamining.
> The Most Boring Places in the World (2009). Dedicated page
> Infinie Depot (2005).
Wallich. Musician and video maker Web site (Art(i)too).
Walsh Jo.
< Questions à Jo Walsth. An interview with Karen O'Rourke. 14 pages in [Lartigaud].
Waltman Olivier Gallery. Paris and Miami.
Wands Bruce.
Painter, 2D Images. Author.
< Art of the Digital Age 2006. French Translation, L'art
à l'ère du numérique. Thames and Hudson 2007.
> Noah Wardrip-Fruin (2000 c.) with Adam Chapman, Brion Moss and Diane Whitehurs.
Heartline (1976) Printer drawing. [Wands].
Ward Adrian. Wikipedia . Musician, generative art.

Wardrip-Fruin : The general scheme of "Expressive processing".
Wardrip-Fruin Noah. Warhol Andy. "The reason I'm painting this way ies that I want to be a machine, and I feel that whatever I do ad do machine-like is what I want to do" (1963, quoted by [Glimcher]. Warner Daniel. Page web. Warner James. Painting. Warnow Christopher. Procedural design processes and nformation aesthetics Warusfel Olivier. Room Acoustics Research manager, Ircam. Wasow Oliver. Watanabe Takao. Waterman Calvin. Multimedia. Waters Keith. Wathieu Marc, professor, Digital ARt, ERG (École de Recherche graphique) in Brussels. See Multimedialab. Watson (mahine IBM). See specific note. Watson Petra. One of the artists who cooperated in the project Four Wheel Drift with Julie Andreyev . Watson Theo. "Digital director". Interactive installations. Wikipedia. Wattenberg Martin. Generation of music starting from images. Watz Marius. Generative Art. Wechsler Robert. Choreograher. Web. See common names. Web Net Museum. See Fred Forest. Webb James . Multimedia. One page with images in [Dermineur]. Weber Pascale. Forms the Hantu duo of artists with Jean Delsaux. Lecturer, Paris 1 University. Plastic arts, performance, musicology, aesthetics, art sciences. Web
Net Museum. "A dynamic museum with
international vocation, of strictly
private nature. It is intended to replace more
traditional institutions to introduce and support
artists, works, experiments and
events, in connection with the new
digital culture.". Artist founder:
Fred Forest . Curator Louis-José Lestocart.
Webster Christine.
Sound artist and freelance journalist. She aims to electro-acoustic composition
in 3D (topological music), using the virtual spaces of Second Life and the
video game motor Unity3D as composition > Rue de Beauce (2010).
Webster Mark. President (2012) of the FAB association. Weck Lars. Weibel Peter. Multimedia. See fractal. Weinbren Grahame. Weinkove Michael. Weiss Frieder. Theater Weissberg Jean-Louis.
Weisshaar Kram. Design cabinet, founded in 2002. Offices in
Stockholm and Munich. Weiss Matthias Weivei Ai. Contemporary artist coming to digital works, with
smartphone photos and a project
of art web site annonced on the BBC in june 2015. Weizenbaum Joseph. Wikipedia. A scientist more than artist, but nevertheless his Eliza program remains a landmark in text generation.
< Expressive processing. Digital fictions, computer games and software studies. MIT Press 2009. The book deals mostly of dialog and storytelling, with extensive comments about Pong, Eliza, Star Wars, Prince of Persia,
The New Media Reader. Ed. by Noah Wardrip-Fruin
and Nick Montfort, with introductions by Janet H. Murray
and Lev Manovich. MIT Press, Cambridge Mass and London,
2003. An enormous collection of texts,
from Borges to a collective by Berners-Lee and al.
> Portrait of Deborah Harry (1985) on an Amiga
Computer. Youtube.
This was discovere by Cory
Arcangel in 2011. See (as long as it will be available)
an article
in Le Monde.fr. 4/25/2014.
A digital painting by Warhol.
> Hortus musicus (2001). [Murray].
> Emerging man. (before 1977). A picture in the Recode project.
> Gyrating Forms (before 1977). A picture in the Recode project.
> Spatial Sound Sculpture (2010 c.) by Daniel Franke & Christopher Warnow. Installation, interactive, sculpture, sound, virtual reality.
> Untitled #339 (1996). [Paul].
> Coconatch (2010). A robot born of "a
crossing between a bean and a chicken, it connects directly
on USB and squawks on the social networks as soon as you
tickle it". Article by Matthieu Destephe in
Planète Robots, Jan-Feb. 2012.
> Don't Trip (2010 c.) Multimedia installation. A note with video in Random Magazine.
> Expressions (1987). Animation, produced by Polytechnic/Benchmark Technologies. In the Ina collections
> Happy Things (2011) "Happy Things is
another “speed project” by Theo Watson and Kyle
McDonald. The software captures positive human reactions to
the Internet, analyzing your face through the
computer’s webcam when you are browsing. Every time
you smile, it posts your screenshot online, along with the
web page that you found amusing." (note
by Random Magazine).
> The Muybridgizer (2010). by Theo Watson and Emily Gobeille. This app was created to celebrate the opening of Tate Britain’s Eadweard Muybridge 2010 exhibition
- CODeDOC Show (2002, Whitney Artport). [Greene] p. 157, Connection Study.
The shape of song. (2000 c.).
> Stock Space (2008). Abstract generated pictures, with 3D effects. 4 pages with pictures in [Bohnacker]. Commented on with a picture by [ Debatty et al. 2011].
> Grid Distorsion (2008) and other works commented in [Lieser] with large pictures
> Neon Organic (2005) A large picture in [Lieser].
Génerator X (Norway) .Animated images and sound.
- [Aziosmanoff]. Combines the performance of a dancer with computer processing, producing for example music.
- See Internet from the transmedia standpoint.
> Prayer (2012).
- Quoted by Aziozmanoff 2015.
- Nymphaea Alba Ballet (2013). See our post about the Hantu communication at Laval Virtual 2014.
- A performance about art. (4/18/2010) Not digital, but showing a depth in thinking not frequently met in digital circles.
< De l’espace virtuel, du corps en présence, by Jean Delsaux and Pascale Weber (eds). , Presses universitaires de Nancy, coll. Épistémologie du corps, 2010
- A page, with video, on Vidéoformes.
- Immemorial Rew' An installation by Pascale Weber an article by Jean Delsaux, in the May 2012 issue of Archée, See also French version.
. Immémorial (1996 - 2011) An immersive memory mechanism by Pascale Weber Avanca Cinema (PDF) (Porto).
- Her page on sound spatialization.
- Her page about sound-video sequences typology.
- A pictures gallery about spatial visualization.
> Monument (1967). Projet intermedia by Ture Sjölander and Lars Wreck, witt the cooperation of Bengt Modin, video engineer. 4 pages in [Youngblood].
> Voices from an Inner Space> . 1988. Video, with Valie Export. Cited with picture by
> Erl King (1982 c.). Interactive installation. Acquired by the Guggenheim Museum, and transformed into an all-digital work. 4 pages in [Cameron].
> Talkaoke (2002) [Greene].
> Eyecon (2000C). Software to monitor interplay of proximity
and touch between actors or dancers.
Les chemins du virtuel. Simulation informatique et création industrielle. by Jean-Louis Weissberg, aided by Martine Moinot. Cahiers du CCI, Centre
Georges Pompidou, Special issue, 1989.
Guide de l'informatisation. Informatique et société. by Jean-Pierre
Durand, Pierre Lévy and Jean-Louis Weissberg. Belin 1987.
> Rubber Lamp (2002). Interactive installations. 6 pages in
< Netzkunst. ihre systematizierung und auslegung anhand von einzelbeispielen.
by Matthias Weiss. VDG 2009. Ai Weiwei and Olafur Eliassoon: Moon
> Moon (2012 c.) by Ai Weiwei and Olafur
> Beijing National Stadium (2008).
> Eliza (1960's). This simulation of a psychologist/physician marks a major forward step in artificial intelligence, and may be considere one of the first automatic text generators (though Ducrocq's Calliope is anterior). Deep commentaries in [Wardrip-Fruin].
< Computer
power and human reason. par Joseph Weizenbaum. Freeman 1976.
Welger-Barboza Corinne . She leads L'observatoire critique.
Le Patrimoine à l'ère du document numérique. Du musée virtuel au musée médiathèque. L'Harmattan, 2001.
- More in French.
Welker Cécile. Université Paris III. Ensad Lab.
- Secretary of Paris ACM Siggraph.
Welsh Richard. Transmedia, animation on all platforms.
- A talk at FITC, Montréal, 2012
“It’s the fusion of film content and social gaming that really ties it together,”
Wendling Wilfried. Music with pluridisciplinary experiences.
> Hamlet (2017). See our post.
Wendt Marcus. Artist and developer. Studio Field, and cooperation with Matt Pykes.

Eric Wenger: Mandelcoral.
Wenger Eric. See our biographic notice Programmer, musician and designer. His algorithms and programs are at the heart of many digital art works by major artists like Miguel Chevalier or Pia Myrvold, for instance. His website is worth the trip. > ArtMatic et ArtMatic-Voyager. Generative creative tools.
Wenger Rephael "My research is in computer graphics and visualization, particularly the use of geometric algorithms to visualize geometric data. Currently, I am studying the visualization of three and four dimensional data by reconstructing objects from that data. See some of my publications.
Weschler Robert. Founder of Palindrome Dance Company.
West Ruth. Bio-art.
> Atlas in silico (2007). "Blends art, science, dynamic media
and emerging technologies to reflect upon humanity's long-standing quest
for an understanding of the nature, origins, and unity of life."
Westenberg Peter. A visual artist and film- and videomaker. His projects evolve from an interest in social cartography, urban anomalies and the relationships between locative identity and cultural geography.
Whidden Tim. Member of the tandem MTAA.
Whitaker Carly. Interaction. One page with images in [Dermineur].
> The Princess (2011).
White Michele.
< The body and the screen. Theories of Internet spectatorship. MIT Press 2006. Studies a lot of websites. The conclusions are not very clear, if not the last paragraph title "Conclusion : A Technology of Waste".
White Norman. Writing and behavior.
> The Helpless Robot (1987). Interactive installation with robots. [Moulon] p. 28-29.
> Let Fly (1974). LED Screen, quoted by [Lieser] with picture.
> Hearsay . 1985. A translation chain on the web. Cited with pictures by [Dreher]
Whitelaw Mitchell.
< Metacreation. Art and artificial life. MIT 2004.
Whitman Robert. "Intermedia".
> Prune Flat (1965). Theater. 2 pages in [Youngblood] with photo. "Performers' actions were synchronized with their film versions".

John Whitney: Arabesque.
Whitney John Jr. Film maker/
> Future World (1976) by Gary Demos, John
Whitney Jr. an a team. According to [Masson], "first feature film
appearance of a 3D computer graphics, a 3D polygonal
representation of a hand and of an actor Peter Fondas's
head... the film alo featured the first ever-digital
composite, a sequence of samurai warriors materializing in
a chamber room".
- First use of analog computers. - Demonstration , and another demonstration.
Whitney John Sr. Algorist. Cinema.
With thanks to Jean Segura who sent us many links. See on his website (in French):
articles and biography
an article includinbg an interview
- A biography in [Masson] pp. 386 -387.
- Notes in Nick Lambert,
- [Lioret ] p. 53 ,
> Hard Woman (1985). A copy in Ina funds.
Arabesque (1975). , early computer graphics.
> Matrix III (1973 c.) Film. Cited by [Baudouin].
Matrix III (1972)
Permutations (1968).
> Permutations (1966). The first digital short film, says [Masson].
> Lapis
> Catalog (1961) [Paul], Youtube,
"one of the first films to use computer transformations (created on
military analogue computer equipment) says [Dixon
> Digital
> Yantra (1957) [Paul]. >
Whittington Jana. Imaginary landscapes.
Widrig Daniel
> Binaural (2008), by Daniel Widrig and Shajay Bhooshan. Quoted by [Lieser] with a picture
Wiener Norbert.
< Cybernétique et société. Original 1954. French edition, 10/18, 1962.
< Men Machines and the World About. 1954. Full text with an introduction in [Wardrip-Fruin 2003].
Wif. World International Film.
- In 2012, in Limoges (France). Website.
WII. Apple peripheral.
Co-Puppet : collaborative interaction in virtual puppetry. by Paolo Bottoni et al. Communication in [Adams] c. 2005.
Experiments in digital puppetry, with WII and Quartz Composer. par Ian Grant . Communication in [Adams] c. 2005.
Wikipedia. A small work of art: La triste histoire du petit Wikipedia.
Wilhelm Yvonne. Relational, Web, see Knowbotic Research.
Wild Shores. Artists'collective of musicians-plasticians
formed in the early 90' in Limoges (France)
by Evelyne Hebey, Fred Nouveau, and Marc Roques.
Their installations, performances, or video films triptych,
are created on a musical base and audio visual
pluridisciplinary process.
> Astrophonia (2014)
> Trans Form (2005)
Wilkinson Jamie. Developer. Web art.
> Google Alarm (2010)
Willeme François. Invents "photosculpture" in 1859-60, somehow annoucing 3D scanning and printing. Wikipedia.
Willener Alfred.
Vidéo et société virtuelle , by Alfred Willener, Guy Milliard and Alex Ganty. Editions Tema Communication, 1972.
Williams Casey.
Photography, graphics.
Tokyogate III (2000). [Paul].
Willoughby Dominique.
< Le cinéma graphique. Une histoire des dessins animés: des jouets d'optique au cinéma numérique. Paris. Editions Textuel 2009.
Wilson Daniel.
< Robopocalypse.. Doubleday 2011.
Mark. During the nineteen seventies, Mark
Wilson actively exhibited paintings and drawings in New
York. His work was deeply involved with geometric imagery
that had a distinctly technological flavor. In 1980, Wilson
purchased a microcomputer and began to learn programming,
with the goal of creating artworks. This work has
continued, and his computer generated works have been
widely exhibited, both in the U.S. and in
- Works in the Victoria & Albert Museum.
->csq 3804 (2008) Quoted by [Lieser] with a large picture
> csq 1018 (2006) Quoted by [Lieser] with a large picture
> Skew S10 (1983). Quoted with several pictures by [Lieser] with pictures.
> Douat Dump 83 (1981). Quoted by [Lieser] 2015 with a picture
Wilson Robert. Wikipedia.
> Monsters of grace (1998). by Robert ilson (director-designer)
and Philip Glass (composer). Theater and virtual reality Wikipedia.
"One of the most publicized digital performances of all time"
says ([Dixon 2007], with 3 pages of comments.
Quoted by [Picon-Vallin].
Wilson Stephen.
< Artificial Intelligent Research as Art. a chapter in Mechanical bodies, computational minds, edited by Stefano Franchi and Güven Güzeldere. MIT Press 2005. Rather philosophical, but shows some experiments.
< Information Arts: Intersections of Art, Science, and Technology
by Stephen Wilson MIT Press/Leonardo Books

Windows 93
Windows 93 . A mock-up Windows website. Created by two French artists.
Winkel Dietrich Nikolaus. Wikipedia. Automatic music composer.
> Componium (1826). Quoted by Assayag (Asti 2001 proceedings).
Winkler Fabian.
> In the Line of Sight (2009). with Daniel Sauter. [Moulon] p.86-87.
Winkler Dean . Video. > Renaissance 1984. Music video with John Sanborn. Cited with image in [Dreher].
Winterbottom Angie.
< Oeuvre de "Perl Poésie" (2000). Presented by

Wipprecht: Synapse Dress
Wipprecht Anouk Fashiontek
> Speaker Dress (2017). "A lot of sensors" (not specified)
on the front of the dress compose music, emitted by shouder loudspeakers
> Synapse Dress (2014) in collaboration with Nicola Casas and
Intel. Sensors and an EEG set controls lights integrated in the dress. In
cas of strong emotion, a hidden camera stores an image of the environment
Winters Uli. Bio-Art
> Hamster Symbiotic Exchange of Hoarded Energy (1999), by Uli
Winters and Chrisoph Ebener, in collaboration with Frank Fietzek. Cited
with picture by [Reichle 2009].
Wiscombe Tom. Creator of the Emergence cabinet. Page web.
> Dragonfly (2007). Five pages of description and photos in [Iwamoto].
Wisniewski Maciej.
> Instant Places (2002) [Greene] p. 131.
Netomat (1999) [Paul].
Witbrock Michael. Wikipedia. Artist and scientist (Infomedia department at Carnegie Mellon).
Wittig Rob. [Wardrip-Fruin].
> Blue Company (2001) 2001-2002. An email novel.
Wodicsko Krzysztof. Video performance.
> Guest (2009). Video installation.
Woeishi Lean. Multimedia. A member of Fishing for Compliments.
> Upper Austria Interactive (2011). Permanent installation, documentation system.
Wohlgemuth Eva.
> Siberian Dream (1995). by Eva Wohlgemuth and Kathy Rae Huffman. [Greene].
Wolfgang W.G.
> Untitled (before 1976). See an image of this and other works, and reconstituted code in the Recode project.
Wolyniec Alexandra.
< Illustrative visualization and interaction with complex data. Koblenz, July 2008.
Woodham Derrick. Sculpture, digital art.
Woodmark John.
< Calcul de formes par ordinateur. by John Woodmark. Masson 1988.
Woolford Kirk. Dance. Dance.net page.
> Contours (1999-2000) with Susan Kozel and Ruth Gibson. Vimeo page. Short description in in Interagir avec les technologies numériques, Nouvelles de Danse. Condredanse, Brussels 2004.
Woolery Reginald.
> World wide web/million man march (www/mmm) (2000 c.) commented by [Murray] p. 210-214. Deals with racial identity issues.
Workspace Unlimited. Group founded by Thomas Soetens and Kora Van den Bulcke in 2001.
> Extension SAT (2003). [Moulon] p.50-51
WorldViz LLC. Immersive solution, readymade.
Worms Anne-Cécile. Founder and CEO of Art
2 M. Editorial manager of MCD.
< Les arts numériques, by Laurent Diouf, Anne Vincent
and Anne-Cécile Worms. Centre de recherche et d'information socio-politiques
< Digital Art and Cultures. International panorama. Centre des
Arts d'Enghien, 2012.
< Arts numériques. Tendances, artistes, lieux & festivals.
MCD Paris 2008.

Adrianne Wortzel: . Turbulence.org.
Wortzel Adrianne Robots, net.
> Camouflage town (2001) [Paul].
> Reconstitution de la bataille des Pyramides (2000 c.).
> Globe Theater (1997-1998). [Popper 2] p. 382-388.
Wray Stefan. Member of Electronic Disturbance Theater.
Wright Frank Lloyd. Architect. Wikipedia
> Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New-York (1959. Several pictures
in Terracol with pictures and geometric
explanations for its use of a spiral*cone combination.
Wright Richard.
> Tantalum Memorial -Residue (2009), with Graham Harwood et Matsuko Yokokoji. Installation with computer garbage. [Moulon] p.94_95.
Wright Will. Game designer.
- The Sims (2000). Wikipedia. Comments in [Rose], from a transmedia standpoint.
- Sim City (1989).
Wu Naomi.
aka Sexy Cyborg. Bio-art, fabrics ...
> LED miniskirt (2017). See our post.
Wyvill Brian. University of Calgary.
Stylistic Rendering of Implicit Models. PDF. Text. Computational Aesthetics Conference, 2005.

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