- A programming language.
- Java procedures for texture [Ebert].
- Javascript in interaction programming, see [Thimbleby].
- "A jazz standadr is above all a "machine",
that is a textual presence with with the musicians explore
other things. But it is also a "work" (a
recognizable form". (Stéphane Alter.
Présence, multiplicité, détours de
l'écriture et raccourcis du jazz, in Composer
au XXIe siècle, Sophie Stévance ed. Vrin

Jewelry design and making makes use of computer and 3D printing. Here an image from Bijoux Design.
Jewelry. See our notice.
Journalism, journalist. See comments in our writing notice.
Joystick. Interface device, mainly used for games, rarely for works of art.
- Ventilated joystick AH No 1/09 (concepts).
Judge, judgment.
- Juger l'art . A collective book, by Christophe Genin,
Claire leroux and Agnès Lontrade eds.(on line, the introductions). Publications de la Sorbonne. Nothing explicit about digital.
- See Critics.
Juggling. See circus.

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