Pachet François.
< Musical Virtuosity and Creativity, in McCormack 2012.
< Informatique musicale,
ed. by François Pachet and Jean-Pierre Briot. Hermès
Lavoisier 2004.
Pachoud Thomas. Creapac page.
> Hyperlight (2014, project)
> Bionic Orchestra (2011)

Pacific 231. For steam engines,
the figure represented the number of axes. Here, two bearing axes on the forefront,
three motor axes and a bearing axis on rear. The 231 type was the best for express trains. A lot of poetry in a number.
Pacific 231.
> Pacific 231 (1923)
by Arthur Honegger [Ross]. Not digital, of course...
but for its name in three digits. And the powerful symbol of a top model among steam engines.
- Video
PACMS See Siggraph.
Paesman Dirk.
Relational, subversive, web.
Songs of computing (2009) Vidéo .
Pagano Scott. Wikipedia.
> Ephemeral Textures (2002) . [Greene].
Paik Nam Jun. Wikipedia
, website. Cited by [Parfait],
[Baudouin], [Dixon
> Tiger Lives (1999), video. [Murray]
p. 15, 45-49.
> Participation TV (1988). [Greene].
> Cage in cage (1984). Cited with a picture, and a double page
in [Meredieu].
> Good Morning Mr. Orwell (1984). In the catalogue of Moma (NY).
> Tricolor Video (1982) , [Popper
1] p. 209 [Popper 2] p.22.
> Colourizer Paik/Abe (1975) by Nam Jun Paik and Shuya Abe.
Cited by[Parfait], p.111.
> Global Groove (1973). A precursor in net art ?
> The Wobbulator (1970 c. ) by Nam Jun Paik and Shuya Abe. Interfering
with electronic signals. Comparable to Oscillons. A
note and video on Random Magazine.
> Moon is the Oldest TV (1965). Cited by[Parfait],
p. 96, as a first example of pixel voluntary deformation (here with a magnet).
> Robot K-456 (1964), Cited by[Parfait],
p.149. Telecontrolled.
> Magnet TV (1965). [Greene] p.
> Random access (1963). [Paul].
- [Couchot 2007] 175.
< Cybernated Art (a short text), reprinted with comments in
[Wardrip-Fruin 2003].
- More in French.
- Some pages with picture in [Dreher].
Paillafrisson. Film. Page Paris ACM Siggraph .
Paint. Basic graphic software. Part of Windows.
Painter. Painting software.

Vaclav Pajkrt: fractal image, 2008.
Pajkrt Vaclav. A fractalist painter.
> 3D Fractal structure (2008).
Palacios-Jiménez Daniel.
> Waves (2006). Interactive installation. [Moulon] p. 102-103 with photo.
Paley Bradford. Text analysis and presentation.
TextArc (2002). [Paul] .
Palin Sainte Agathe. See Sainte Agathe.
- Video of his participation in a round table.
Inter-media Performance Group. Founded by
Robert Weschler and Helena Zwiauer. "A company paying
a particular attention to dialog between scene and new
technologies" (Sara Rubidge, in in Interagir avec
les technologies numériques, Nouvelles de
Danse. Condredanse, Brussels 2004).
> Metabody (2013), project of five years. About body extensions, possibly for compensating handicaps. Europe supporte.
- He works on gesture transcription to sounds, through sensors. [Couchot 2003].
> Seine hohle Form (2001).
Palmer Mark W. Virtual reality, immersive installations.
[Popper 2] p. 213-220. Six pages.
Palumbo Jacques.
- In 1973, stencils on a printer driven by an IBM computer.
Palun Lionel. "
Electro-vidéaste". Video-performance.
Supercolor Palunar (2009.) Video Feedback experience,bvy Jérôme Noetinger & Lionel Palu
Palyka Duane. Atari Archives page.
> Bubble Series Detail (1978). An image in the Recode project.
> Computer painting (1975).
Pamal (Preservation & Art - Media Archaeology Lab),It is the research unit of 'École Supérieure d'Art d'Avignon. is a media archaelogy laboratory, founded in 2013. It is the research unit of École Supérieure d'Art d'Avignon.
Pamphile. Wikipedia. "A Makedonian by birth, Pamphilos was the first painter who was thoroughly trained in every branch of learning, more particularly in arithmetic and geometry; without which, so he held, art could not be perfec" (Pliny, Historia naturalis, XXXV,78).

Panofsky comments about perspective. Here a painting by Crivelli.
Panasonic. Screen maker, among other products, e.g. LCD.
Panofsky Erwin.
Idea. Gallimard 1983, 1989 (French translation). The most abstract text by Panofsky.
La perspective comme forme symbolique. Editions de Minuit 1975. A major historical step in graphic modelling.
Architecture gothique et pensée scolastique. Editions de Minuit 2004. Cathedrals, like thelogical summae, aim to integrate all the knowledge, if not even activity, into a vast hierarchical structure, using a series of binary distinctions.
Meaning in the Visual Arts University of Chicago Press (1955) French translation : L’œuvre d’art et ses significations. Essais sur les arts visuels. Gallimard 1969. Contains a comparison between the Aegyptian and Greek concepts of "canon" : Aegyptians pixelate, Greeks vectorize.
< Le Titien, questions d’iconographie. Hazan, Paris, 2004.
Essais d’iconologie. Les thèmes
humanistes dans l’art de la Renaissance. Gallimard 1967 for the French translation. Original 1939
La Renaissance et ses avants-courriers dans
l’art d’Occident. Champs-Arts 1976 for the French translation. Original 1960.
Le Pantin. A film by Frédéric Nagorny. Page Paris ACM Siggraph.
Paouri Arghyro. Audiovisual director.
(CNRS, Centre Edouard Morin). A list of her expositions in Euran website. See a list of her expositions.
> Metadata, Hommage à Peter Foldès (1994) by Arghyro Paouri, Christian Blonz and Anne verroust. 3D morphing. Parts of the film at https://who.rocq.inria.fr/Anne.Verroust/Piano_Bee.mpg,
https://who.rocq.inria.fr/Anne.Verroust/Tete_Cyg.mpg and an image at https://who.rocq.inria.fr/Anne.Verroust/morphing3d.gif).
> Etant donné le bleu (1992) (Given the Blue).
> ...
> Fish story (1992) by Arghyro Paouri, Anne Verroust, Francis Lazarus and Gary Cohen. Diffraction of a spherical wave by a semi-reflecting disk.
Papamargariti Eva. Artist, Architect. Visual Communication Design
> Post-Internet Utopia (2014)
Pape Gérard. Composer, CEO of CCMIX. Wikipedia.
Paperman. A film by Walt Disney Animation Studios. See Disney .
> Homepage (2002). [Greene].
> New sponsor's page (2002).
Papert Seymour.
< Mindstorm, 1980. Extracts reprinted in [Wardrip-Fruin 2003] (20 pages, small fonts, some drawings).
- Takes part in Les Ordinateurs et la société cognitive on October 12, 1977. On AILF website. http://www.ailf.net/projet/tradpapert.htm.
- Interview video about computers and kids.
< Jaillissement de l'esprit. Fayard 1982. Original Brainstorms. MIT Media
Papp Tibor. A founder of Transitoire Observable. Presentation in [Bootz].
> Les très riches heures de l'ordinateur (1985). The fist work at the origins of animated poetry.
Pappenheimer Will . Artist and educator (Pace University, NY) working in new media, performance and installation, with an interest in institutional or spatial intervention and the altered meaning of things.
> Dose. Shown in Siggraph Asia 2013.
Papy F.
Les bibliothèques numériques. Edited by
F. Papy. Hermès/Lavoisier 2005. SH No 48 (concepts).
Paquet Eliott
> Benchmark (2016) . Micropunched print on polystyrene and aluminum.
Paquin Louis-Claude. Director of Laboratoire de technologies interactives, professor in Département des communications (Montreal Quebec University).
Paquignon Natacha. Catch'a Company
> Cabines (2016). Choregrahic performance dealing with "what separates us ?". The installation includes 3 cabins, each of which a small world with specific borders and inhabited by a dancer.
Cie Parabole. Founded by Sylvain Garnavault. Juggling and performances. Use the Siteswap mathematical langauge. "Contemporary jugglery".

Zaven Pare : Der Jasage.
Paré Zaven. Sculpture, video, kinetic art . Wikipedia. A vast mechanical and graphical thought about man/machine relationships.
< L'âge d'or de la robotique japonaise. Editions Belles Lettres 2016.
Mecatronics, by Zaven Pare. A book on his work, with notably Raphaël Cuir. Centre des Arts d'Enghien, 2016?
- Zaven Paré: the Human as Assembly. (Post, 2012).
- Expositions at Galerie Charlot, fall 2012, spring 2015.
< Des robots acteurs. Le théâtre au service de la robotique. by Zaven Paré, in [Moindrot 2013], pp. 223-240
< Le jour où les robots mangeront des pommes. by Emmanel Grimaud and Zaven Paré. Petra 2011.
< Maquinas (2009) by Zaven Paré, with a robust introduction by Emmanuel Grimaud .
> La marionette électronique (1996).
Parfait Françoise.
> Vidéo: un art contemporain. Editions du Regard, Paris, 2001.
Paris ACM Siggraph. See the website.
Paris Fabio. Curator.
> Dada Club Online (2017)
ParisFX. Cardin space has welcomed this show.
Paris Guillaume. A photographer and video maker. ( (the website if of difficult use on oct. 2013).
> Object (2002) . Permanent video on a monitor set upon a plinth.

Guillaume Paris
Park Jae-Dong. Talk at Siggraph Asia 2010, My New Philosophy of Caricature/.
Park Sejong.
> Birthday boy (2003 c.) CyberArts 2004. 3D.
ParkBench. Group composed of Nina Sobell and Emily Hartzell.
> VirtuAlice. 1995
- Page web.
Parreno Philippe.
No Ghost, Anywhere Out in the World (2000) with Pierre Huyghe. [Paul].
Pärt Arvo. Composer. Wikipedia.

Jae Dong Park : Caricature.
Part@age. An Irisa project.
Partos Christian. Cinetic art, computers. Wikimedia.
> 3D water matrix (2014). by Christian Partos and Shiro Takatani. 900 electrovalves. Video on Youtube.
Pashenkov Nikita. Page web Author of Alphabot.
Pask Gordon Pask.
< Proposals for a Cybernetic Theatre. Unpublished paper 1964.14
pages and pictures in [Bianchini-Verhagen].
> Colloquy of Mobiles, 1968.
> Musicolour System. Reactive system for theater productions. (analogue). Five pages and pictures in
Paskine Max . Listen to him on Soundcloud
> Shape of Collapses (2015C) , A/V
performance A/V RIAM Marseille 2016
Pasquet Olivier. Theater electronic settings.
> Aucun homme n'est une île (2013). Text
by Fabrice Melquiot, sound and stage setting Roland Auzet,
electronics Olivier Pasquet, reality virtual design of the
Oscar Character, Catherine Ikam et Louis Fleri, video
environment Arié Van Egmond. Spectacle for
children. See page.
Passa Chiara Video and interactive installations.
> Live Sculpture (2011)
> Time Bomb Line Love! (1995)

Maflohe Passedouet : Tangible bodies.
Passedouet Maflohé. Dance, interaction. Founded the Mobilis-Immobilis Cy.
> interactive space (2016C) by Maflohé Passedouet and Stéphane Bissières See their page and the Mediatheque website
> Tangible Bodies (2009).
Pastinelli Madeleine. Sociologist.
< Ethnographie d'une délocalisation virtuelle. Le rapport à
des internautes dans les canaux de "chat". Terminal Magazine, no
79, summer 1999.
Pataphysique (Collège de) Fatrazie.
< Du musée imaginaire au musée virtuel. Lynx-Edicom
Paterson Nancy.
Video installations with screens.
Stock market skirt (1998). [Paul] . Comments by David Pescovigtz. .
Pateux S.
< Tatouage de documents audiovisuels nmériques, edited by F. Davoine and S. Pateux.
> Paul (2010) A film by Greg Mottola. Critic on http://www.silence-action.com.
Paul Christiane.
Wikipedia. Historia, critic, curator. About his activities in the early
2000's, see [Quaranta] .
- Curator for a solo
show of Cory Arcangel at the Whitney museum.
< Context Providers: Conditions of Meaning in Media Arts. by
Margot Lovejoy, Christiane Paul and Victoria Vesna. Intellect, Bristol,
UK, 2011.
< New Media in the White Cube and Beyond. Christiane Paul ed.
University of California Press, 2008.
< The myth of immateriality : presenting and preserving new media.
24 pages in [Grau].
< Digital Art. Revised. Thames & Hudon, 2008
< L'art numérique, by Christiane Paul. Thames & Hudson,
Paris, 2004. SH No 32 (concepts)
et SH No 36 (actu).

Mark Pauline. Survival Research Lab. A work indicated by the makezine blog
Paul Virginie.
< Critique de la raison numérique, animated by Jacques
Perriault and Virginie Paul. Hermès/CNRS. 2004. SH No 35
Pauli Josef.
< Learning
based robot vision. (Springer 2001). AH No 53 .
Pauline Mark. wikipedia Survival research laboratory. Shown on side : an image from makezine blog.
In 1978, he founded the SRL (Survival Research Laboratory)
- [Popper 2] p. 177.
Paulos Eric
ProP (1997). With John Canny. [Paul] : Human presence, telerobotics.
Pautex Jean-François.
Analyse et traitement des signaux - Méthodes et applications au
son et à l'image. by Etienne Tisserand, Jean-François Pautex
and Patrick Schweitzer. Dunod 2004.

Pavu (a 2007 page of their blog
Pavu. pavu.com is Paul Dupouy, Jean-Philippe Halgand and Clément Thomas. " the funniest and most ridiculous, whimsical and crazy gang of artists." Digital art... as far as humor is art and he Web is digital.
Pays de Loire. A French region. See our "guide touristique".
Paysant Michel
>Cello Session (2013) Print.
Peach Ricardo. Program Manager, Inter Arts Office Australia Council for the Arts.
Pearson Matt. Algorist, concerned by Emergence.
> Opiamas Trangelo (2010).
> Perth Arts Festival Branding (2010). Collaboration with Brighton's FutureDeluxe.
< Generative art. A practical guide using processing. Manning Publications 2011. Foreword by Marius Watz.
Pechanatz Christophe. See Petchanatz below.
Pehrson Ola.
> Yucca Invest Trading Plant (1999).

Peleg: preparing Paralympics
Peleg Danit
> The birth of Venus (2016). A dress is 3D printed into "filafex
filament", with the same fluidity and movement as a conventional fabric.
Peljhan Marko et al.
> Polar (2000). [Paul].
> Makrolab (1997).
Pelloquin Jean-Marie. Hypertexts.
> Frontière vomies (1994). [Bootz].
Penderecki Krzystof. Musician.
> Quay Brothers (2011). Awarded at Annecy 2011.
Penelle Fred.
- A reduced version of Mécaniques discursives is shown in 2014 at Slick/Attitude Paris.
> Mécaniques discursives (2012) with Yannick Jacquet. Dedicated website. Installations combining engravings, plastic elements and video.
Péniche du Cinéma.
- Preview of the film Landscape by Anabela Costa, in April 2012.
> Traces (1999). Presented at Ars Electronica. 3 pages with
pictures in [Grau 2003].
> Sympathetic Sentience (1995) -1996) with Jamieson Schulte [Whitelaw].
> Petit Mal (1995) [Whitelaw].
Perales Veronica. A member of Gigacircus group.
Peraza Rodolfo. Facebook.
> JailHead.com (2017). See our
post about Siggraph 2017.
Perconte Jacques. Video artist.
> Hypersoleils Sans Titre no7 (2015) Quoted with a picture by [artpress 2015].
> Marines Sans Titre n°1 (2015). Shown at Maison Populaire de Montreuil.
> Clouds in Ardèche (2014). Generative video and prints. With pastel shades.
> Alpi Dicembre (2014). Generative video and prints.
> Mistral (2014). Our post : "From Viola to Perconte"
- Perconte towards Generative Art 5/27./2013 Live performance at Galerie Charlot.
> Après le feu (2012, see our post (sorry,in French)),
- Complement. (to be edited)
Peretti Chelsea. Wikipedia.
> Black People Love Us (2002) by Jonah Peretti and Chelsea Peretti. A contagious media.
Peretti Jonah. Wikipedia.
> Black People Love Us (2002) by Jonah Peretti and Chelsea Peretti. A contagious media.
Perez Laetitia.
> De toi à moi (2012). with Judith Guez . Presented at Laval Virtual.
Perez y Perez Rafael. Poem generators. Page web.
Mexica (1999). by Rafael Perez y Perez and Mike Sharples.
Perez Raphael. [Popper 1] p. 113.
Perez-Florez Dario.
> Prochromatiques (1980). [Popper 1] p. 113-116.
Comments by Scott Richards .
Perich Tristan.
Music but also graphics.
> Piano Duet (2002)
Périé Fred. Not really digital, but
- At the estivales of Fresnes.
Périn Jérémie. Animation. Pemière heurepage.
- A five pages article in Geek (French), Fall 2014.
> Lastman (2014). Catsuka page.
> Trucker's delight (2010 c.).
Péroche Bernard.
Réalité virtuelle, synthèse d'images et visualisation.
Edited by Benoit Crespin, Eric Galin and Bernard Péroche. Hermès/Lavoisier
2004 (special issue of the Review Revue de CFAO et d'informatique graphique).
La synthèse d'images. by Bernard Péroche, Jacqueline Argence,
Djamchid Ghazanfarpour and Dominique Michelucci. Hermès 1988.

Perraud: Flux.
Perraud Stéfane.
Sculpture, drawing, performance.
> High Frequency Drawings (2017). From waves do drawing.
> Flux (2013). Lights connected installation at Gare de l'Est
> Maïa (2009). LEDs on a cranium
> Modifié #02 Soja (2009). LED's as metaphor of plants...
> Lignes de faille (2011), LEDs, gold, paper.
> Héraldique (2011). Print and etching.
Perriault Jacques.
Critique de la raison numérique, ed. by Jacques Perriault
and Virginie Paul). Hermès/CNRS. 2004. SH No 35
Les espaces publics d'accès à Internet.
with Michel Arnaud. PUF 2002.
La logique de l'usage. Essai sur les machines à communiquer.
Flammarion 1989.
Mémoires de l'ombre et du son. Une archéologie de l'audiovisuel.
Flammarion 1981.
Perrin Valérie. CEO of the multimedia space Gantner, in Belfort.
Personal Space Technologies. Immersive technologies keys in hand.
Perte de signal. Art center dedicated do digital arts in Montréal (Québec)
Petchanatz Christophe. Known for his Pavlov generators.
> Les yeux (1997). Non programmed hypertext. Bootz.
Peter Ronnie . Writing.
< The Dickens Web, Storyspace Map (1992) by Paul Kahn, George Paul Landow, Julie Launhardt and Ronnie Peter. Disk, Eastgate Systems, Inc. See History of Computer Art, by Thomas Dreher.
Petersen Thomas. "
Thomas must be considered a generalist, as his work
covers a broad range of subject matter and styles, from
whimsical still life to portraiture to abstract
colorfields. “Petersen Thomas’ work glows
with color. His paintings consist of simple forms
that, combined together in layered translucencies, become
intricate patterns, punctuated with subtle nuances..."
- See Abstract Earth page.

Digital Mona Lisa, on the website of Andy Patros
Peterson H. Philippe (see website
> Digital Mona Lisa (1964) printed on a diazo printer.
Petiau Anne. Sociologist.
< Technomedia. Jeunes, musique et blogosphère. Seteun 2011.
Petitgenet Philippe. Musician.
Hallali (2011). with François Martig.
Petitta Frank.
CEO. EESA, Ecole européenne supérieure d'animation.
- on Facebook .
Petrič Špela
> works (2016C) (more bio than digital) in Arles 2016
Petry Martha
> Izme Pass (1991), by Carolyn Guyer and Martha Petry. See Electronic Labyrinth page.
Peyret Jean-François. Theater. Wikipedia (in French).
> Re: Walden (2010). And a new presentation in Paris, 2014.
Peyronnet Patrice
> Anaglyphic work (2015C) Bi-color stereo picture.
Pfeffer Florian.
> Poetry on the Road (2002) until 2007. With Boris Müller. Visuals for the festival Poetry on the word. Painting + text. 4 pages with pictures in [Bohnacker].
Philipp Sylvie.
< Analyse d'images: filtrage et segmentation. by Jean-Pierre Cocquerez
and Sylvie Philipp. Masson 1995.
Philippe Jean-Marc.
- [Popper 1]140. Kéo Project. See a poetical description in Tous les râteliers, de Vincent Wahl (Editions Rhubarbe 2009).
Philips. (Corporation). Their Color Kinetics subsidiary is leader in dynamique LED lightneing. See LED art.
- They have played a major role in new media and digital
creation, at least since WW2. Let's remind, for example,
the Philips pavilion in Brussels international fair of
1957, with architecture and 3D music by Xenakis. In 2012,
they have lost their lead, with America and Japan driving
the race.
Philips Design
. Designers.
> Bubelle (2006). Dresses with electronic sensors. Cited with picture in Artpress2 Art in the digital age, May-June-July 2013.
Phillips Andrea
< A Creator's guide to Tranmedia Storytelling. McGraw-Hill 2012.
See Adobe.
PHP For example :
< PHP5 & MySQL5. by Luke Welling & Laura Thomson. Campus Press 2005.
Piacenza Bruno. Multimédia director.
> 18h39 (1997). CD Rom by Serge Bilous, Fabien Lagny and Bruno
Piacenza 1997, Paris, Editions Flammarion, Collection Art & Essais PC
- Macintosh . Page Olats.
Presented at the Etats-Généraux de l'écriture interactive,
Nov'Art 1997.
Piano Renzo. Architect. Wikipedia
> Zentrum Paul Klee (2005) in Bern. Quoted by Terracol
with picture and geometric explanations.
> Tchernobyl, 1986-2016 (2016), by PiBee see
the film
Picard Marion. Immersive literature. Member of the Or
Normes Group
> L.I.L.I. L'installation de lecture immersive (2017)
Picardie. Part of the French region "Hauts de France". See our guide touristique.
Picasso Pablo.The anti-digital by essence.
- More in French.
Picbreeder. A creative graphic tool.
Piccini Patricia.
> Last day of the Holidays ( 2001). [Paul].
Picelj Ivan Wikipedia. Mathematical works (plastic artist, painting with some relief). Not properly digital.
- Aurora (1966). See the announcement of an exposition in Galerie Denise René, fall 2012.
Piché Jean. Musician, and images.
> Océanes (2010). Up to 2011. "videomusical work". Presented within "Québec Numérique" at Gaité Lyrique, Paris 2012.
> Hémisphères (2008). Un to 2011. Videomusical installation. Presented within "Québec Numérique" at Gaité Lyrique, Paris 2012.
Pickering John. Sculpture, and theory.
> Inversion of a cylinder with a sphere (1988). From 1988 to 1990. Design report.
Clifford A. Wikipedia. See fractal.
< Computer Pattern, Chaos and Beauty. St Martin's
Press. New York 1990.
Pickup Tim. A member of Genetic Moo.
Picon Antoine.
Culture numérique et architecture. Base, Birkhauser 2010.
- More in French.

Otto Piene: lights art in an installation.
Picon-Vallin Béatrice.
< Les écrans sur la scène. edited by Béatrice Picon-Vallin. Lausanne L'âge d'homme, 1998.
Pictoon. An animation film Cy. Founded in Dakar by Aïda N'Diaye and Pierre Sauvalle.
Piene Otto Light art. Zero Group.
< Centerbeam. by Elizabeth Goldring and Otto Piene. MIT 1980.
- [Popper 1] pp. 18, 65, 132, 140. Cited by [Parfait].
Pierce John. Music composer. Cited by [Baudouin].
> Beat Canon (1959).
Pierce Julianne A founder of VNS Matrix.
Pierre-Davis Richard . A member of Mongrel.
Pietriga Emmanuel . Inria "I am working on novel interaction techniques, including multi-scale/zoomable user interfaces in structured graphics environments; wall-sized displays; visualization and editing of structured data, such as that found on the Semantic Web; visual language environments; applications in the domains of astronomy, bioinformatics, GIS and - Sigchi Paris. chair.
Pigment Pixel.
A group formed by Sophie Bataille and William Pezet
Interactive installations (2015C).
Pigot Cédric. Works with Magali Daniaux. Music and images." His works (sound and plastic) are inspired by a script, a fiction inventing itself as it goes along."
> The Diluted Hours (2016) with Magali Daniaux Vinyl disc with incrusts.
> Cyclone kingcrab et Piper Sygma (2011). with Magali Daniaux. "Between streaming video captures, sound experience and sound stories" (our translation from Laurent Catala, who signes a 4 pages article on this work, in Digital Arti Mag no 6).
> Tanz (2003). "This fiction is built
around three concepts : LAC is the origin, the source,
nature. DROHOBYCZ is the town the human community, a brain
and archives. TANZ is a fantasy. Ans so, all the elements
produced, be they objects, installations, muis, images or
texts, are constitutive elements of the script, or
simulations. Then thet become indices or story
Pijecki Wojciech. Tutslus page. An illustrator.
Pike Matt. Wrong spelling. See Pyke Matt.
Pink Floyd. . [Moorefield] p. 44-51.
Pinkas Daniel. [Jouable].
Piñon Ricard Marxer.
> Caligraft (2006 c.) Siggraph 2006. Works on fonts.
Pintillie Lucian.
> Il faut passer par les nuages (1988). [Picon-Vallin] p. 36-70,

Frenchroast, by Piokaz.
Piokaz. A group, short films making.
< Frenchroast (2010).
Pipilotti Ritz. Video art, not digital.
> Pickelporno (1995).
> Ever is Over All (1997), installation, Venice biennal.
Piper Keith.
> Relocating the remains (1997) CD-Rom. [Murray] p. 151-154.
Pirk Sören . Robotics
> eDavid robot (2012). Painting robot. Communication by Oliver Deussen, Thomas Lindenmeier, Sören Pirk and Mark Tautzenberger.
Pita Florencia. Group Pita Florencia mod. Architecture and design.
> Alice (2007). A kind of installation wit molded pieces. Description (more than 4 pages) in [Iwamoto].
Pitaru Amit.
> Sonic Wire (2003) Machine Sculptor.
Pitt Brad
> Ratatouille (2006). Disney/Pixar.
[Willoughby] p. 268
Pittet E.
< Informatisation des musées et beaux-arts en Suisse : tentatives
ou tentation ? Marendaz, Le Mont/Lausanne, 1984.
- Video of a short visit in the studios(2011).
> Renderman (2000 c.) Software.
Pixel Carré.
An agency founded by Alice Martinengo and Guillaume Malichier, dedicated
to animated contents and virtual scenographies direction.
> Kisskiss Game (2014).
> Get together on ice (2010)..
Pixelcreation. On line magazine.
Plaine Images. Imaginarium . Coordinated by Laurent Tricart.
- From 11 May to 24 June 2012, exposition Dans l'ordinateur de l'artiste, presenting woks by Pierre Giner, invited artist. This institution aims to illustrate the possible cooperations between artists and corporations.
Planes Bertrand
> Random Clock (2015). Modifed ikea clock.
> Stereoscopic device (2005)
Plateau Joseph. Inventor of animation cinema in 1833 (Phenakiiscope)
Jim. "The techniques I use in the
creative process depend on where I start. Some of my work
begins as a blank canvas in a 2D graphics program. Other
pieces are initially created as a scene in a 3D graphics
program and subsequently manipulated in a 2D graphics
program. Others begin as either digital or traditional
35mm photographs that are subsequently manipulated in
either a 2D or 3D graphics environment - or both. The art
that I create can be categorized from a production aspect
as falling into the following
art created entirely using 2D graphics software
art created entirely using 3D graphics software
art created using both 2D and 3D graphics software
- art created using 2D and/or 3D software with significant photographic elements
> Grand Canyon (2012)
Please Mikey. Animation cinema.
> The Eagleman Stag (2011). Awarded Annecy 2011.
Pleix. Collective group of seven Paris artists. Wikipedia.
Plessi Fabrizio. Video art, in the way of Nam Jun Paik.
> Liquid time (1993) (a picture in a book, self-published by
Telecom Italia, 1994).
> Waterworks Series (1975 - 1977). Cited by[Parfait],
> Acquabiografico (1972) Cited by[Parfait],
Plewe Daniela Alina
> Ultima Ratio (1997-1998). Interactive installation. 3 pages in [Grau
Dani Ploeger
> Assault (2016).Video, tablet and ammunition.
Ploye François. Journalist. Page Linkedin.

Plummer-Fernandez : Material want
Plummer-Fernandez Matthew
> Shiv Integer (2017). by Julien Deswaef and Matthew Plummer-Fernandez. Show at Cube.
> Material want (2016C) by Matthew Plummer-Fernandez and Jodi. 3D printed sculptures.
Pô Guillaume. A member of Oupeinpo.
Pochat Dominique. Producer.
< Du simulateur de vol à l'audiovisuel. Communication at Session Le futur a un passé, 2011.
Pocock Philip. Photographer, Web. Wikipedia. Page Crumbweb.
> Unmovie (2000 c.), by Axel Heide, onesandzeroes, Philip Pocock and Gregor Stehle. [Greene].
> Arctic Circle Double Travel (1994). by Felix Stephan Huber and Philip Pocock. We work in the tradition of exploration tale. [Greene] pp. 48-49, with a screen capture.
Pohflepp Sascha
> Forever Future (2010). Sculpture, conceptual art.
Commented in [ Debatty et al. 2011].
Pohlen Joep.
< La fontaine aux lettres, by Joep Pohlen. Taschen 2011
Poirée-Ville Jean-Philippe. Architect.
Poissant Louise.
< Avatars, personnages et acteurs virtuels, ed. by René Bourassa and Louise Poissant. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2013. See its presenation.
Esthétique des arts médiatiques. Presses de l'université
du Québec 1997.
Dictionnaire des arts médiatiques. Presses de l'université
du Québec 1997. On line version .
Machinations. La société d'esthétique du Québec,
Poitou-Charentes. See our "Tourist guide ".
Polak Kamil . Animation cinema.
> Switez, la cité perdue (2011). "Jean-Luc Siberras" award in Annecy 2011.
Pôle Art-Science-Danse. Euro-regional platform CorpusMedia www.k-danse/corpusmedi.
Pôle Images Nord Pas de Calais
- Experiences-interactives 2012.
Pole image et réseaux. Competitivity pole, Lannion (Brittany, France).
Polieri Jacques. 1928-2011. Video communication games. A pioneer.
- Souvenirs of Polieri by Frank Ancel.
- [Popper 2007] p.27-28.
> Men, Images, Machines (1983).
> Video Communication Games (1972).
Pollock Jackson [Faure-Walker]
> Art Agent (2004). A program simulating Jackson Pollock painting, by Aurélie Guyon.
Polti Giorgio
< Les 36 situations dramatiques . Mercure de France, 1912, 1924.
< L'art d'inventer les personnages. Montaigne, 1930.
Polyzos Daphne
> Sala de Máquinas (2010). Visiophone.
One web page by Visiophone. (Engine Room) is an audiovisual
interactive installation, which intends to reflect on the
idea of the reutilization of what we have acknowledged as
obsolete…in this case old modified TVs that react to
sound! An electronic oscillator is connected to an open
circuit, in a way that when the user touches 2 metal bars
he/she himself/herself becomes the electrical resistance
therefore being able to vary the frequency of sound. The
old modified TVs react to this sound as an oscilloscope
having all kinds of different patterns and reactions. By :
Daphne Polyzos, Jordi Planas, Miguel Neto, Rodrigo.
Pommier Edouard
< L’art de la liberté. Doctrines et débats de la révolution française. Gallimard 1991.
Pompidou Center. Paris
- A platform for video consulting has been opened at IRI-Centre Pompidou.
Ponce de Leon Monika. Architect. Georgia Institute of Technology
> (Ply)wood Delaminations (2005). An example of construction by sectioning.
Pondruel Denis
. Sculpture animée
> Oeuvres vives (1990) project of a boat which would think if not constantly balanced by a commputer. Described with a picture. by [artpress 2015].
Pong. The electronic ancestor of video and computer games.
- Comments in [Wardrip-Fruin] p. 9.
Ponsay. Yves Gorin de. Page
Facebook. Cooperates in Diccan.
Paris ACM Siggraph. board member.
Was for many years a professional at Cité des Sciences, Paris.
Pontecorvo Michael. Page Arte: Emergent Design is a consulting practice focusing on design and development of product and environmental user experience.

Lynn Pook : Aptium installation.
Pook Lynn
> Organ
> Aptium (2012). This installation (not deeply digital) proposes
a sensitive listening through 14 small speakers placed on the listener body.
Its ear are closed by stoppers, and the perception comes from subtle local
vibrations which move on the skin as well as heard. The public has to be
prepared for this intimate moment. More
> Stimuline (2009). Presentation of the
work (collaboration with Juien Clauss).
Pope Simon.
> I/O/D (1997). Artistic web browser, by Matthew Fuller, Colin Green and Simon Pope. [Greene] pp 85-90.
Popp Julius Wikipedia
> Drip-Fall (2010). Projection on a drip curtain. [Klanten]
Popper Frank. Art critic Wikipedia.
- Remembering Frank Popper, 2018.
Part of his archives and collection are curated at Centre
d'art contemporain Frank Popper, in Burgundy.
- Video of his intervention in 2008
at INHA :
< Ecrire sur l'art. De l'art optique à
l'art virtuel. L'Harmattan 2007 (called as Popper1)
< From Technological to Virtual Art. MIT
Press 2007 (called as Popper2);
< L'art à l'âge électronique, Hazan, 1993.
< Naissance de l'art cinétique. Gauthier-Villars 1967.
- His portrait
by Claire Leroux.
Poremba Cindy. A member of Kokoromi group.
> Superhypercube (2008). Game, 3D. Presented within "Québec Numérique" at Gaité Lyrique, Paris 2012.
Porett Thomas.
Compositing. His Dimagery website.
> Koi space/time (1999) [Wands]
de la Porte Xavier. Journalist, producer, France Culture.
Porter Tom. Animation.
> Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan. (1982) by
Loran Carpenter, Bill Reeves, Tom Porter, Rob Cook, Tom
Duff and David DiFrancesco, directed by Alvy Ray Smith.
The firls all-digital computer-generated image sequence,
according to [Masson].
Portier Cécile. Writing. Her
> Etant donnée (2013). Performance
John. Architect (studio John Portman and Associates).
- Atlanta Marriott Marquis (1985). Quoted by Terracol
with a picture and geometric explanations (curves and surfaces).
Portugaly Orna Siggraph 2006 : see Talithman.
Portway Joshua. Artist and game designer. Collaborates into Autogena Projects. See Widipedia.
> First videogame in 1984.
> Poser (2000 c.) 3D creation software.
Potter Harry. See J.K. Rowling

The creative loop between programming and computing.
Pottier Arnaud. Graphist, plastician, web designer. A
member of BK Digital Art Company.
> Golem (2017). See our post.
Pottier Laurent
< Le calcul de la musique. Composition,
modèles et outils. Laurent Pottier editor .
Publications de l'Université de Saint-Etienne 2009.
See in particular the chapter "Le contrôle
de la synthèse sonore par ordinateur".
Show on side : creative loop involving programming
Poulain Benoit. Music, instrument design. - A member of Orkestronika group.e
Pourchet Bernard
> Amadeus (2015C) Website Pixels & Cie Photography and processing.
Pousseur Henri . Composer, dodecaphonist. Page Comtemporary Music.
Povall Richard. Dance. A director of the half/angel
company. Cited by [Dixon 2007].
> The Secret Project (1999).
La pensée PowerPoint. Enquête sur ce logiciel qui rend stupide. by Frank Frommer. La Découverte 2010.
L'empreinte sociale d'un outil d'écriture : Powerpoint chez les consultants. by Cécile Tardy, Yves Jeanneret and Julien Hamard, in L'écriture de médias informatisés, espaces de pratiques, Cécile Tardy and Yves Jeanneret eds. . Hermès/Lavoisier 2007.
Powers Richard
Plowing the dark. Vintage, London, 2002. A SF novel about multimedia corporation development life.
Prado Gilberto
> 9/4 Fragmentos de azul (1997). A cube shaped space with screens . [Couchot 2003] p.57 , [Couchot 2003].
> Desertejo (1990). "Multiuser virtual environment. The name combines the Portuguese words meaning "desert" and "desire"". [Forest 2].
Praxmarer Robert. Video. A member of 1nOut.
Preiss Jean. Secretary of Art sensitif association.
> Premiere (2000 c.) Basic (Adobe) software for video handling.
Pressner Todd. S.
> Hypercities (2008). Quoted by [tHayles, 2012]
> Mobile Modernity: Germany, Jews, Trains. Columbia University Press, NY, 2007. Quoted by [tHayles, 2012]
> Hypermedia Berlin (2006) Quoted by [tHayles, 2012].
Prévieux Julien
> What shall we do next (2007-2011). An animation about patented tablet gestures.

Eana, by Thierry Prieur
Prieur Thierry. Architect, images. Stratosphère studio, offices in Paris and Dubai.
> Epidemik (2010) Exposition Epidemik and the eponymy game
> Eana (2000 c.) (shown on side ) : PDiscovery park in Normandy - Valase Abbey. Designed with Alain Domingo (stage designer and architect)
Prigent Jean-François
> Opéra solo (1988). [Picon-Vallin] p. 47 ; "The actor's monologue is sensed by a small headeset and computer processed" (our translation).
Primeval A project of Les Algoristes Association.
Pritchett Tony
> Flexipede (1968). First computer animation in the UK, at Open University. Indicated by [Masson]. Quoted by [Lieser] with a picture
Privat G
Ces objets qui communiquent. Special issue of
Les cahiers du numérique. Edited by G. Privat and Mallein.
AH No 136 (concepts)
Objets communicants, edited by C. Kintzig, G. Poulain,
G. Privat and P.N. Favennec. Hermès sciences 2002.
< Processing: Creative Coding and Generative Art in Processing 2, by Ira Greenberg, Dianna Xu and Deepak Kumar. Friendsoft 2013.
< Generative art. A practical guide using processing. Manning Publications 2011.
< Design génératif. Concevoir, programmer, visualiser. by Hartmut Bohnacker, Benedikt Gross, Julia Laub and Claudius Lazzeroni. Paris, Pyramid 2010. (No English edition. The original is German)
< Programming Interactivity: A Designer's Guide to Processing, Arduino, and Openframeworks, by Joshua Noble : O'Reilly Media 2009
< Algorithms for Visual Design, Using the Processing Language. by Kostas Terzidis :Wiley 2009
< Processing: A Programming Handbook for Visual Designers and Artists by Casey Reas et Ben Fry. MIT Press 2007.
< Processing, Creative coding and computational art. by Ira Greenberg. Friendsoft 2007.
< Visualizing Data: Exploring and Explaining Data with the Processing Environment. by Ben Fry. O'Reilly Media 2007
> Processing (2001).
For vision aspects, download Open CV pour Processing .
- More in French. See [Vroege].
Projection. See mapping .
Projet Eva.
A group producing new media art. Formed by Simon Laroche and Etienne
Grenier. Presented within "Québec Numérique" at
Gaité Lyrique, Paris 2012.
> Perpetual Demotion (2016C)
> Cinétose (2011). Robotics and audiovisual
> This is no game (2010). Performance, where performers are
controlled by the public.
Prophet Jane,
Selley Gordon, Hawkes Rycharde, Saunderson Julian and Kind Andrew.
> " (1995) [Whitelaw].
> Technosphere (1994) 14pages in [Reichle
Prospekt. Nederlands theater group, founded 1968
> Corrosion (1988). [Picon-Vallin] p. 47: "A visual concert, where the instruments are directed and controlled by a computer".
Pro Tools. See Pro Tools.
Provence. See our "Tourist guide".
Prudence Paul. Blog.
- An interview by Mitchell Whitelaw, 1/9/2012.
> Talysis II, Autotrophs (2007). Generative video. 4 pages with pictures in [Bohnacker].
Psarra Afroditi. Interaction
> Lilytronica (2014). Synthesizers and sensors are embroided in fabrics.
> U.K.I. (2010 c.)
Pschetz Nicole
Dance . In 2015 she co-founded the compagny Poulpe Electrique (Electric octopus).
> Feminine but Elastic (2015), with Joseph Jaouen for computers and music.
> Delaunay Raster (2008). Non realistic rendering. 4 pages with pictures in [Bohnacker].
> Skycatcher Visualizations (2006). With Luna Maurer. Non photorealistic. Presentation in large format. 4 pages with pictures in [Bohnacker].
> Tile Tool (2006) Creation with small geometric form. May be applied to typography. 4 pages with pictures in [Bohnacker].
Pulso. Association around Rocio Berenguer.
Punk Jim. (Unreadable
website). See the Rhizome
page and a Youtube video.
Probably Belgian.
- Since 2010 probably.
Pure Data. A programming language using widely a graphic presentation of the code.
- It is used, in particular, for Live Coding, for example at La Fabrique (Nantes).
- Papatch is a library of patches to help artists in their development. By Labomedia.
Purform. An audiovisual duo formed by visual artist Yan Breuleux and composer Alain Thibault. Presented within "Québec Numérique" at Gaité Lyrique, Paris 2012.
> White box (2011). Audiovisual performance.
> ABCD_LIGHT (1997) (until 2009). Audiovisual performance.
Purgathofer Werner.
- Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms manager.
- Computational Aesthetics. co-founder.

Pygmalion, the Japanese way...
Puyo Julia. Interaction designer. A member of Cheval Vert studio
Antique myth.
Pygmalion French translation by Augustin and Henriette
Hamon. Aubier-Montaigne 1967.
- Shown on side : an animated manga about occidental culture transfer.
Pyke Matt. Rock musician and all the range digital artist. Wikipedia.
> The Walking City (2014) Generative video.
> Communion (2010 c.) .
- More in French.
Pythagoras. The digitalist per excellence ! [Berloquin]
- More in French.

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