Yalkut Jud. Video maker. Two pages with photos in [Youngblood]. Collaboration with Nam Jun Paik.
> Dream Reel (1969) by Jud Yalkut and Yukihisa Isobe. Multimedia performance. Three pages in [Youngblood] with photos.
> Paikpieces (1967).

Y'a s'mine de rien. A website/blog about "serious games".
Yalter Nil.
Ethno-critical action through video and installations.
- [Popper 2] pp. 177-180.
> Pyramis ou le voyage d'Eudore (1988). [Popper 2] , [Picon-Vallin] . Resembles Nam Jun Paik or de Bill Viola.
Yamada Hiroki. Tokyo University.
< Tiny Dreamy Stories: Change the World in the Book. A Proposal of
Augmented Reality Picture Book System Characterized by Page-shuffling and
Text-changing Mechanism. by Hiroki Yamada and Michitaka Hirose.
On line. Communication at Laval Virtual 2010.
Yamaguchi Takahiro, aka Yang02. Robotics.
> Semi Senseless Drawing (2010C), automated painting system
with sensors, by Kanno So and Yang2.
Yamagushi Koichiro. Video, kinetic art.
- [Popper 1] pp. 45, 47, 187.
Yamaha. Musical instrument
maker. Among many :
> DTX-Multi 12 (2011). Multipad for percussions.
Yamakawa Hisako.
> Kodama - Mischievous Echoes (2005). Multimedia and interaction.
Quoted by [Lopes].
Yamanaka Kunio. A member of Computer Technique Group.
Yamanaka Shunji. Industrial designer. Classic at first, then doing animated constructions.
> Flagella (2009). Video on Youtube.
Yang Lu. . Animation.
> Uterus Man (2013).

Yang Min-Ha interactive art as a sort of religion .
Yang Min-Ha.
> Meditation-1008 (2011). Video. Other
with a comment by The Creators Project, notablyt, "(the
work) gives the impression of swimming in a red water
lake. Hmm... not exactly. The impression is more the
ricocheting, sitting near a quiet lake, at down, in full
existential questioning. Whaterver image this interactive
installations materializes in your mind, you will mainly
remember that in tis technological world, some works can
let room to introspection. At the limit, a form of
interactive religion".
Yannminh. See special notice.
Yavuz Mahir M. designer and researcher.
> Newshaper (2008 c.) , with Javier Lloret. Handling presscuts on a large screen.
Ybanez Zepeda José Alonso Founder of Ayotle society. Specialist in vision.
Yeregui Manuela
> Sisyphean Octopods by Mariela Yeregui and Miguel
Grassi. See our post about
Siggraph 2017.
- A prise in 2005. ze
Yes Men. Group founded in 1999 by Andy Birchbaum and Mike Bonanno.
> New York Times, special edition (2008) commented with large picture in [Lieser], and some other works.
> Dow Does the Right Thing (2004). Performance. [Moulon] p.94_95 with photo.
Yeta. See Collectif Yeta.
Yi Yang. Photographer. See page by Laboratoire d'urbanisme insurrectionnel (in French). Several works and comments in [Rosenberg-Sterckx 2012]
> Uprooted (2010 c.).
Yokobe Masaki. Illustrator.
> The End (2013), with Koichiro Shibuya. Presentation of the work In Le Monde, 1/11/2014.
Yokokoji Matsuko. Member of Mongrel group. [Greene] p.124.
> Tantalum Memorial -Residue (2009), with Graham Harwood and Richard Wright. Installation with computer garbage . [Moulon] p.94_95 with photo.
Yongliang Yang. Photographer. Wikipedia. Several works and comments in [Rosenberg-Sterckx 2012]
> Viridescence (2000 c.).

Yvaral. Work on Mona Lisa.
Yoshioka Hiroshi. [Jouable].
Yoshiyuki Abe Page Pli. Algorithmic visual art.
Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries. A collective group of artists.
[Greene] pp. 104-106.
> Rain on the Sea (2001).
> Half Breed Apache (2001).
Younes Elhem. Video. No website found.
< Anima (2018C).
- and transmedia, see [Rose], the chapter "This Is Your Brand on YouTube", pp. 221-255, and [Bernardo], pp. 102-103.
- A lot in Digital Storytelling. A creator's guide to interacdtive entertainment. [Miller, 2014].
Yro. A multimedia group.
> Inside the black box (2016C) by Yro and Sati (a music group) Video, mostly analogic.
> Triangles irascibles (2014) Creation in real time of a film.
Cooperation with the Satigroup. On Vimeo
> A live performance by Sjaner and Sjaner, 11/16/2012. On Vimeo
Yro Ito. Musician and plastic-video maker.
> Where do you come from (2012). Music (by Cheveu) , video, light, interaction. Article in Digital MCD.
Yvans Claude. Multimedia, musician, performer. Combines live interpretation with video. A typical example of what the digital technologies open to a one-man show artist.
- Since the 2000's, it seems.
Yvaral Jean-Pierre. Founder of Grav.
Painting, interaction, algorithms. Wikipedia.
> Mona Lisa synthesized (1989) Photograph in [Popper 2] p. 36-39.

Li Yu: Telepathy
Yu Li. Scientist, interaction and creation. "I'm more in interaction/speculative design. I works are intended to bridge interdisciplinary science research , design and media art together. That's the place where innovation, creation, fascination/inspiration and concrete realisation comes from."
Her websites:
- Crazy Pulsar ,art and design portfolio,
- Space Seed, the project, "A transexistential way to achieve eternity".
- Telepathy project.

Sylvain Yvon-Paliot : the work generated on April 3, 2016, 05.AM
Yvon-Paliot Sylvain. Software developer and artist.
> Daily Generated Art () Generating everyday a new image online without human intervention. See it on Facebook orTumblr
> Iterograph . Free sorfware for artistic creation. See website for the program and gallery of images

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