Zaffiri Enore. Wikipedia.
Music composer.
> Q/64/I (1965). Electronic instruments.
> Tr/e/54 (1964). With traditional instruments, but based on a geometric structure.
Zagone Robert. Video maker. Works at KQED. Six pages and photos in [Youngblood]. Experimentations, notably with infinite mirroring and delay plays.
< West Pole (1968).
Zajac Edward E. (1926-2011). Early
works on animation. (Not to be confused with Edward Zajec). His page on dada
database: In "1963 he produced the 1st computer
generated film, “at first as a visual means to
share with his colleagues the positions of satellites as
they orbit Earth. Appearing antiquated and simple in
today’s world, his early computer-animated films won
much acclaim at the time, and awards in the U.S. and
oversees, and are considered classics today.”
- One page with picture in [Dreher].
- [Lioret] p. 51.
Zajc Melita.
< Human Identity in Times of Computers.
Subjects in contemporary dispositifs. On line. Communication at Laval Virtual 2010.
Zajec Edward. Graphics. (Not to be confused with Edward E. Zajac).
[Popper1] p. 210, [Couchot 2003] p. 42. Several works in [Lieser] with pictures
- The Cube Theme and Variation (before 1976). See an image and reconstituted code in the Recode project
- Comments [Masson]: He began a long career in fine art aided by the computer, creating output works...

François Zajega: Harmonic plants.
Zajega François. Hosted by Galerie Charlot: "My images are planar volumes, of which the agency is made perceptible by the graphic agency. Whatever the medium, these compositions use a common vocabulary of lines, curves and points."
> The ill planet (2014c.) Video. (info to be checked)
> Tumbleweed (2014). Laser etchings.
> Tanukis (2014)
- Zajega. The Magic of Generative Coding (2013)
. Schmitt and Zajéga shows, 2012
- Harmonic Plants (2013). Expo at Galerie Charlot on Spring 2013 (our comment)
> Territoires (2011).
Zakaria Haythem.Video. Relations between geometry and science in islamic arts. One page with images in [Dermineur].
> #1 (2014), by Haythem Zakaria and Nicolas Gimbert.
> ///..///../// (2012)
Zancanaro Massimo. Bruno Kessler Foundation, Trento (Italie).
Zanesi Christian.Wikipedia. Composer.Artistic director of the Ina GRM.
Wikipadia : He has initiated many projects in the field
of radio, publications and musical events including: the
radio show on France
Musique, the festival
Présences électronique and the CD box
sets « Archives GRM »,
« Bernard
Parmegiani, l’œuvre musicale »,
« Luc
Ferrari, l’œuvre
> Frontières (2012). Concert, music and visual effects, by Arnaud Rebotini, Zita Cochet and Christian Zanesi. See comments in Etherreal. Cited with picture in Artpress2 Art in the digital age, May-June-July 2013
Zanni Carlo.
> Landscape Untitled Napster (alias) (2001).
Zappe Jan. A member of Robotlab group.
Zarader Jean-Pierre.
Matrix, machine philosophique, by Alain Badiou, Thomas Benatouil,
Elie During, Patrice Maniglier, David Rabouin and Jean-Pierre Zarader. Ellipses
Zaramella Juan Pablo. Animation cinema.
> Luminaris (2011).
Zaretsky Adam. Emutagen. Fondation Daniel Langlois page. Commented in [ Debatty et al. 2011].
> Humper-Discoverer (2000).
ZBrush Digital sculpture tool.
ZBuffers. See Pierre Gufflet.
Zelanski Paul
Les théories de la couleur. by Paul Zelanski and Mary Pat Fisher. Thalia 2006.
19th century.
- [Lioret] p. 98. A magician said to have created an automaton able to draw figures.

Jody Zellen
Zellen Jody. Web art.
> Talking walls (2006), shown at Siggraph 2006.
Zelnik Patrick. Wikipedia.
- Music publisher.
Zerep. [Popper 1] p. 114.
Zerktouni Arthur. One page with images in [Dermineur].
> Composition n°2 (2012).

Du Zhenjun: Old Europe.
Zero Group of artists, 1960's . Quoted by Darko Fritz in [Lartigaud].
Zervos Komninos. Poetry and graphics. [Bootz].
> Sun (1998), Calligrams.
Z'Ev. Percussionist.
> Sound to light #1. (2011).
Zhao Ivan. Programming, multimedia.
> Three degrees in Wikipedia (2010 c.). iApp game.
Zhenjun Du. Performance and video.
> Human Zoo (2005).
- Quoted by [Berger-Lioret] p. 98.
> The Tower of Babel: the Accident (2010). Cited with picture in Artpress2 Art in the digital age, May-June-July 2013.
> Vent, Tour de Babel & Vent (2010). Shown at Fiac-Show Off, 2012. Large imaginary landscapes, evoking Brueghel, for instance.
- [Couchot 2007] p. 243, [Couchot 2003], [Murray].
> Globe Fire (2007). Immersive installation [Moulon] p. 56.
> J'efface votre trace (2001)

A still view of Zhou's dynamic home pge http://www.jingzhoustudio.net/
Zhou Jing . Painting, multimedia. "Jing’s multimedia artwork explores our common humanity and reflects her interest in spiritual experiences, Eastern and Western art, literature, and philosophy. To Jing, creating art is a process of deciphering her life> Since the 2000's.
Zhou Yi. Video Wikipedia
> Avatars (2007).
Zhu Bruno. See also his website. Books.
Ziegler Christian. Video on performances.
> Scanned (2000). Cited with pictures in [Dixon
Zimoun. Basically, kinetic arts using motors. Page Beware Mag. Installations and sound culture (not digital).
- New works by Zimoun, in Digitalarti, 2014.
- Show at Denise René's in 2013. Our note.
> 97 polysiloxane hoses 3.0 mm. 2 pages in [Klanten], who writes :
"Zimoun focuses on the artistic research of simple,
elegant systems to study and generate the complex
interaction of sound and motion. Simple components are
combined with mechanical elements... ".
> 24 speakers in a suitcase (2007).
Zingoni Andrea. A founder of Giovanotti Mondi Meccanici.
The ZKM, a former ammunition factory, transformed in an important digital arts place.
ZKM. One of the most important (if not the most imporant) digital art museums, in Karlsruhe (Germany).
< ZKM, Transmediale, Ikeda et Bartholl (May 2012) by Dominique Moulon accessible on mediaartdesign.net.
- We paid ZKM a visit during Art Karlsruhe 2012. See our report.
- Exposition Bit International "New tendencies", in 1961.
Fabien Zocco. Text and linguistic research.
> Survol (2016C) by Fabien Zocco video with sound and text about the International Spatial Station around the world. See the video at Oudeis
> L'aleph relatif (2012)
Zola Emile. Dealt a lot with machines (which he hated) physical and social.
L'oeuvre. c. 1880. About painters (inspired mainly by Cézanne).
< La bête humaine c. 1880. Steam engines and social engines.
Mon salon. Manet. Ecrits sur l'art. Garnier-Flammarion 1970.
Zomorodian Afra Z.
< Topology for computing. Cambridge university press 2005. Short and clear. Show: topological map or FAU zeolith and eight persisting complexes.

Zoran Amit. Objects.
> Basket IV (2013).
< Hybrid Basketry: Interweaving Digital Practice within Contemporary Craft. On line by Leonardo, in the Siggraph 2013 issue.
Zreik Khaldoun.
< Cyber design. Media & communication in design practice, by Cherif
Branki et Khaldoun Zreik. Europia 1998
Zucherman Orit.
Spotlight. (2006 c.) Combination of photographs. Siggraph 2006.
Zuliani Claire. Administration and communication of the AADN association.
Zumofen Marie-France. Joint manager of Gobelins, école de l'image.
Zuñiga Ricardo Miranda. Siggraph page.
> 1000 Icons (2002). [Greene]. Colored icons.
Dunja Zupančič . Postgravity Art (webpage)

Amit Zoran: Basket. Traditional craft and 3D printing.
Zuppiroli Libero.
Traité des couleurs. by Libero Zuppiroli et Marie-Noëlle Bussac. Presses polytechniques
et universitaires romandes 2001.
Zürcher. Galerie Zürcher (Paris) & Zürcher Studio (New York).
- Important exhibition of digital in Paris, Sept. 2012 :
Zurich. See our "geographical guide".
Zurr Ionat. Joined Oron Catts in the collective group The Tissue Culture & Art Project.

Zuse : Graphomat
Zuse. A German computer maker, in the 1930-1950's years. One of their computers is kept and maintained in the ZKM museum (Karlsruhe).
> Graphomat (1960's) a plotter (curve drawer). used by artists like Frieder Nake
Zwanikken Christiaan. Robotics and new media.
> Pink Tailed Vulture (2008). Vulture skull, steel, wood, solenoids, custom kinetics, computer.
> Little Franciscus (2004). Puppet, motors.
Wheel Of Death (1999). Steel, leather, fiber glass, motors, propellers, microcontrollers
Zweig Janet. Works mainly on the public realm. Multimedia.
Zwiauer Helena. Dancer, teacher, choreographer. A founder of Palindrome Cy.

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