A General Law Proposed
Thesis: "It is impossible to define formally the limits between formal and informal".
- It is possible in abstract domains
- A machine, or any artefact, is a concretized abstraction. Any decision.
- Life also, partly. Combination of the formal DNA and crossover with less
or not so formal parenchyme, placenta, the mother, etc.
Code is complemented by learning.
- XAI.
- formal spaces have holes (Gödel), but we have generally no notion of their global "form"; would there be a possibility to use topological of "open" sets ?
- important : we (humans) can be certain of some formal assertions that cannot be proven
- Law is partly formal (texts, decision processes) .
- The fact that we can have efficient (though limited) descriptions of realité takes us to think that reality is globally the expression of a formal Will. God. St John. But it never works perfectcly : The Verb came in the World, but the World did not receive Him.
- More important when we have dynamics. Motor. Recursion.
Religion: the 3 soirces (the Writings, the Fathers, the Living Tradition)