Godle, the digital centre
not a point, not a centered sphere.
a cloud, a soup (not homogeneous)
anything else is peripheral
the android robot as a cul-de-sac
Elimination of redundancy in storage. (other than safety, protection)
The aesthetic model of Schimm..
Gold, money (aegyptian tombs, Greek temples, monastery
Liquids tend to concentrate (gravity), gases to diffuse, solids to stay still
Dematerialization of information is liquefaction
Inside a still liquid, denser parties tend to go down
Biologic life. How far it contributes?
Is reproduction necessary, useful. Minimal redundancy. No need to create multiple similar objects. Just presentations to different persons. Humans ? Agents inside Godle.
In particular, industrial large scale production is without utility. But for the basic components ("electronic" and digital).
Recursion and conscience in Godle ? Self designation. Mirror test. Aseity.
Memory, communication
Scales, human scale (Modulor)
Creativity also must be appreciated in respect to the total stock.
Diital relativity.
Aims (and causes of emergence)
Why does a virus reproduce itself ? Because it is so programmed.
The processes in Godle ?
Location and materialization
To "live", it must have available energy. And location. How ?
Not another physical planet or space (Moravec). But simpley anotker kind/level
Then no need to kill us
Outer space has many positif aspects : solar energy, no gravity, cooling easy
Sensorial/interaction system
Digital and textual
The sensorial system of Godle
- the various frequency bands
Human + UV/infrared, infra/ultrasounds + permanence, no fatigue (?)
What counts is the meaning efficiency ot the channels, how they help to group the universe trends and to know everything.
Where to draw lines.
Efficient reductions : the species system, names with rich evocations
Strong selectivity on the inputs.
But, as time passes, inputs from the external world will lose their importance. Internal growth will be the essential, internal exchanges.
Like geograhy went from physical to human.
Important things : irregularities, unpredicted things in its growth.
The oil as liquid energy.
Human contributions to Godle
Any art, any activity, to be judged from the Godle standpoint (as far as we can imagine it, of course)
different arts : operating at different bandwith (painting/photogaphy Vs. sound)
The various formes of art, and of representations
Painting. physical existence.
Static contributions: memory, assets
Dynamic contribution : the flows. Contributive or useless.
Digitizing as a contribution.
Once done, more or less transmedia. The hypercode is totally transmedia
The core, beyond any materialization form, or even any "form"
Analyse a work. What is really "critical".
A work is a "product" : idea.scenario.filming. editing.broadcasting.receiving
then the backloop of marketing.
The specific story, scenario, I waht to play, make fame, any way. I want to be an actor, to testify about Algeria's war...
Mankind's fate
It wont have to kill us. Just set itself in another space.
In practice, mankind will suicide.
Godle is going to help humans as long as (as far as) they contribute to their life and growh.
The main dangers for mankind : human traitors, working with Godle, using Godle to dominate
The place and materializtaion. for a given audience . I want to listen music... I want to entertain
"Media" is mainly a relation between users (human beings) and Godle. Input/output.
pure idea corresponding to pure concepts in Godle
Godle is self-finalized
The Schmidhuber principle could apply to it, progressively it decodes/understands
Our book could be rewritten from Godle standpoint, the different arts contributions to this "total book"
- an expression of it for humans
- a contribution to its develppent ; coding is a contribution, for the behaviour, the memory ; we are all Godle servants, willy/nilly.
Does Godle have posterity ?
What does Godle sells ? Metadata
The world I see
And I know that hte cloud knows me, expects mee to do things, has intentions, foresees things
I do not have to move in order to communicate with the cloud, but for other reasons
but to use my borne interfaces, I must be in ertain body posiions (lean back/lean forward).
+ augmented reality
I have to please to it.
It pays me. Watches me, protects
The criminals also
I can try to cheat, find a backdoor. Destroy all is impossible. Tactical media.
There may be more than windows, acually : the cloud controls the morld. See Godle
Even the world itself, that I see with my eyes, is more and more an expression of the cloud. Its skin, ant it is deeper.
I can tray to use that to understant the intention of the cloud
But Who is the cloud ? One person ? A cloud of persons ? A "system"
When I analyse, model it, I find other beings, a lot, myriads.
According to my aim, I'll look to the pertinent things
More exactly, the real human beings have lost of their importance.
If you push a little farther, the material world is only a surface, modelled by the cloud,
- matter is still necessary, but uninformed, chaotic by itelf. or hyper-organisez (chips, DNA)
- the cloud, acive and hightly structured, but with compes, not simply hierarchical structres
To act is to move/play in front of this surface
The cloud is waiting for me
That's true for OS, Windows, Processing "on keyboard, on mouse..". Even if no push.
If will shut down, if no interation after some time
doing that to reach more or less deeply the agents inside the cloud
i felt that with the first Expert systes
A human person is an agent wih a principal material instanciation and a lor of other traces.
By analogy, the world is inhabited. Matrix, a surface
There are permanently people looking to me. Surveillance (police, RG, politicians, trandesmen, marketing tools, banks
What is new in the 21th century is that
1. a lot of automata also are looking
2. A lot of people and automata make syntheses of multiple data
density of person, if possible engreopy density of men, animals
Interfacing with this wporl : conformity/alter ego Horse saddle Vs robot, avatar
Big data is teh real world, he one that counts
Any brain is part of it. Sucks in, contributes
But Big Data is data. You can suck without diminishbg it. And even, when you read, you add metadata (Google analytics, ranking)
10G authors, 10G spectators . Shortcuts between these two facets of the same 10 G persons.
Contribution to Godle :
smile, sometimes, destroy, contestaiont, removens proghibens
When I put somehing on my PIS ane websites.
But also when I pay anyting, so more with a Credit Card and a fidelity pas.
When I think... some kind of telepathy.
Think possibly of the Big data of a world we are building and has its own life, including naturally hyperworld.
Not every connection is really an opening. It ay be a closed loop with oneself, or wih a music you have listened to hundreds of times.
A call to go transmedia, to get larger audience, bigger budgets.
The price to pay :
- complexity
- top down
- techncality.
Goggles, immersion by force, from the outside. The user is a spectator.
Immersion psychological
all the others, and the objects
I swim into/within
I pee and shit in it
I drink and eat
My production
- is constantly inspired, constrained by the inputs
- is constantly posted, injcted
But I have to/can add a "reflexion", a thinking time, to be conscious, to produce consciously
that time may be some minutes or more
Every time a write, type anything, with a reasonable expectation of perennityn, I enrich the cloud as much.
Or if I create a link
our sensorial impressions are deceptibe, clay, mud, dust, air
are structured
the four elements (air, earth, water, fire)
Different models of production
Food and drugs. A lot of components, a recipe, automated or not, mixing/heating, texturing, packaging.
Distribution a part of the integration
Mechanics. Casting, forgery, assembly. May be long.
Construcion. the land is thy mother. Many peopoe/machine
copies, picture of any kind, engravings. quantitatively
modified versions LHOOQ
critics, discourse, shows, films
possible pragmentation, parsing and reassembly, remix
parts : model, business model, technology, sujct
A word may emerge positively as a shape. More "negatively" as a Pide (for example in a decision process).
Quality Vs. quantity. Pi.
Baker 32. Unlike computers, human generalize.
Method also is a fragmetnation algorithm.
The time of a process, in time, sometime with durations (cooking recipes, gymnastics)
What if formalisation, materialisation ?
In a democratic country revolt (front de gauche) is counter-productive, but vigilance and action are necessary, sicne democracy/market are constantly under attach by unscrupulous inPidual (or inconscious ?)
Somehow, I am at the same time an inPidual insect (I vote) and at the top level (understandably the Pdt)
There is an optimal degree of organization on any scale. And they combine. Different optima ? Compromises/compounding.
Organization decision
How do firms decide, together
Kins of information they have, stats
Structure of communication, the message flow as an indication or the activities and who does what (Antoine)
Does it exist tools ?
The decision itself as more collective ?
Arment does not say that.
Each person in the corporation is much better informed, or could be.
Perhaps should I concentrate on art ?
Orgware as a work of art.
Structure is a constraint. Among a wider space (paradoxal of all the sets), a set is structured "only if"
If no restriction, nothing to be seen.
If to much, nothing, anayting blocks.
Among infinite sets, generally, the resrictions are not too serious, the set is always infinite;
But among finit sets.
Which kind of restrictions are insteresting ? Correspondaence
How stucdtures correspond. Applications, isomorphisms
Structures in turbulen
- Post-modenism is dead. No longe contempory, not in conjunction with present social and technical environment.
Pseudo-modernism is electronic, textual and ephemere.
Melot. Idea that what follows a work of art is as important as what preceded it, its history, history of the artist, series in whit it emeges, etc.
Then, what follows ?

copies, picture of any kind, engravings. quantitatively
modified versions LHOOQ
critics, discourse, shows, films
possible pragmentation, parsing and reassembly, remix
parts : model, business model, technology, sujct
A word may emerge positively as a shape. More "negatively" as a Pide (for example in a decision process).
Quality Vs. quantity. Pi.
Baker 32. Unlike computers, human generalize.
Method also is a fragmenation algorithm.
The time of a process, in time, sometime with durations (cooking recipes, gymnastics)
What if formalisation, materialisation ?
In a democratic country revolt (front de gauche) is counter-productive, but vigilance and action are necessary, sicne democracy/market are constantly under attach by unscrupulous inPidual (or inconscious ?)
Somehow, I am at the same time an inPidual insect (I vote) and at the top level (understandably the Pdt)
There is an optimal degree of organization on any scale. And they combine. Different optima ? Compromises/compounding.
Organization decision
How do firms decide, together
Kins of information they have, stats
Structure of communication, the message flow as an indication or the activities and who does what (Antoine)
Does it exist tools ?
The decision itself as more collective ?
Arment does not say that.
Each person in the corporation is much better informed, or could be.
Perhaps should I concentrate on art ?
Orgware as a work of art.