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decision, pleasure, maximization (of profit)
alarm, command, pure info, forbit, suggest


statistics, observation, big data physic's laws, biological laws (genome-
short term data (capture), long term (staistics)
calendar (week days, variable feasts, elections, announced events, star and planets moves
abouts mankind, DNA,
modeling, algorithms . chronological series
expderience through Nam (neural networks)

wired in animals/vegetals ADN + nruture
convergence/combination of several prediction lines


error bracket
l'histoire ne se répète jamais

range, scope
very short (real time).... very long (ecology)
narrow space, ... ww


Agriculture. What to (sow), when to reap
Behavior. Predict behavoir.
Capture. e.g. from humans
Finance. Stock exchange, patrimony
Insurance. Premiums computation, reserves
Justice. The law, jurisprudence, tables. Pleading strategy.
Maintenanc, MTBF, experience
Medicine. prediction, life duration
Military. e.g. position of a gun
Family management, procreation, legacy
Marketing. sales, customer care
Politics. Polls. Strategy . Mandatures, election times and processes
Transport. chooing the track,


Stress if the user feels being spied onto