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Robots on stage

Je pense que les Arts de la Performance, et notamment ceux incluant des robots, seraient un bon sujet pour 2013....

I exclude :
- representation of robots, SF
Art, an application among war, love, transportation
only human-like
Automatic design, conception, if no robot on stage

- Faites entrer les artistes. 4 pages in Planète Robots, sept-oct 2012.
- La robotique dns le monde des spectacles. Article de Cédric Vasseur dans Planète-Robots de mai-juin 2011.
- Robot accompagnateur de musique Cal Arts Robot Orchestra (image ci-contre)
- (ancêtre) Les machines Métamatic de Tinguely
- Un robot industriel faisait de la peinture au Siggraph (1997 ?) d'Orlando
- Robot dessinateur à Laval Virtual 2010. Un robot industriel ordinaire piloté par Jean-Claude Fournier (Spirou).
- Robot cinéaste AH No 64 (biblio)

Distinction : robot and androids
The law mower

The robot alone
Greed, Vaucsanson, Jacquet-Droz
The show in Tokyo
Aibo (by Aziosmanoff)
Recorder playing. Sometimes alone on stage today
Score execution, to story telling, improvisation

Humans playing robots and cyborgs

Cooperation between robots
Naaz Mob concert
Fontséranes Crib
Capture as orchestra
Langyage (Kaplan)
Imitations (Jaussier)

Human-robot cooperation
Beat box, mechanical piano. Orchestra in Pont-l'Eveque
The accompanist
Controlled robot
Robots dubbing humans (stuntman)

Trends and issues
Story telling, imrrpvisationi
Competition : the robot less expensive, reliablei
Cultural aspects. Japanse Vs. Occident
Hate and love
Uncanny valley
Generative = transfer

< Robot Ethics. The ethical and social implications of Robotics. edited by Patrick Lin, Keith Abney and George A. Bekey. MIT Press 2012.
- Our notes about an issue of Comment ça marche. (2012) and Eva.

An impression. Pacman. Recent experiences on Turing Test

Sex toy :
for women : dildo, vibe, machine
for men : inflatable puppet, elaborated

Aziosmanoff Florent France 2010 ***** GGGG
Breazeal Cyntha USA 2000 *** GGG Labo
Cadet France France 2010 ** GGG Oeuvre d'art à la maison

Gautier Pascal France 2000 * GG Interesting. mimicking human gestures
Goldberg Ken USA 1990 * G . Telegarden. Not properly on stage
Gommel Matthias Germany 2000 ** G . Robotlab Portraits drawn by a robot
Grant Ian United-Kingdom 2010 * G Digital Puppettry, in Adams

Hershman Lynnn USA 1990 * G . Telerobotic doll. Mor social aspects
Jacquet-Droz Switzerland 1700 **** G
Jansen Theo Netherlands 2000 * G Strandbeast. Non human robots.
Kismet USA 2000 * GG
Klein Yves-Amu France 1990 ** G . Autonommous
Moura Leonel Portugal 2000 * GGGG XXXX Robotic A Painter, and other works
Myers Rob United-Kingdom 2000 *** GGG artists robots. Not on stage
Orellana Fernando USA 2000 ** GG A painter robot. Not properly on stage.
Raaf Sabrina USA 2000 * G Robot draws lines
Sautour Stéphane France 2000 * GG Fight between Aibo dogs
Seawright James USA 1970 ** GG MIrrors (Capture...)
Simon Francis Tunisia 2000 * GG more painter robots
Slepian John USA 2000 ** G
Tekno-mind France 1980 ** G
Vaucanson France 1700 ***** G
Watanabe Takao Japan 2010 * G Coconatch. See my Siggraph Asia report
Zappe Jan Germany 2000 * G Robotlab

= 283. Les robots de la tendresse. LM 23/7/86
836. Mendiant, égoïste et sarcastique: Max, le robot philosophie. OI 4/79. jeu. avec la doc et les photos. Plus les notes sur Max II. (

6091. Pourquoi les Japonais acceptent mieux les robots humanoïdes. Le Monde 24/12/2003

6443. Päs de trios inédit pour robots et acrobates. Aurélien Bory présente sa nouvelle pièce « Sans objet » au théâtre des Abesses, à Paris. LM 2/3/2010
6903. La robotique dans le monde du spectacle. Planète robots no 9 (vers avril 2011)
6912. Karotz. Planète robots no 9
6989. Coconatch, le robot japonais des réseaus sociaux. Planète robots 1-2/2012

7025. The social life of robots. CACM 2/2012

Le robot artiste. Il y a eu un essai une année au Siggraph (Orlando, je crois).
Un robot est-il digital
Pas d'aspect artistique dans Moi Robot, je crois
Robot musicien, accompagnateuir

comparer avec la dissociation médiévale de l'antique par Panofsky

Robot Arm Punches Human to Obey Asimov's Rules New Scientist (10/13/10) Paul Marks University of Ljubljana researcher Borut Povse is conducting experiments in which a robot limb repeatedly hits human volunteers on the arm to evaluate human-robot pain thresholds in order to facilitate adherence to Isaac Asimov's first law of robotics, which prohibits robots from injuring people. Povse says accidental collisions between robots and humans are unavoidable, and the experiments are "taking the first steps to defining the limits of the speed and acceleration of robots, and the ideal size and shape of the tools they use, so they can safely interact with humans." The tests will continue using an artificial human arm for the purpose of modeling the physical impact of far more severe collisions. The objective is to limit the speed a robot should move at when it detects humans in close proximity to avoid harming them. Baylor College of Medicine biomechanics specialist Michael Liebschner questions the use of pain as a measure of outcome. "Pain is very subjective," he notes. "Nobody cares if you have a stinging pain when a robot hits you--what you want to prevent is injury, because that's when litigation starts."

l'ambiguité du terme:
- l'humain robotisé (Capek)
- le robot "mécanique" (cas général, Asimov en particulier