See/Listen at Saint Merri (Paris)
Ecouter/voir. The program. At right an image from France Musique
Notes by Yves de Ponsay :
I have know Serge de Laubier for long (*). He is somehow the head of Puce Muse. "His work is important, even if I prefer strongly his music instruments research rather than his graphics. He knows how to surround oneself in order to evolve along the right way, and specifically to rethink the relations between sound, image and gesture. As writes Anne Cauquelin : "The Internet addict, who spends his life on the net and knows fo the last trendy site generally does not likes technology. They stick to traditional values, and say that technological art is not art. Nevertheless, technology artists exist indeed. Ant the users of new technlogies are ready to say that a landscape is nature, but that art is something else".
Mathieu Constant is a great programmer. Francis Faber a veteran who knows a lot. Parmegiani and Bayle are outstanding acousmatic musicians. As for Norman Mc Laren, for him "Eyes hear, ears see" and he is a reference in the domain.
(*) In 1980-1982, we both took part in a UPIC session in Forum des Halles (center of Paris), "Le visuel pour construire la musique". I had printed an very large (nearly 10 meters long) paper strip, showing the musical form of the scores we had created toether. With a powerful overhead projector, we were showing the part being played at this moment, mixed in live and diffused in the hall througn a dozen loudspeakers (surround). We were supposed to be laymen in music. It was true for me, but in fact at least two of us were professionals participating incognito: Serge de Laubier and Henri Dutilleux (present under a pseudonum).

Paris ACM Siggraph, the French chapter of ACM Siggraph, worldwide non-profit organization of computer graphics.