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Art in the Digital Age

About the last issue or ArtPress2.
Globally, they don't see the general merge and spread (Jenkins).
And the progress of generative.

ambituité : monde numérique et art dedans, (le titre) et art numérique
Would have called an avant-propos: which digital technologies are impactint (computing, networkin, storint, capture...
Still the negative image of machines. Bejnamin, Agambm. Far from Malraux, Haraway, Hollywood
Very disappointing, but may help to understn the digital divide.
Ehthusiasm of Benayoun, Chevalier, Schmitt etc.

84. Speculation about radical absence
92. strange forumlas
If I compare with Berger:Lioeret or Aziosmanoff. There, a practical approach. Not properly critic (good/bs), but descriptions and prescriptions.
The issue is mainly theoretical, with some examples (diccan tends to integral census)
No evaluation of the works
Does not describe the creation process
Borders are dissolved. And so what ?

3 lucky aspects of the digital spring
1. art/digital reducing
2. transmedia importance
3. specificity of digital is maintaineed, but deeper, coding, etc. Or more exactly, in medias res (my 4th level) .

The issue
Centered on plastic arts. Very different in music.
Plastic art present void, since Duchamp.

In ArtPress, most of the articles combine abstraction and despair. We would say that they project on digital art the philisophical vacuum of contemporary art (even if it blossoms in grand shows all over the world and finds collectors ready to pay high prices). Catherine Millet writes indeed on end of her editorial page : "Clearly, we have outgt" own our fascination with the digital tool (the gadgetry), and this has transformed practices so deeply that it now offers us the chance for what is a much-needed renewal of theoretical thought".

We shall come back on the contents of this dense issue, would it be only to understand better why and how far we don't feel in phase. But at least one of its contributors opens happy and creative perspectives : Annick Bureaud (besides managing Leonoardo/Olats) with her richly illustrated "The resurgence of the real : weaving, crochet and embroidey in anthropocene art". Are'nt women the future of digital art. You bet ?

< Eduardo Kac. Ecrire avec le vivant. An article of 5 pages gy Annick Bureaud. Art Press march 2007

"We have entered the phase "after" fascination. Here we no longer distinguish between what is entirely digital and what is only patially so, or not at al, or not yet (Moulon, p. 26).

Not digital art.
Is it a digital age. Say what it is

Millet :

still the tool. New theoretical thought... which one.

biblio :
Hillaire :

<Agambem 2007 .
- Produire des copies
- coefficient du numéricité
- le numérique comme paradigme
Hilaire: Not so digital, or derisive;

- artists must inegrate these techniques
- relational
< no
Moulon. diversion of
Rozin : bould not be mirrors?
Bands of Levêque. seen sme monthes ago.

Bureaud :
- research to look for contect points and transveral thematics
- come back of the object
Bureaud : posiive

< Peter Ginter, 2011
- a lot of links

- self production . old reference to the Immatériaux
- reference to Schwitters Wikipedia, calling for a book by Deotte
Déotte. complicated. Immersion...

A lot of biblio
< Rouillé
< most ancient Lyotard,


Fourmentraux. Diffusion. Transmédia ? Does not quote transmedia...

- The title does not go along with the content. Here at last we would expect Jenkins
- Nothing about digital
- Connect with science

< A lot of websites

Begin .

Mobilogenic disasters
Bégin. mobilogénie... disaster ?

- proliferation of mobile phones . Art ?

< nothin


. on media and Internet. Medias and information, not Art
Lageira. Censure Tactical art...


Misleading title Though, finally good;
Waelder. digital divide . Habitus, a complex work

: pas mal , mais intello (habitus). Dissociaton of the two worlds (contemporary art Vs. new media).
better ; Slick, etc. . Change of identity, OK...

Very global. Young creators, distribution, hence responsibility..
Coellier crafts . the fablabs
More about design

: Bolter, Appeloig


Long, ambitious, metaphysical
Chatonsli . Autophagic macgines A paradox.

< A lot of refrences, but mainly philoOld . Nihilist

Groys. reproducions ? illustrated by Opalka

< : Benjamin


There are some major works.

quotes : Latour. Duguet

Grenn Restany, De May

Soret. Stiegler

Menicacci. Lévy.

Enthialgo. nothing

Rancière by nobody Stiegler by Soret
Lévy, Jenkins

Manigiler. Praradox. Non ditital examples


Then the series with Enghien. And the conmplicated conclusion.