Art, absent from forecasts!
Two books of importance have been recently published about the present evolutions of the world, in relation with technologies.
In The Future, Six Drivers of Global Change, Al Gore develops on 558 pages, with small font: Earthing, the Global Mind, Power in the Balance, Outgrowth, the Reinvention of Life and Death, the Edge. (Random House, 2013).
In The New Digital Age, Reshaping the Future of People, Nation and Business two Google executives, Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen, give 315 pages to the future of Self, Identity, States, Revolution Terrorism, Conflict and Reconstruction. (Murray, 2013).
They have a point in common: Art, digital or not, takes no part in their analyses. Of course, it is traditionally considered very difficult, and even radically impossible, to foretell anything about art, creative and uncertain by nature. But the role of art in strongly digitized and mediated societies has an influence that could certainly be analyzed, would it be under grassroot's market considerations.
By contrast, the French public authorities have commissioned two in depth reviews on Art, not specially digital, but taking seriously the effects of the digital techniques.
L'amateur dans le domaine des arts plastiques, nouvelles pratiques à l'heure du web 2.0 (march 2012) analyses the French "Action culturelle" action and the amateur production importance, concluding with a philosophical motto : "Culture amateurs, amateur culture, an aesthetic of contribution", well in line with the recent Spreadable Media by Jenkins, Ford and Green (New York University Press 2013). Free download.
1er panorama des industries culturelles et créatives. Au coeur du rayonnement et de la compétitivé de la France, by a team in Ernst & and Young led by Marc Lhermitte, ordered by the Ministry of Culture and sponsored by the Président de la République in person.It opens on two impressive figures: a business of 74.6 billion euros and a labour force of 1.2 million persons. Six sectors are reviewed: plastic and graphic arts, music, live performance, cinema, television, radio, books, press and magazines. Free download.
Just one point to remain modest: Cultural and creation industres make 2.8 % of French GNP... but 6.4 % out of the USA GNP!
P.B. Nov 13, 2013.

Paris ACM Siggraph, the French chapter of ACM Siggraph, worldwide non-profit organization of computer graphics.

Les Algoristes, an association of artists using their own algorithms in their work.