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Gravity and Snowpiercer

Beautiful images and effects. A global negative view of machines.

Two feature films are shown this fall in Paris, Gravity and Snowpiercer. They have a lot in common:
- Digital techniques and special effets are of ample use, but a major part is let to human actors.
- Technology, present or future, gives the main environment (manned satellites and a futuristic train). In both cases they end in destruction
- The scenarios are strongly linear, in spite of suspense and unexpected events all along.
- Both films end with a woman escaped from machines destruction and landing in deserted areas, but with hope for a new life.
- Even a non-cinema-fan will take pleasure in gorgious images.

3D with glasses is of prime importance for Gravity, where the universe of stars and long range views of Earth go along wih the three-dimensionality natural when gravity does not dictate the basic 3D structure of ground and verticals. With Avatar, we find that it's the second best proof that 3D can be more than a gimmick to get back audiences in cinema halls.

P.B. 11/1/2013





Paris ACM Siggraph, the French chapter of ACM Siggraph, worldwide non-profit organization of computer graphics.




Les Algoristes, an association of artists using their own algorithms in their work.





Galerie Charlot An important supporter of digital art.