History and Future of Artistic Creation on the Internet
Passé et Futur de la Création Artistique sur Internet
Participants : WJ-SPOTS CONFERENCES BRUSSELS /// iMAL Saturday December 3rd 2011 samedi 3 décembre 2011 15H-18H // 20H-23H
WJ-SPOTS CONFERENCES BRUSSELS /// iMAL Saturday December 3rd 2011 samedi 3 décembre 2011 15H-18H // 20H-23H node/615History and future of artistic creation on the Internet
Participants :
Alessandro Ludovico (IT), journalist & critic, http://www.neural.it
Constant Dullaart (NL), artist, http://constantdullaart.com
Domenico Quaranta (IT), art critic & curator, http://domenicoquaranta.com
Florian Cramer (NL), critic & researcher, http://cramer.pleintekst.nl
Gordan Savičić (AT/NL), artist, http://suicidemachine.org/
Heath Bunting (UK), artist, http://www.irational.org/heath/
Jodi (BE/NL), artists, http://www.jodi.org
Josephine Bosma (NL), journalist & critic, http://www.josephinebosma.com/web
Julian Oliver (NZ/DE) artist, http://julianoliver.com
Michael Bauwens (BE), theorist, http://p2pfoundation.net
Miltos Manetas (GR), artist, http://manetas.com
Nicolas Malevé (BE), artist, programmer & curator, http://www.constantvzw.org
Olia Lialina (RU/DE), artist, http://art.teleportacia.org
Paolo Cirio (IT), artist, http://www.paolocirio.net/work.php
Raphaël Bastide & Yannick Antoine, artists (FR/BE), http://raphaelbastide.com/, http://yhnck.com
Rafael Rozendaal (NL) artist, http://www.newrafael.com/
Régine Debatty (BE), journalist & critic, http://www.we-make-money-not-art.com
Sakrowski (DE), artist & curator, http://curatingyoutube.net/
An immersive performance of live websurfing and speeches
More than 15 years after the beginnings of net art, the Internet has become the most ubiquitous participative global media of the 21st century; a huge territory between normalisation, commerce, hope and utopia. Is the Internet a disenchanted space for artists and creative people or is there a future for online arts and critical creative actions? If so, what are their possible forms and directions?
This is what WJ-Spots Brussels proposes to investigate by gathering an international panel of some of the most influential net artists, theorists, online activists and digital cultures thinkers who will share their views on the past and future of artistic creation on the Internet.
The format of this event will be far away from a usual conference : during the speeches, webjays using the WJ-Spots platform will be surfing live through a list of representative websites selected by the speaker. A multi-screen system is used to display those pages around the audience.
The proceedings of the WJ-Spots Brussels event will be published in early 2012 as a special edition of the MCD magazine (http://www.digitalmcd.com), and as video documents made available on the Digitalarti (http://www.digitalarti.com) and iMAL (http://www.imal.org) websites.
Curators : Anne Roquigny & Yves Bernard
Webjaying : Isabelle Arvers (www.isabellearvers.com) & Anne Laforet (http://sakasama.net)
Production : Marie-Laure Delaby
Assistante : Laura Mihai
Programmeur : James Hudson
Technique/web : Yannick Antoine
WJ-Spots concept : Anne Roquigny
Partners : Communauté Francaise de Belgique, Région de Bruxelles capitale
Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie, Institut Français.
iMAL : 30 Quai des Charbonnages Koolmijnenkaai 30 -1080 Bruxelles/ Brussel 1080
Live streaming : http://www.ustream.tv/channel/imal_live
Registration : http://www.imal.org/en/activity/wj-spots-brussels
More infos : http://www.imal.org/fr/node/61