Siggraph 2013.
The French papers, films and experiences selected.
A special presentation is organized in Paris by the Paris ACM Siggraph Chapter See the chapters page for annoucement and inscription (required).
French language will be used, but for the four papers from Inria/Reves Laboratory.
Emerging technologies :
Agathe, Virtual reality for cognitive therapy. by Evelyne Klinger (Arts et Métiers ParisTech, Laval), Pierre-Alain Joseph (EA4136, Bordeaux), Jean-Luc Le Guiet (Kerpape, Ploemeur), Philippe Fuchs (Armines, Paris), Nicolas du Lac (Intempora, Issy les Moulineaux), Fabrice Servant (Dassault Systèmes, Vélizy-Villacoublay). Siggraph Laval Virtual Award 2013.
Art paper :
Early History of French Computer Graphics, A tentative mapping of research and creation on computer graphics in France at their moment of emergence (1970-1990), by Cécile Welker (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris and EnsadLab, École Nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs de Paris).
Technical papers :
5D Covariance Tracing for Efficient Depth of Field and Motion Blur.Covariance tracing is a generic solution to analyze the frequency content of the temporal local light field along light paths. In this method, this information is used to determine sampling rates and reconstruction filters for efficient image reconstruction of costly effects such as defocus and motion blur. by Laurent Belcour (Grenoble Université), Cyril Soler (INRIA Rhône-Alpes), Kartic Subr (University College London), Nicolas Holzschuch (Inria Rhône-Alpes), Frédo Durand (Massachusetts Institute of Technology CSAIL).
Gloss Perception in Painterly and Cartoon Rendering. This first study of material perception in stylized images (specifically painting and cartoon) uses non-photorealistic rendering algorithms to evaluate how such stylization alters the perception of gloss. The study estimates the function that maps realistic gloss parameters to their perception in a stylized rendering. by Adrien Bousseau (Inria), James P. O'Shea (University of California, Berkeley), Frédo Durand (Massachusetts Institute of Technology CSAIL), Ravi Ramamoorthi (University of California, Berkeley), Maneesh Agrawala (University of California, Berkeley).
Perception of Perspective Distortions in Image-Based Rendering Street-level image-based rendering maps photographs of façades onto simple geometry, but viewing from an incorrect viewpoint can lead to misperceived geometry. This paper describes rigorous experiments that test competing hypotheses from vision science, develops a predictive model of perceived distortion, and provides guidelines for applications., by Peter Vangorp (Reves/Inria, Sophia-Antipolis, University of Giessen, Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik), Christian Richardt (Reves/Inria Sophia-Antipolis), Emily Cooper (University of California, Berkeley), Gaurav Chaurasia (Reves/InriaSophia Antipolis) Martin Banks (University of California, Berkeley), George Drettakis (Reves/Inria Sophia-Antipolis)
Depth Synthesis and Local Warps for Plausible Image-Based Navigation. This method of image-based rendering for urban scenes uses shape-preserving superpixel warps to complement 3D reconstruction by filling "plausible" depth in poorly reconstructed regions. The superpixel representation provides correct occlusions, and the shape-preserving warp alleviates rendering artifacts. The paper demonstrates pleasing free-viewpoint navigation on challenging scenes. by Gaurav Chaurasia (Inria Sophia Antipolis), Sylvain Duchene (Inria Sophia Antipolis, Olga Sorkine-Hornung - ETH Zürich), George Drettakis (Reves/Inria Sophia Antipolis),
Depicting Stylized Materials With Vector Shade Trees These vector shade trees bring to vector graphics the flexibility of modular shading. The paper proposes a set of basic shade nodes designed to respect traditional artistic guidelines on material depiction. The nodes encapsulate creation and blending of vector primitives that vector artists routinely use. by Jorge Lopez-Moreno (Reves/Inria Sophia Antipolis), Stefan Popov (Reves/Inria Sophia-Antipolis), Adrien Bousseau (Reves/Inria Sophia-Antipolis), Maneesh Agrawala (University of California, Berkeley), George Drettakis (Reves/InriaSophia-Antipolis).
Poster :
Raycasting Based auto-rigging method for Humanoid Meshes This work is a new autorigging technique for humanoid meshes that uses raycasts for shape recognition and bones placement, we hope that it will allow artist to work faster during the mesh creation process. by Romain Lopez and Christophe Poirel (ESGI, Paris).
Click & Draw Selection A semi-automatic surface selection tool based on an intuitive interaction metaphor and featuring an automatic similar selections expansion Emilie Guy, Jean-Marc Thiery, Tamy Boubekeur - Telecom ParisTech, Paris
Computer animation festival :
The basic selection list :
Martin Koscielniak,
Lisaa, House Pickles
VFX, Perfect Shadow
Gobelins In-Between, One Day, Trouble on the green, Sweetpot Rhapsody,The Ballet
Cut and Cook Infime
Lapuyade, ArtFX Reverso
Autour de Minuit A la Française, Azul, Bet She'an, Contre Temps, Oru Burus, Trois petits chats
Boua Autour de Minuit Una Furtiva Lagrima
Unit Image
de Grailly
Machine Molle Fortune Elephant Dream
The films presented in Paris on june 8 :
In Between A young woman is followed by a crocodile which represents her timidity. As it spoils her life, she tries to get rid of it by all means.
by Alice Bissonnet, Aloyse Desoubries Binet, Sandrine Hanji Kuang, Juliette Laurent, Sophie Markatatos (Gobelins l'école de l'image).
Azúl. A small group of cruise partygoers passengers find themselves cut from the world on a tropical island. By necessity penetrating the island heart, they will show us its mystery. y Sébastien Iglesias, Rémy Busson, Aurélien Duhayon, Paùl Monge, Maxence Martin, Francis Canitrot ( Supinfocom Arles).
Contre Temps bIn a town that has been drowned for many years, a man, obsessed by time, waits for the unique moment where, each year, waters ebb. by Camille Perrin, Thibaud Clergue, Tristan Ménard, Jérémy Boutelet, Lucas Véber, Gaël Megherbi (Supinfocom Arles).
A la française . An afternoon in Versailles, in the time of Louis XIV. by Julien Hazbroucq, Ren Hsien Hsu, Emmanuelle Leleu, William Lorton, Morrigane Boyer - (Supinfocom Arles).
House pickles A worker hunts for one of his fingers, lost in a gherkins pot. by Melvin Limoge, Aline Hananel, Julien Ferreira, Hadrien Sirot, Zhen Li (Lisaa, Paris).

Paris ACM Siggraph, the French chapter of ACM Siggraph, worldwide non-profit organization of computer graphics.

Les Algoristes, an association of artists using their own algorithms in their work.