Yan Minh at Nanterre University
Notes on the fly.
He lectured for an anthropology laboratory at Nanterre (near Paris) University. With all his apparatus of moving ears, dildos, Oculus Rift goggles, ...Modern Polaiss, le plus excessif
He refers to Cyberpunk (1983) (as a musician). Since the origins, divert objects.
A noonaut.
Art is the manking information processing highest level.
We are generated by the Noosphere (Teilhard ee Chardin).
The artist role: go where others do'nt go.
Divine illumination, mysctics. God speakt to me. Pals also.
4 elements in ectasis: light, out-of-time, a message, you are loved.
Two world perceptions.
Narcissic narcosis. It stops after a time.
Longer nacrosis, with a weapon, a hammer.
Golset Dolset Sexual Gynobraphy.
He lecturesfor an anthropology laboratory at Nanterre (near Paris) University. With all his apparatus of moving ears, dildos, Oculus Rift goggles, ...Modern Polaiss, le plus excessif.
He refers to Cyberpunk (1983) (as a musician). Since the origins, divert objects.

A noonaut.
Art is the manking information processing highest level.
We are generated by the Noosphere (Teilhard ee Chardin).
The artist role: go where others do'nt go.
Divine illumination, mysctics. God speakt to me. Pals also.
4 elements in ectasis: light, out-of-time, a message, you are loved.
Two world perceptions.
Narcissic narcosis. It stops after a time.
Longer nacrosis, with a weapon, a hammer.
Golset Dolset Sexual Gynobraphy.