Immersive Expression
Virtual Reality on the Web
17 March, 2017: ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community organizes online exhibition on Immersive Expressions: Virtual Reality on the Web. A fantastic way to share your work in its interactive glory with the wider community. Guest curated by Derick Ostrenko and the DAC Committee!
The ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community is seeking projects for an online exhibition exploring the web browser as a medium for creative works of virtual reality. The exhibition, called "Immersive Expressions: Virtual Reality on the Web" will open in May 2017. Submissions to the show will be accepted until March 7, 2017, with notifications for accepted works going out three weeks after the deadline.
Immersive Expressions will showcase web-based content that pushes conceptual or technological boundaries. The exhibition's focus is online VR because of the availability of browser-based virtual reality frameworks and applications, which makes WebVR an accessible medium for experimentation and use by independent agents. The exhibition committee hopes to engage indie developers, artists, computer scientists and companies working at the forefront of web-based VR, both through their direct participation and by inviting them to experience the works in the final exhibition.
The Digital Arts Community also encourages VR experiences and interactions that might not fit inside a typical commercial package. This includes works that are more abstract and conceptual, or those created by independent developers with a unique approach to virtual reality. Criteria for inclusion will involve technological innovation, creativity, design, and concept. Submissions could potentially include interactive experiments, games, animation, 360-degree video experiences or a hybrid approach. The call for work welcomes artistic interpretation and collaborations working from any discipline or intersection of art, science, design, and technology.
See more at: http://www.siggraph.org/discover/news/call-submissions-immersive-expressions-virtual-reality-web#sthash.JcNokfX7.dpuf

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