Margolis at Charlot's, 2016-17

Another vision of King-Kong... (and capitalism ?) .
Mikhail Margolis has third solo show.
The artist will show a series of new works. His last production tries to explore contemporary social issues like egocentrism, fake and loneliness via various forms and medias: interactive and virtual reality installations, multimedia pieces, and a series of still-life made with coloured tapes.
Technically, like Eric Vernhes, another important stallion of the Charlot stable, is quite a touche-à-tout (with a strong dominant of very small screens). This time, he combines innovative concepts with richer combination of screens, for instance with City Sight (2016). Or with KingKong 2016 (2016) sceens showing the monster in a New-York skysraper, one in a physical model, the other on seen through a mockyp spyglass.
By the way, he adds quite traditional "paintings" made, in a somehow childish way, of small brightly colored pieces of shining paper (could we call that "scotch painting"... :-)).

Glory (2016) : With VR goggles, feel at leat recognized as you deserve it!
Two works explore new technical tracks.
Glory (2016) uses VR goggles to be ovationed by an immense crowd. Another one lets you enter in an old fashioned phone to become a speaker among many listed in a hand-filled directory.
The whole oeuvre this artist, using mainly sculpture and video,
onceptually, the whole oeuvre of this artist, as far as we remember it (notably Memo (2011)), stems around inter-human communication and its uncanny channels.
Exhibition from December 13 to January 18, 2017.
Galerie Charlot in diccan. See also Margolis in diccan.

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